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Fx Any A Monster's GM Cravings!

A Monster

Jun 29, 2018
The Tower.
Hello there, I am A Monster, but you can call me whatever you’d like!

I have been rping for the better part of a decade, but only joined this site and started to rp erotically a few years ago. I have made a few different Request Threads in my time here, but consider this one a revamp with a lot more content than the ones I have previously made. I can easily average whatever I am given, but 3 - 5 Paragraphs is a comfortable spot, even if I sometimes hunger for something to really sink my teeth into.

I consider a big part of the fun rping being the discussion OOC, I would like to brainstorm together at the start, but still discuss how it is going and related topics, planning out more as we go ahead. It is also how I tend to measure potential rp partners, someone who gives me a few paragraphs of what they think of the rp, how it could go or be changed to work better with them, or of just anything is way more likely to catch my interest than someone reaching out with less than a 100 words.

Anyone who sends me less than 3 lines, more or less asking me if I’d like to RP, will be promptly ignored.

My kinks are on the darker side, but it is for more than just me finding them hot. I want my rps to be as good of a story as they are erotica, and a good story needs conflict. More lighthearted things aren’t usually my thing, unless if it is for contrast with an overall darker story. Sexuality will usually be a core aspect of the plot, not just tacked onto the side for a normal story with personal sex scenes often. So thus, conflict and sexuality are linked very closely in my stories. This can be from a direct angle, mostly noncon, where something is trying to force its will on the world, or dubcon, in which it is usually a game of exploiting desires.

But do not mistake that for being purely edgy, although I do not mind having that time to time. Most of the noncon that I find arousing and interesting is of the ‘made to enjoy’ variety, the hardcore and realisitic side I usually steer away from. That style, along with outright con can happen, but usually will not be the majority. The struggle of not wanting to want, to enjoy what you want to hate, etc. That is where I tend to focus.

This is a thread for GM styled RPs, so I should mention my style with these. I am flexible, but there are some rules that I tend to play within.

I do not RP on Discord, only here, and so anything dice heavy is unlikely. I sometimes use them for general roles, or to add an element of RNG, but overall my style is more centered around stats and traits. For instance, if we decide to go for something DnD like, we could use their stats with a point buy system. Someone with STR 13 trying to restrain or grab someone with STR 9 will succeed, but if confronted with a tentacle monster at STR 14 it will depend on clever in RP moves, or just however it happens to flow, or discussed OOC.

Traits usually are something character specific, earned and a modifier. Highlighting certain strengths and weaknesses, a note to keep in mind with in RP. While the actual difficulty of things will be discussed OOC, from just a token resistance, or a hardcore deliberately unfair setting.

I am presuming to be the GM for these, but would not turn down an offer to play them. I also have a habit of making maps for my games as a side hobby/visual aid, so be aware of that.

Into the Great Unknown
I am a Sci-Fi nerd, and will proudly admit that. Star Wars was an influence when growing up, Alien was my first horror movie, Mass Effect 2 was one of my first games as a teen, and Warhammer 40k has sucked me into its endless black hole of lore. Not only that, but realistic Sci-Fi that is more speculative future history is amazing. I listen to plenty of Isaac Arthur, a semi-realistic Dyson Sphere will get me excited just as much, if maybe more, than a Lightsaber.

So this RP will be mostly me (and hopefully you!) flexing worldbuilding muscles, and going all out. Hopefully for a whole galaxy, maybe multiple for a plot that fits. Making characters, making sure that the world, characters, and rough plot all fit, and setting them loose. Mercenaries, getting involved in all sorts of conflicts. Smugglers in small skirmishes and getting ahold of things they maybe shouldn’t be. Pirates, reaving and taking anything they desire. Anything, even noncombat characters like outright Explorers or Scientists could work.

This could be in a setting of our own creation, of low, realistic tech levels, or full on space opera. I would be interested in fandoms as well, of most sci-fi galaxies. I will admit that I never was able to get into Star Trek, so that setting might be really hard, but for the right plot and partner I might do some research. While it would be an undertaking, I am always for crossovers and mashing these setting together somehow.

It's so Easy When You're Evil...
While something that could go with any of these other plots, it is something worth noting on its own. Good characters can still be interesting and complex, and gray characters can make you think. But sometimes, it can be nice to explore a character that is simply bad in the best of ways.

The setting can be fantasy, sci-fi, superheroic, or anything else that comes to mind, as long as some extraordinary element is brought to it. While I am sure playing a purely modern villain abusing the stock market or the like could be done, already purely mundane settings like historic or modern rarely hold my attention. Again, as above, a purely original setting can work, or doing something in a canon setting or even a crossover can be done.

It would ideally start from the bottom, and then struggle up into relevancy and infamy. Struggling against the forces that wish to stop you, and reaping the rewards of those conquests. The exact nature of them, and the kind of havoc wreaked, is also up to the plot and setting we go for. But will probably be lewd.

Evil space tyrants, brutal warlords, and scheming masterminds are all welcome!

I Can't Believe This Dungeon Core is So Lewd!
A concept I keep seeing being thrown around is of a character being a Dungeon, and I would love to center an RP around that. The main character would be a sentient Dungeon Core, a heart of a Dungeon that slowly grows in power and can alter the dungeon around it, and is also a target for local pesky adventurers. Likely would lean more light hearted on the scale, but not necessarily.

Most of the RP would be cycled around making the Dungeon itself, maybe with some mapping software, and exploring the ways to riddle it with traps, monsters, and more. Objectives could be filled to gain more types and varieties of these, even making a foothold to strike out of the dungeon. And then helpless adventurers coming in and putting these to the test. Either escaping with victory and loot, or much more preferrably, suffering a Bad End of whatever kind we want.

Will be adding more in the future, so look forward to more plots being added! Hoping to meet you soon!
And lastly, here is my F-List. Please look it over, share me your own, and give your thoughts on how we'd interact in your post.
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