Mx Female Obsessive Daddy Dom Seeks Innocent To Corrupt

Jul 18, 2021
US (Eastern Standard Time)

++ I’ve been roleplaying in one form for another for over forty years going back to character sheets photocopied from the local library and cheap plastic dice where you had to color in the numbers yourself. The erotic stuff came later but not much later because, well, puberty. Right now I’m looking to engage in fairly specific (Daddy Dom, Dub/Non Con taboo) RPs with like-minded partners. Although I’m generally happy to say hello, my time doesn’t allow me to have several RPs going at once so I’ll likely be focusing on one at a time — maybe two.

++ You can expect thoughtful and fairly meaty posts from my side (several paragraphs for openers and important scenes, shorter for conversation or back-and-forth sequences. As for OOC communication, I’d like to discuss plot and character details a bit, and I like us to keep informed of delays, etc, but otherwise it’s just what makes all parties comfortable. Not interested in being a creeper and I don’t really have time to be one if I was so inclined.

++ I’m in EST and I will do my best to post daily, but given my work and life commitments that’s not always possible. There will be days I can post 3+ posts and some days or weekends where I cannot post at all. I’ll do my best to be clear when there’s an expected extended disruption like a business trip or something, however, so you know what to expect. Not a lot of that going on these days.

++ RP in PM only for now. No Discord or Public Threads.


  • Age Gaps
  • Ageplay (15-17)
  • Collaring
  • Control
  • Corruption of Innocence
  • Daddy Dom
  • Domination
  • Dub/Non-Con
  • Extreme Tightness
  • Father Figures (Playing)
  • Forced Pleasure / Pleasure Denial
  • Kidnapping
  • Light Bondage/Restraints
  • Marking
  • Master/Pet
  • Obsession/Possessiveness
  • Realism
  • Risk of Pregnancy
  • Size Differences (Realistic)
  • Slapping
  • Spanking
  • Taking Virginity
  • Twisted Romance
Hard Pass:
  • Bad Endings
  • Bloodplay
  • Bathroom Body Functions / Fluids
  • Excessive Violence
  • Extreme Bondage
  • Torture
  • Unrealistic Characters / Situations
  • Vore


++ This goes without saying given the site rules, but 18+ only.

++ Above average literacy. This is not intended to be elitist, but I struggle to stay invested in RPs that are just bare minimum efforts or otherwise uninspiring. I’m not asking for great literature, but I need complete sentences, fairly good grammar and syntax, some descriptive ability, etc.

++ Fluent in English. My apologies for never having mastered any other tongue; I’m aware it’s my failing and not yours, but I cannot keep interest in broken English RP.

++ Easy-going, open-minded, and flexible. Even if RP is taboo/intense, we’re humans having fun, so I prefer to write with people who keep humor and perspective and understand that life happens in OOC exchanges.

++ I respect and welcome any/all gender and self-identifying individuals to write with as partners and promise my aging brain will do its level best to use pronouns correctly in OOC chat, but for purposes of RP I’m looking to RP against cis-female human characters only.

++ Please don’t ghost. I promise you will have my full understanding if you want to stop RP. Sometimes chemistry is all wrong or life gets in the way. All I ask is some brief indicator, even if it’s just “I’m unable to continue this RP.” You don’t need to apologize or explain if you don’t want to.


++ First Person, Third Person Limited POVs only. No Second Person POV. Tense flexible. If you’re uncertain of your preference, a good reference is HERE.

++ Multiple paragraphs as appropriate

++ Sensuality driven. Providing a ratio seems like just making up numbers, so I’ll just say the focus and purpose of the RP for me is to engage in writing the erotic scenes, but the story and character development is fundamental for building tension and making “the good parts” sizzle. I don’t expect a sex scene in the first handful of posts, but they will develop sooner rather than later and be plentiful.

++ Lots of inner space. Descriptions of character thoughts and conflicts are the best bits.

++ Intelligent characters.

++ No god-modding. Respecting character choice is the point of writing with others.

++ Yes small logical assumptions. If, for example, YC rises to leave the room in your post, I may respond “he grabbed her hand just before she reached the door” even though your character wasn’t at the door at the end of your post. We can always mod and edit mistakes, but small leaps like this are part of the natural flow of collaboration for me.

++ Faceclaims and character reference should be either photo or artwork other than anime.

++ Your ideas and pitches are always welcome, but due to my time limitations I’ll prioritize my availability around those who match my own preferences.


The Obsession

All my RPs will be variations of this theme (might seem repetitive, but I know what I like). MC is a father figure (40+, Father/Step/Uncle/Family Friend) who has had an affectionate relationship with YC (15-19) all her life. That affection has developed into obsession for MC and he has decided he must possess what he desires. He knows what he is doing is wrong and may even be plagued with guilt at times, but rationalizes. He is rough and bent on having his way, but not overly cruel. Details will vary based on setting.

YC should be petite to accommodate a size difference (all other appearance elements are wholly up to you — goth or tomboy, buxom blonde, pixie punk purple haired brat, sardonic nerd — it’s all good). YC should also be sexually inexperienced, but level of innocence is up to you. I’ll do my best to accommodate similar elements to have my character fit your preferences as well.
Modern (preferred):
  • MC uses his vast resources to kidnap YC away to an exclusive island where powerful men pay vast sums to keep whatever pets they like, no questions asked.
  • MC impulsively grabs YC and takes her on the run.
  • MC is in a criminal enterprise of some kind and keeps YC controlled and captive by the force of his reputation and reach.
  • MC has spent time constructing a hidden dungeon (basement, cabin, etc) and carries out his plan to kidnap and keep YC.
  • MC and YC are just trying to survive and the nature of their relationship is corrupted by circumstance.
  • MC is a Knight/Warrior returning from war to collect YC back into his guardianship from a convent school where YC has been staying.
  • MC is a king/warlord who abuses the privilege of his rule by keeping YC for himself.
Open to other settings and situations that employ the basic theme of father figure (MC) obsessively kidnapping, coercing, or imprisoning the object of his desire (YC).
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