Don't Worry, I Hear Shirtlessness Is In This Year [How to Play With Sekah]


Jul 25, 2021
Your mom's house.

Name's Sekah (people call me Sekah in RL too)! I'm a graduate student and a cis-gender girl. I love stories, that's all I have to say about that. I wanted to be an author originally, but realized being a penniless writer was not going to be a lucrative stage of my life, and anyway I'm a long way from ever considering myself good enough to submit to a publisher. I'm disabled, I'm bisexual, and it's actually surprising that I'm telling you all this, because for a long time I wasn't upfront about those parts of my identity. I'm a nerd. I need to get shoved in a locker.

I have never finished a video game, interesting fact about me. I own a lot of gaming devices and have never so much as completed a pokemon. There are games I've played since I was seven I haven't ever finished. Oh yeah and I'm new-ish to roleplaying, a few years since my first-ever roleplay. It's so crazy. You're all crazy.


In a Writer

—Friendliness is key! It's a lot easier to write with someone kind. It's true for you, why wouldn't it be true for me?
Gender does not matter to me, and as long as you're above 18, neither does age.
—The first step to any roleplay is to have fun—so let's have some!
—I'm not exclusive with who I agree to write with. You don't have to be Dostoevsky or Nabokov to write with me!
—That said, if you're a writer who becomes fixated on or excessively jealous of other writers, or feels possessive of your partners, I'd prefer not to write with you. If I see that behavior, I will drop your thread without notice.

In a Roleplay

—I ONLY DO forum roleplays. End of story. I'm sorry, I just have trouble writing on ims, etc.
—Mutual plotting is important. I don't want to come up with all of the ideas. I also don't want you to come up with them, either! Let's build a world together.
—Flexible posting schedules. I tend to post a lot for a while and then post less for a time.
—Rich world-building is my jam, it really is.

Are there any themes, character types, or settings I am especially excited about reading or writing?: Oh my God, I can't even tell you. I LOVE history, the more obscure the better. Please, partner, write me something historical. I'm a huge history buff. Some of my favorite cultures include the Byzantine Empire, the Seljuk Sultanate, Ancient Persia, Qing Dynasty China, the Wagadou Empire, Renaissance or Medieval Europe, the Mexica Empire (Aztecs), the Iroquois Confederacy, the Islamic Empire, but really, I love history so much I will probably be fine no matter where you set it, so long as it's not modern. For character tropes, I would absolutely love to have one character, at least one, who's a big guy, with some kind of honor, but not complete or faultless. If he's a fighter-for-hire or a mercenary, I'll be especially pleased. Other character types I like include the classic Robin Hood trickster-with-morals, particularly if they're running away from a dark past, and at least one despotic lord/sultan/shogun/godking/guy in power.


Thank you for asking, everything. Absolutely everything. You name it, I've written it.
Genders I'll write against: most everything fantastical and real, but I will not write my character as a woman paired with a cis man character. My nonbinary and male characters will write with a man happily. I will write my ladies with literally every other gender, including trans men. But I won't write a cis F/M story as the F. I also will not write with fetish genders, so I won't write with a futa. I will, however, happily write with a trans woman, or a character who is intersex, or an alien who doesn't have human genitalia, or a demon who changes their genitalia to suit their moods, all of which can be pretty much identical in body to a futanari, as long as they don't fetishize being trans. Everything other than that? Bring it on, I'm ready.
Genres I Love: Historical, historical fantasy, sci fi, superheroes, modern fantasy, high fantasy, crime drama, master/slave, folklore, dystopian future, cyberpunk, steampunk, military, political, horror, psychological thriller, western, prostitution
Genres I'm Not As Fond of: Supernatural (though I still write it a fair bit - as you can tell from my character blurbs), buddy cop/police procedural, noir, mystery, espionage (don't think RP lends itself to espionage as a genre), celebrity fiction/lives of the rich and famous, slice of life (there better be solid relationship drama or an exceptionally engaging character if all we're writing are the mundanities of day-to-day living and paying taxes!), high school - college - or boarding school setting (all I can say about any of those schooling experiences, having had all three, is I'm glad they're over with)
Multi-Character Threads: I love them! I actually work best in multi-character threads, and am very competent in them. Bring 'em on! I don't usually need you to play multiple characters, either. I have happily fulfilled many a partner's harem fantasy.
—Read below for the rest, and I hope this helps people know whether they want to read on!
—And for everything else, there's Mastercard.


LGBTIQ+/queer characters, any end of the sexuality and gender spectrum, really. M/M, F/F, bi poly pairings, trans characters, hit me up hit me up.
LGBTIQ+/queer relationships, and please do inquire about my lady characters if you'd like to play as wlw (women loving women), I just don't market them as much because I'm a little more hesitant about M/F games as the F.
—Happy to do M/F games as the M, though! And MMF, and MMMF, and MMMMMF - I can be your harem baby! I can take away your pain (or give it, if you prefer).
poly relationships, many open relationships or relationships where more than two people are dating or fucking each other, because I firmly believe every good love triangle should end in a threesome.
relationship and character development, smut games, non-smut games, whether my characters are naked or not they will be changing, reacting, having rich, complex psychological inner worlds. I want our characters to end games a thousand miles from where they started, even if most of those thousand miles were spent in bed
guilt - guilt is the most important emotion I like to add into a story. If you can write me a character, a character who's doing awful things, but who has lines - maybe not normal ones, maybe not healthy ones, maybe not ones that would hold up in a court of law, but he has morals and he or she or they cross them - that will go a thousand miles for me. When a character wrestles with guilt, either mine or my partner's, it's one of the richest and most rewarding things in the world
affection and/or understanding - especially among characters who have given each other every reason to hate each other. Someone who's at your throat, but knows you better than anyone else - that would be my ideal romance
complex, believable worldbuilding - I can't say enough about a world that's well-thought-out. It really does so much for me when the character or the world make internal sense. Show me something that I can believe but have never seen before and I'll love you for a thousand years
inherently unequal relationships - I'm not interested in easy or especially trite romance, usually, especially fluffy romance. I've had and have plenty in my day-to-day life. I want complexity, conflict that doesn't feel contrived, reasons why they don't see eye-to-eye and why there's a battle that they're fighting in their hearts and in the bedrooms that can be an equal fight for recognition, power, or dominance, or is just lopsidedly unequal - that will make me happy
forgiving blows - that is to say, pulling one's punches, soothing a person you're hurting, empathizing with someone whose life you're destroying. When brutalizing someone, recognizing at least part of the extent of what you're doing. That with guilt is my perfect character to play against
betrayals - setting someone up to fall is excellent. There's a lot of ways to betray someone and breach their trust and I'd love to explore them all
blackmail is a big fave
kidnapping is amazing
slavery is a huge favorite
servitude is great fun
fearing for their life/life and death situations

Clichés I enjoy:
Political power games. Several people in love with one person. Blood pacts. Guilds. Thieves. Piracy. Street gangs. Mass hysteria.


—Just about any normal sex act is fine with me, anal, oral, vaginal, rimming, fisting, cunnilingus, fingering, handjobs, intercrural - and more! Special note for cunnilingus: I love it and will write it for hours.
—Some very abnormal sex acts are also good with me, like wound fucking, punching, and some cannibalism/vore
non-consensual, particularly if it's done realistically and respectfully. I prefer being the victim, but I do have some characters who can be the aggressor, too—inquire about them if you're interested!
—I have a massive size kink that can run with any combination of genders, though a large, burly man with a slimmer, smaller man or woman (trans or cis), genderqueer or intersex person, just a small character, often makes me the happiest
humiliation (submissive behaviors like boot-licking, lowering one's eyes, kneeling for master, abasement in general) (MC exhibiting these behaviors, particularly, but also demanding them)
inability to communicate, either through mutilation, sorcery, or a simple language difference
Dominant/submissive, consensual or non-consensual—both maledom AND always up for a good femdom. Intelligent, powerful women are my absolute favorites for femdom—give me your regnant queens (queens reigning without a king), your empresses.
december/may relationships. Underage characters that follow the rules of Elliquiy are okay with me!
forced het, or a queer character who's not interested in women being made to sexually serve one
incest in all its forms
torture is never an issue
stark, often brutal realism is generally my go-to writing style
beastiality is just fine with me
sentient non-human creatures are great too! Xenophilia is a kink I have, and can be really fun world-building!
stockholm's syndrome is great
lima syndrome is an all-time fav
mutilation/hobbling/breaking bones/significant damage
spanking, whipping, paddling, some kind of beating with hands, belts, crops, whatever moves you (MC giving or recieving)
erotic-asphyxiation (giving or recieving)
rough sex
—really any kind of bondage
male chastity - less enthused about female
CBT and clit torture
post-orgasm torture and overgasm
pegging or using sex toys on a man - but not on a woman sub, unless the dom is a trans man or enby masc AFAB. With F/F, I prefer the tools God gave us - tongue, lips, fingers, teeth, nails . . . Pegging in F/F always makes me want to just yell GET THAT COCK OUT OF HERE, and slap it away. I didn't come to F/F to see a man's cock. (Trans girls are of course excluded from this moratorium, girls' cocks are welcome and beloved. <3)
clamps and other such pinchy things. Nipples, clits, balls, thighs. Pinch 'em.
electrostim - please, make them jump and writhe. Big note for this, LOVE estim.
golden showers - good with me.
Douching/cleaning scenes - good with me. I actually like writing enemas, not generally in insane detail, but actually sometimes even enemas as sex acts. I like realism in sex, and people who do anal have to clean. It actually makes me more comfortable writing a scene if we at least mention when and where they cleaned and stretched. It's actually really hot to me, especially in non-con (the humiliation of having to prepare yourself for the abuser). I like it better than the magical self-lubing, self-cleaning holes, though I always follow my partners' cues and if they don't seem to want to use realism, then I don't. I'm a very go-with-the-flow writer. But if you like to, I'll write it with you, if you don't, we don't have to! I'm just mentioning it, because if you like to, or are okay with the mentions of it, it does make me happier.
eating cum and cumming on food/meals - I love this trope! I don't usually like when it's like a milkshake's worth of cum as much, but the idea of making someone eat after starving them and you left them a present to make the meal bitter - it appeals, certainly.
vibrators, especially on clits and prostates.
figging and chili peppers and other related punishments. Shove that ginger in his ass and make him jump and wriggle. Good boy. Rub that hot sauce on the head of his cock with the finest brush so every millimeter and fold is coated with it. Make him cry.
—speaking of, crying and being overwhelmed. Especially boys. I'm just here to break men's hearts and make them cry.
non-consensual body modifications - piercing, branding, tattoos, whatever.
Dog bowls. Dog food. Dog ears. Dog tail. Kemonomimi or plug, always works in my mind. Bind their hands in paw cuffs and put 'em in a humbler and tell 'em they can only bark when they speak to you. (I already said petplay but wanted to illustrate further.)
Champagne in a dog bowl. Major me gusta. I know I just said it, I'm saying it again, because it's really important.
Service play. Clean up time, bitch. Be a good waifu and scrub your blood off the floor. Mop's in the closet.
Food play, especially with Karim.
Nantaimori or Nyotaimori, also known as eating food off of someone, a type of forniphilia I get behind. ::)
chasing, running, take-downs.
knotting and inhuman cocks, because hey, monster fucking's a party.
PAIN. 'nough said.


sweet, uncomplicated fluff that's not hard fought for or hard won, because I find the tensions, conflicts, and friction points between two characters the best part to write
characters without flaws
Playing an F character for a cis M character. This actually isn't hard and fast, I do have ladies who are bi and with the right male character I'll toss a girl atcha. But it's in my off's because I only write my girlies in M/F with writers of male characters I already know, so I'm afraid M/F searchers checking my Ons and Offs, a PM from a stranger probably won't knab me, and I'm sorry for that. Happy to do M/F as the M, and I'm a little more selective with it but I regularly take on F/F games, too! Really feel free to hit me up with those.
all cultures in the story based on Western Europe, or more specifically, a Western Europe with minority religions and peoples magically erased
race play; I'm happy to write stories of characters battling racism or wrestling with its impact on their lives, but it's not a kink for me in the slightest.
forced feminization, because being feminine just doesn't strike me as humiliating!
futanari/futa—I love characters who are trans girls! I don't love the particular anime fetish.
cuckolding isn't a kink for me. I'm okay with cheating plots, but if your character is cheating on mine with half the universe, it's not interesting to me unless it's poly.
constant references to a character's cock being small or unimpressive, or other insinuations that they're not giving her pleasure, unless warranted or it fits a particular scene.
Mentioning the cervix at all - if you've mentioned it, you've already lost.
—Men and men's cocks and men's cock-shaped things in F/F scenarios, including dick-shaped dildos and stuff. All women know vibrators shaped for the vagina feel better than any dick-shaped dildo ever will. (Trans ladies are obviously excused from this moratorium, you're beautiful <3)

Other than that, I'm hard to squick.

Clichés I DO NOT enjoy: OOC conceptions that Rape Is Love. If your rapist character thinks he loves his victim, that's quite fine. If the writer thinks the rape is a loving act, please no, not under any circumstances. Even claiming it's dub-con (dubious consent), I'd prefer not to see it. Magical Healing Cock, because trauma is real and should be realistically explored. Soulmates, just because I've always found it unrealistic. Some romance clichés, like true love and falling in love at first sight. (Falling in lust at first sight is very welcome.)


SHORT DESCRIPTION Taiga has an addictive personality that he turns to drinking, gambling, and sometimes opium. He’s shrewd; a good businessman, you might call him. Arrogant as fuck, you might also call him. Both are equally true. Whether he has a right to be arrogant remains to be seen, though he is by all rights an intellectual. He is not a milquetoast; anyone who buys into the idea of him as a fop has never seen his cunning, never been on the wrong end of his ambition. He's not a bully—it's too sophisticated. He is not in a habit of making enemies, either. He knows the value of friendly thoughts.

Sexual & Romantic Orientations.

Bisexual, but listing far to the side of androsexual. Masculine bodies entice him particularly. He is attracted to women, and others on every end of the gender spectrum, but his attractions are a bit less immediate.


Abilities: Familiarity with weapons and machines. He could tell you a gun’s make and model by hearing it fire. Give him a gun or a bomb and he can take it apart or put it back together, no exceptions

Name: Hisoka Taiga. For Western speakers, Taiga Hisoka.

In Kanji: 密化太雅
密化—Hisoka. 密—Secret. 化—the making of. Play on 密か, which means secretly.

太雅—Taiga. Japanese given name, primarily masculine. 太—big around, plump, thick. 雅—elegant, graceful, gracious, refined.

Hometown: Kiso-cho (木曽町), Nagano Prefecture, Japan

Native Language: Nagano-ben, a Tokai-Tosen dialect of Japanese.

Other Languages Spoken: Fluent in English. Intermediate-advanced in Mandarin Chinese. Proficient in Spanish.

• How I Became Who I Am •

Taiga was born into a rural, middle-class Japanese family. His parents are Kazuo and Shouko Hisoka. He has four elder brothers (Kenta, Daiki, Shotaro, and Makoto), all grown. Each has wives and families and white collar jobs, the youngest, Makoto, still a salaryman. Taiga was invited to his wedding, but he declined. Taiga often says if he had their lives he would kill himself.

By the age of sixteen he was dabbling in serious gambling. He remembers many scenes from that life with a great deal of fondness. He remembers how his life seemed so linear then, a straight path to the top.

She was glaring at him from across the table, fingers itching at the cards's edge. He found something perversely erotic about the light in her hazel eyes as they gleamed with fear. He was at home in this, more than he'd ever felt before: the tobacco smoke and alcohol burn of nighttime, the cards laid down under a bare bulb, coy women and secret smiles, the ever rising stakes. She was something different.

He put down his cards and smiled, too late to pay for his tell.

But it was not the straight path he imagined as a teen. Thinking he was being recruited as a card shark for a gambling ring, on the day that was to be his debut, he was instead enslaved by a prostitution ring.

That’s when he met him.

Cortez was a demon in human form, and like his namesake he upset the balance of power in Taiga’s conquered mind. He humbled the young man and taught him lessons everyone should learn, and lessons no one should teach.

Taiga wanted out. The life he was living was a prison. He took action, and the action he took was ending Cortez's life. Now the young mafioso has taken control of his husband's mafia, though at the tender age of twenty-five his position is hardly secure.

He has many more backstories - trust me on that.


Choi Minki / Ren









Taiga... sit down, shut up, and open your mouth for this gag.
There's a good boy.

Zhao Lei








Pictured: Taiga's tattoo, received non-consensually, which reads
lil sissy bitch



But he looks like a fucking dork twink when he smiles,
which he does rarely, and don't forget it.
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SHORT DESCRIPTION Crow is a surly mess of PTSD, major depression, and pathological self-sacrifice. He loves Hana Masayoshi above all things, unless he has his daughter/niece Mari in the story.

Sexual & Romantic Orientations.

Homoromantic grey asexual, he'll fall in love with men but sex for him is all about what the other person wants, not about his own attraction. Despite being gay, he's fucked more pussy than anyone else on this list.


The only family Crow loved was his little sister.

Crow was born with the true name Beast in Mio, a small coastal village in Japan, during the sengoku period, to a fae mother and one of her Johns. Yoshitsune Masayoshi fathered Crow without realizing. His mother was Emi, a low-level courtesan in a dockside brothel, who spent her livelihood servicing the armies that plowed through and the fishermen, when the soldiers weren’t available.

His mother was a harridan. Crow grew up in abject squalor. His home was a rundown hut with paper patching the roof that let every rain through and cracked tatami that grew mold, near the fish mongers, so everything reeked of low tide. It was almost a parody of shelter, particularly in the winters when wood and coal prices soared, and food was scarce. He was offspring to a woman who spent more time imbibing drinks and drugs than tending her son. She neglected him as much as he abused him. As a child, he learned to go hungry. He became familiar with cold so deep it was a miracle he didn’t lose limbs to frostbite. He learned pain was a part of life. He learned the wrong lessons, and he learned them far too soon. He was a vicious bully as a child, taking his rage out on other children of the brothel. That all changed when he was eight, in two parts. The first was the birth of his mother’s second child. His sister, born in his eighth year, never had to learn what Crow could spare her from. Crow was crafty and industrious, good with his hands. After his mother weaned his sister (too early, far too early) Crow threw himself into her care. He loved that little girl. Part brother, part father, they fought often, but Hana trusted Crow never to hurt her—the only one she so trusted.

Crow soothed every tantrum, rocked her to sleep night after night. Crow fought for her, faced down grown men for her, has killed for her.

It wasn't enough, of course—the efforts of one little boy—but he tried.

But that wasn’t the only trial of Crow’s eighth year. That was the year he scarred the grandson of the owner of his mother's cathouse. That was a bad mistake. The pimp beat Crow within an inch of his life, and started selling him as a pain whore for years to come. Crow found his status humiliating, but his diet improved. He was able to bring back food for his sister.

Crow's father returned to the brothel he'd frequented a decade ago. He smelt something similar to himself, and walked into Crow's room. Crow was afraid he would be raped. Instead, the stranger asked, "Boy, who is your mother?"

The truth ascertained, Yoshitsune took Crow away to live what Crow calls a “proud, nomadic life.” When Crow begged him to, he reluctantly brought his sister along with him.

He idolized his father. They travelled the world aimlessly looking for amusement. Crow's father had no goals in life and led a rather dissolute lifestyle, which was part of why Crow turned out so profligate. He groomed his young son partially out of his own narcissism, and partially because of the vague sense that Crow would one day be useful to him. Crow never knew that: loved his father in a burning, consuming, obsessive way that never eased, cherishing the gifts his father bestowed on him and soaking up all his father’s worst ideas like a sponge.

Yoshitsune groomed Crow, believing one day the young fae would be useful to him. It was not to be. Yoshitsune's crimes caught up with him. Ambushed by hunters in China, Crow was able to escape, now a youngster on the cusp of manhood. His father was not so lucky.

He watched in his hiding place, hugging his sister, as they killed his father. Overcome by grief and rage, he grew older.

Many years of wandering brought him to Brazil, then the US, in the height of the Exclusion era for Asian Americans. When World War II started, amid the chilling anger at people of Japanese ancestry, he along with every other Japanese-American from South and North America was corralled into a desert camp, where he sojourned, humiliated and angry. It was a struggle not to die of iron exposure (an anti-iron magical ring helped in that respect), but he was able to work something out with the guards and the other interned American citizens. He checked yes/yes on the loyalty questionnaire, a questionnaire that made him boil with rage when he saw it, and was automatically drafted. Unlike most Japanese-Americans faced with that condescending piece of paper, he didn’t join the 442nd. He was part of a special group of supernatural soldiers who fought on behalf of England and its allies in World War II. Though dyslexic, and unable to read in any of the many languages he spoke, he conducted many missions saving as many from the Nazi genocide of the Holocaust as he could. He was once called a moral man in an immoral world, but he thinks that's horseshit. He killed plenty of American and Russian soldiers who thought they had a right to women's bodies.

When the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, amid the chilling post-war residual hatred of the Japanese in which a large chunk of Americans responded on a survey about the atomic bombs that they were sorry the Japanese had surrendered so quickly, before more bombs could be dropped, he hung up his uniform with a vow never to fight in another war again. He eventually went back to North America. There he drifted as aimlessly as he ever had. He's working as a social worker and learning to read, now, in night classes at a school for dyslexic adults in Nova Scotia. It's not a glamorous lifestyle he lives, but it's his own.


The fact that Crow graduated from Tōdai is a miracle. Tokyo University is the most prestigious university in Japan, a place every parent wants their child to go.

Crow was brilliant, but Crow was also dyslexic. In his early years, his genius was never recognized. His mother was an unforgiving businesswoman who had him out of wedlock, and believed in the value of discipline that went well beyond that and into the realm of physical and sexual abuse. He was put in a feeder school for Tōdai as a toddler, mostly on his mother’s merits and his high verbal acumen. But he was almost demoted, lagging far behind the other students at reading, and reported for vicious bullying of his classmates.

Unpopular, disliked, thought stupid, one teacher made the difference in this young man’s education. She got frustrated enough to ask this boy they all thought a fool to add up all the whole numbers from one to one hundred before he went home. He had just turned eight, the week before. He looked up at the sky for a moment, mouth open, and then turned his chin down. “5050,” he said, in his sibilant little boy’s speech, and got up to go out to play.

His teacher realized, pulling him back and questioning him, that not only had he discovered what the famous mathematician Gauss did, he’d discovered it at a younger age.

Stunned, realizing he couldn’t be unintelligent (or rather, nothing could be farther from the truth), she started looking into learning disorders. Thanks to her work, he was diagnosed with dyslexia, a rare diagnosis in Japan as opposed to the US or England.

If, at the same time as that small triumph in a little boy’s life—beginning, behind his classmates, to learn to read—he had also been removed from the steadily amounting abuses of his home life, he might have had a chance for a happier childhood.

It was a few years later that his mother caught him kissing another boy. Emi Masayoshi followed no dogma that should have made her bigoted, but she was a bigot, none the less. The boy, who Crow (as he’d started to like to be called by people when not in front of his mother) had had his first crush on, was half-Korean. His mother broke his arm, and taught him a new word: Okama. Fag.

He told the police he’d fallen down the stairs. As he got older, more injuries began to crop up. Crow internalized his homophobia until he thought it would make him sick. He became popular in an empty way, mostly just finding the kids who would do what he said and having them do so, while he thought up worse and worse uses for his genius.

No record exists of Crow as a juvenile delinquent, but he absolutely was. He wanted to get out, he wanted to get anywhere, but it wasn’t until he was 18, and he had scars on his back from his mother’s worst beating ever, the day before going to college, that he stepped onto Tōdai’s campus.

He gained his freshman fifteen pounds, he studied hard, and four years later he graduated Tōdai with honors. From there, he jumped straight into the finance ministry. Now, at thirty-three, he’s the current minister of finance, queued to take up a high-level position in the government bureaucracy of Japan.

He’s also, stunted as he was in reading, trying to find avenues to explore what it means to be a gay man in modern Japan, in the whole world. Avenues are now open, opened by money and by power, and he’s going to take them—take them all the way to a mansion in Turkey that is secret, and safe.

He has many more backstories - trust me on that.


Rest in Peace, Godfrey Gao




Choi Siwon





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SHORT DESCRIPTION Karim is an outgoing people person, a true extrovert. He's sweet as the cookies he bakes.

Sexual & Romantic Orientations.

Bisexual biromantic. Total sub either way, though.


Karim is the baby of the family, and he exudes it. Spoilt, that’s the word for it. Used to fine men, fine women, fine suits, and good food, since he’s an adept cook who knows all the best upscale places to eat halal in the tri-county area. If that were all there was to him, he’d be as shallow as some take him for: that, however, is not all there was to him, not by a longshot.

The dearest things to him are his big sister, giving back to his community and his God. He found a meaning in Islam that his sister Leyla did not. In the circles of peers he moves through during his drifting, extroverted social life, Leyla was a constant figure, grounding him, pushing him to achieve, and spoiling him mercilessly. He remembers the packed lunches that appeared in his locker as if by magic with a tender fondness, and still has many handwritten notes from Leyla. Those lunches still appear every once in awhile, mysteriously showing up at his workstation. Many of his friends loudly envied their close relationship; many of their friend’s parents pointed out Karim and Leyla and said to their own children, exasperated, can’t you be more like them?

Karim has known all of Leyla’s secrets since they were children. He knew Leyla loved women before she’d come to terms with it enough to tell him. He laughed when she told him and explained succinctly that he didn’t know how she could choose—men and women were both so beautiful. She taught him the word bisexual, he’s used it since. He’s her active partner-in-crime, her confidante. When his parents heard rumors she didn't keep halal in school he told an active and robust lie that he kept up convincingly for years, until the accident.

He was seven years her junior, and so her stories and games were more magical to him than to her, perhaps. He was an impressionable child, always loud and talking, to the point of getting himself in trouble with neighborhood bigots and their children.

Then came the accident, the day in the junkyard he went looking for her, and found his sister convulsing, foaming at the mouth. He didn’t want to leave her, but terrified, he knew he had to act fast. He found the junkman’s phone and dialed 911. He was allowed to ride in the ambulance with her, since he lied and said he didn’t know how to get home. He refused to leave her side until their parents came and carried him away.

After that, she changed.

It wasn’t all the seizures. Part of it was her hitting adolescence hard, and not being nearly so inclined to fool around with her baby of a brother. He blamed himself for years for her accident. Even now, as an adult, he still feels that irrational echo of survivor’s guilt.

In some ways, it was good for them to get some distance, no matter how he missed her. He went from Leyla’s gawky kid brother to school heartthrob pretty fast after eighth grade, when he shot up like a weed summer of freshman year. He liked to talk, he liked to fool around, but more than all of that combined, he liked helping people. He’s stood up to every bully he’s ever met, sometimes with disastrous consequences. When Leyla was making her own space and place for herself, Karim was doing much the same thing.

They stayed in touch, and one day, nineteen-year-old Karim, after the pre-dawn Fajr prayer, called his sister, excited by an idea that had been percolating in him for a while. If anyone could build this, she could, he thought—and he was right.

His grand idea? An exosuit. Metal armor. The hero bug had bit Karim hard, and after all, he argued stubbornly through all the hours, days, weeks spent wheedling his way through Leyla’s refusal, some of the Spirit Detectives looked no older than him—some looked measurably younger, in fact.

Finally, she built it with design input of his—black and sleek as a lamborghini, he told her (dweeb, she replied)—and Karim found the joy of flight. He tried to start small—stopping a bank robbery in progress—but he nearly got his fool ass killed. He succeeded, though. He tried to tell Leyla that was the important thing when he saw her next.

The papers dubbed him Onyx, with some quiet tip-offs by Leyla.

After that it was the time-honored rookie hero schtick. He’s starting to build some cred, though. By day a researcher and major shareholder at his sister’s business Magdi Incorporated, by night a hero, and finding the joys of one night stands with people of every gender in the meantime.

He has many more backstories - trust me on that.


Ugur Kurul










Badr al-Zidane










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