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Fx Male Enope's FxM cravings


Jul 17, 2021
Hi everybody,

thanks for stopping by my thread! I am Enope. I am almost 37 years old (gimme another couple of days, yeah?) and I've been online roleplaying for the longer part of my "adult" life by now. It all started when I was sweet 17, when html chats capitvated me with the magic of mere words on a screen. I've been on and offline, but sooner or later I always get back to roleplaying. Something about it, huh?
I love erotica. There's something utterly... GOOD... about writing erotica together with a partner. I like lots of smut in my rp. But: It needs to be rp. I want tension. Built up. Character development. I want epic stories. Adventures. I want a dynamic between our characters that consists of more than "grunts, moans, cums". I'd say my plot:smut ratio is about 60:40. Sometimes there's going to be more smut. Sometimes there's going to be more story. But the story is crucial for me. No story. No turn on for me.


Im interested in many genres. Most of the times I will not want to play "slice of life". Often it just doesn't interest me. I'm just gonna post a little list, that is in no particular order. I love all of the following genres, and I'd be more than happy to ping pong ideas with you:

  • Historic
    • Viking
    • Medieval
    • Victorian Era
    • Roaring 20ies
    • Sweet sixties
  • Historic fantasy
  • Fantasy
  • Urban Fantasy (craving!)
  • Apocalyptic
  • Post apocalyptic/dystopian future
  • Steampunk
  • Dieselpunk
  • WoD

I don't necessarily see them as kinks any longer. There's a lot of things that turn me on in the right context. In the wrong context they are turn offs. So I find it hard to pinpoint specific kinks.
What I do crave a lot is passion. I want the characters to have some kind of feelings for each other. And I want them to want each other. If that happens in a whirlwind - oh god I want you on first sight - kind of way or if it builds slowly is up to the game, but... it's a crucial thing for me to be there.
I love my sex on the rougher side. There's nothing like a bit of violence to go with sex. I do like to be on the receiving end of things, but please... no Dom/sub stuff. I'm not submissive. Most Dom/sub scenarios bore me to tears. I like to play with power. Hands down, there's something really gorgeous about having the tables turn on a powerful character. But... yeah. Just don't expect me to melt to a puddle of wanton desire, just because you expect me to capitalize your name and call you "Sir".
I'm not sure if anything of this makes any sense.

I am however very sure about my NoGos/Hard limits:
Everything forbidden on this site anyways
Toilet play


This is just some quick ideas. Most of them lighthearted to get back into rping after a really long pause.

A pirate's life

YC is a pirate. MC is his favourite wench. Somehow the two end up on his ship, sailing the seas, finding plenty of adventures to take part in.
MC chose the life as a wench. She works in a high class etablissment and makes good money out of her beauty and wit. Perhaps she's got some fun abilities - I suggest empathy here for example. YC has been a loyal customer, and there always had been this spark between the two of us. A spark, that never was allowed to grow into anything more however. But suddenly we find ourselves trapped on your ship. With no choice but to suddenly be together on very small space, what is going to happen?

Damsel in distress

The working title of this might be a little misleading. I am looking to play some kind of Romeo and Juliet-esque Drama in Ireland or Scotland. My character a noble, young, british Lady. Her father a cold, cruel Lord, seen as a usurper and hated by the natives. Your character an irish or scottish rebel. A Lord himself among his own people, but seen as a criminal by the Brits. Perhaps our characters are forced to marry by circumstance. Perhaps there's a kidnapping. But I absolutely do want this story to involve falling hopelessly in love with each other. I want the innocent virgin to fall for her rebel, and I want the two to share sweet, loving, beautiful passion.

The city behind the city

Let's play some urban fantasy thing. In London old myths are alive. Far more alive, than normal humans would know. Angels as well as demons and exist and live among mere mortals, always fighting their eternal battles. And that means, all other creatures from mythology are alive as well. Succubi, Incubi, Elves, Magicians, Vampires, Werewolves - they all are in one way or the other alive. Most of these mythical creatures live "normal" lives. I'm very open about a plot and pairing here.
Think City of Bones, think Richelle Read's Succubus series, think Christoph Marzi's Lycidas series, think Winx saga - Something along these lines. Original characters in an original world though.


Alternate reality/good ole western setting. A bit of Wild wild west together with Jonah Hex. That sort of thing. MC would be the villain for once. The head of a band of rogues. Robbing trains, banks, stage coaches.... YC would be the Sheriff hunting them down. I know, this is just a seed, but... I think this has lots of potential!

Allright. Kudos if you read through this all the way. Feel free to shoot me a pm if you are interested to play!
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