The Heart of the Storm -- (dom male seeking dark canon play)

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As Day Fades

Feb 7, 2009
A little about myself...
I am a male in my twenties and have a good number of years of creative writing/roleplaying under my belt. I tend to play the dominant role, and tend to play my dominants as extremely so, rather than the limp-wristed sissies that seem to have become the accepted norm. I am not really looking for, but am open to playing a sub to your dom, which I will go into detail about further on in this post. There are a wide selection of fandoms I would like to play in, preferring either a M/F or F/F pairing(multi-character playing is also a plus). Original characters/settings are something I'm iffy about, not really looking for, and will also go into more detail about further in this post. I do multi-paragraph writing, generally around 3-5 paragraphs and would like a female player who will do no less than 3.

What I want in a partner...
* Someone who is a talented writer with an imagination, willing to try and contribute to the plot. If I wanted this to be 100% my ideas, frankly, I'd just go write a fanfic.
* Someone who can multi-para without issue, and whose grammar, spelling and sentence structure aren't so bad that it's hard to retain interest. I won't jump on you for simple things, but if you don't know the difference between their, there and they're, you and I would probably not last.
* Someone who won't flake. If the current scene/pairing/fandom/whatever isn't working for you, dude, I won't be offended. Just let me know and we can brainstorm up something else that's more to our mutual liking.

What I want in a roleplay...
* I'm in the mood for something smut-heavy with a plot to begin it and then to hold it together. But mostly that naughty fun type of writing most of us are here for.
* I enjoy darker themes very much. The more tender, fluffy types of situations are nice every now and again, but I'm hoping for something much more taboo and exciting. You wouldn't need to be into all of these things, or nearly even half of them. But if we're going to enjoy playing together I'd like to incorporate a number of them into whatever we play... Bestiality(including Monsters), Incest, Humiliation, Violence, Rape, (Forced) Prostitution, Drug Use, Mutilation, Kidnapping, Blackmail, Vore, Bloodplay, Impregnation, etcetera... The sky isn't the limit -- our imaginations are.

Who I'd like you to play...
Who I'd like to play...

(Note: This list is not set in stone. If you're interested in playing someone not listed, or having me play someone not listed, or in a fandom not listed, feel free to ask!)

Maria, Succubus, others...
Count Dracula, various monsters...

Rogue, Amazon, Sorceress, Assassin...
Diablo, various monsters...

(Request filled! Thank you!)
Disney/Fairy Tales
Belle, Ariel, etc... Any -- suggest!
Any -- suggest!
(Request filled! Thank you!)

Dragon Quest VIII

Dynasty Warriors
Sun Shang Xiang, Zhen Ji, Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao...
Gan Ning, Cao Pi, Cao Cao, others...

Final Fantasy Tactics
Agrias, Teta, Alma...
Delita, Ramza...

Final Fantasy VI
Celes, Relm, Terra...
Kefka, Setzer, Locke, Edgar, others...

Final Fantasy VII
Tifa, Aeris, Yuffie...
Reno, Red XIII, Cid, Barret...

Final Fantasy VIII
Selphie, Quistis, Rinoa, Edea...

Final Fantasy X
Rikku, Yuna, Lulu...

Final Fantasy XII
Penelo, Ashe, Fran...
Dr.Cid, Vayne, Ba'Gamnan, Balthier...

Fullmetal Alchemist
Izumi, Winry, Riza...
Ed, Al, Mustang...

(Request filled! Thank you!)
Harry Potter
Hermoine, Ginny, Luna...
Harry, Draco...
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(Request filled! Thank you!)
(Request filled! Thank you!)


Metal Gear Solid
Liquid Snake, Revolver Ocelot...

(Request filled! Thank you!)
Sakura, Ino, Karin, any...
Shikamaru, Jiraiya, Naruto, any...
(Request filled! Thank you!)

Resident Evil
Claire, Ashley, Sherry...
Leon, various monsters, any...

Lina, Amelia...
Various monsters/bandits...

(Request filled! Thank you!)
Star Wars
Princess Leia...
Jabba the Hutt, Luke, various monsters/creatures...
(Request filled! Thank you!)

Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, any...


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(Request filled! Thank you!)

The Legend of Zelda
Malon, Zelda, Saria...

If you see multiple things that interest you then let me know and we can narrow them down together! Most of them I don't have an idea for right this moment, but ideas come easily to me, and I can whip up a storyline suggestion in no time. I'd still like your two cents, however! You don't have to message me with a plot in mind, only a fandom and who you'd like to play, though an idea or two to get the ball rolling/break the ice doesn't hurt. And as mentioned above, if there's a character you'd like to play that isn't listed, or a character you'd like to play opposite, or a fandom not listed, or anything else, feel free to ask!

As far as original characters/settings go... I'm going to be very iffy on these, for a number of reasons. First is that it's not really what I'm looking for at the moment. Second is that they tend to not be nearly as well thought out as the preexisting canon characters, and as a result of being more 2D it's not as interesting for me as a dom to seize control. Third is that they just too often come from the same mold. But if you have an interesting character or an interesting pairing/setting you'd like to play, and have suggestions for the plot, I'll hear you out and give it some fair thought.

As far as you playing a dominant and I your submissive goes... Like original characters/settings, I'm open to the idea, but you'll have to sell me on it. Or, more specifically, you'll have to show me that you're a good writer with some interesting imagination. I don't mean to scare anyone off of the idea, but I consider myself a very good dom, and so I have a high hope for someone else who would want to take the role. And as with original characters/settings, please only express an interest in this if you have a plot to go with it.

I think that about covers it. I'm looking forward to seeing who would be interested in playing with me!
Any thoughts on who you'd like to play from X-Men? And play opposite? You've gotta give me a liiittle more to go off of. ;P
Rouge, Jean, Kitty, Storm, Jublee and Emma Frost.

I have a thing for Gambit, Wolverine or Night Crawler.
I absolutely love Hermione/Draco pairings if you're interested. I usually write 2-3 paragraphs a post. I do hope that's good enough for you. That said, the more I have to go off the more inspired I become so I may end up writing more I guess.
Thank you for your interest to all those who replied! I'll give your requests some thought and send you a pm with what I come up with.

To anyone else looking at this, I am still open for requests. =)
I've had a lot of people interested in a few specific fandoms, sooo... I edited my post, and there are six that I have an overabundance of requests for. Thank you for your overwhelming interest, but I think I'm going to have to narrow it down a little just so I don't end up playing the same thing over and over. lol

And for anyone reading this, if you see any of the many others that you may be interested in please let me know! =)
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