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Kitchen Nightmares (Sex Edition)


Jul 25, 2021
Gordon. He doesn't look like anything special on the surface. But what if he was a world famous chef? He claims he is here to save your restaurant. Improve your business and your food. ...well. Not really. He ultimately just wants to use his fame, influence, knowledge and wealth to have sex with the women in your family owned restaurant. Are you the daughter working as a server? Are you the sister greeting customers as a hostess? Are you the cute bartender that the busboy has a crush on? Are you the girlfriend cooking in the kitchen alongside your boyfriend? Are you the woman who just recently married the owner? Whether you have problems or not Gordon is going to nitpick the hell out of the place and convince them that they need to relieve some of that stress they are feeling.

Ugh. I don't care how amazing everything looks. Have you ACTUALLY tasted the food recently, darling? It's ghastly.
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