Modern Day Greek Mythology Epic NSFW

Mar 7, 2015
I’ll try to get to the point, make this short and sweet… like me! My name is Allison, please call me Allie! I try my best to at least say hi to anyone who messages me; be excellent to everyone! LOL Sorry, little Bill and Ted reference for you. I’m a nerd like that. I have to admit, right now I am looking to write a long-term story with a very creative mind. This will be world building, so you need to be ready for the long haul. As for the story, I’ll save you some time before I get into the details just in case this is not your cup of tea. I have been watching a lot of non-DC and Marvel heroine shows, Jupiter’s Legacy, Invincible and The Boys. Combine those ideas with Greek Mythology and you will have an idea of where I want to go with this, but the beginning will be very mythology based rather than heroic based. The heroic side is more of a long-term goal. Stop now if you aren’t into those type of shows, comics, movies, and themes. For those of you who like the idea, I will continue now.

Once upon a time, the world was ruled by mythological figures with great powers and abilities. To the ancient world, they were known as gods and goddesses. They took control of The Three Kingdoms of the Universe from the Titans. The three brothers of the Titan King, Kronos, each took the throne of these mythical kingdoms. Zeus ruled the heavenly city of Olympus, Poseidon the underwater kingdom of Atlantis and Hades the world of the dead, Tartarus. Men worshipped these beings and blessed their children throughout the centuries as they appeared.

Gaea, the mother of the fallen Titan King Kronos, was furious at the treatment of her son when he was locked away in depths of The Underworld. When the monstrous Typhon failed to destroy the Olympians, she resorted to a witch’s spell upon her death. This spell made the gods and goddesses partial mortal. Every thousand years, they would be forced to pass their powers on to new hosts and vessels as their bodies withered and died of old age. The closer they get to this thousand-year mark, the weaker they grow. If their essence, which is the key to their powers, was not past on; it would be lost in time. This meant the sons of Zeus, Hades and Poseidon could one day rise up and take what belonged to their fathers just as they had done to theirs.

As the end of a generation draws to an end, the offspring of Zeus and Hades make their move to try and take the thrones of their parent. Taking a Fate hostage, they learn the identities of the next generation of Olympians and plot to attack them. With the rightful heir to their powers gone, the royalty of Olympus and Tartarus will either fade or be forced to find weaker vessels who could not withstand the power and force of the other rightful heirs.

I can do these one of two ways, with me playing as mortal girls who are meant to take the powers of the Greek Olympians or me playing as female Greek Goddesses trying to pass their powers on to the next generation of men. I would prefer to be the mortal girls taking the powers from the male Olympians. I can act as a GM to the story either way, but a partner who enjoys playing multiple characters, does not mind bouncing from one story to the next or just writing individual stories inside a larger universe, is what I am looking for.

This will serve as my origin tale for people becoming guardians throughout the world, or superheroines more specifically. I do not want to rush into this, because I have a bunch of ideas for the story but also want input from my partner as well. This needs to be a two-person story, of course! I also am willing to write the ladies three different ages: high school, college or milf. You can pick what age best suits you best. Also, their essence can only be passed through consensual sex or “love making”.

I am not going to make a long list of kinks, but mostly just touch on the major points. I enjoy about all type of sexual scenes, whether they be consensual, dubious conceit or no conceit. Risk of pregnancy and pregnancy are also kinks, I enjoy. Drugs, aphrodisiacs, and other such things are options we can use. My limits are harem building, sorry but these are no fun to write. Scat and watersports are just gross. Not looking for graphic gore, but injuries and things are a part of this along the way. Also, so body specific kink.

If these interests you and this story sounds like fun, please send me a message! I will use real face claims for pictures and enjoy using pictures throughout the roleplay.
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