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Fx Male Pairings and Plots: Welcome to my Blue Castle


Jun 25, 2021
~Hello everybody and welcome to my first thread~

A Little About Me:
I'm Blue Castle, but you can call me Blue! I've been roleplaying for many years (since middle school and I'm now 22—soon to be 23!) and I'd consider myself fairly experienced. I'm based somewhere in Canada and like most of us now, am mostly sequestered to my flat and in an effort to ease my boredom while also finding new ways to explore my love for writing, I stumbled upon BlueMoon. I'm an avid reader myself (my biggest, and oldest dream is to one day have my own home library), and spend a lot of time losing myself in fictional worlds. When I'm not reading, I'm working (either for my job or on personal projects), or tending to my plants (which I've managed to keep alive for the first time!)

Writing Preferences:
I do have a full-time job and as such, I can sometimes get busy but given the nature of my work, I do find my schedule is very variable and flexible. This means that replies can be frequent and you're more than likely to find them coming a few times a day (obviously this is dependent on the frequency of your replies as well!).

Sometimes my muse scatters and I find myself in a bit of a slump mentally and physically but if/when that happens, I will always let you know. I don't believe in dropping partners or ghosting in that sense and am always happy to get to know the people I write with.

I write in third-person exclusively, and while I'm not a stickler for grammar, I do appreciate well-written prose. This is not saying that I'm asking you to be Shakespeare, but rather that I prefer full sentences, non-text speak, or abbreviations, and do prefer more than just a single line in a reply. I don't expect a wall of text, but responding to a one-liner makes it really hard to get a story going.

Story-wise, I like plot and am genuinely passionate about building a world that houses our characters. I like to work on plots together and craft something that feels right, and keeps us both interested because I feel that it makes the writing more sustainable down the line. I am also more suited to long-term RPs but I'm not completely against shorter plots either! Like most people, I'm a fan of smut and can happily write it much as others can but I do prefer that the story doesn't center around it.

I'm most comfortable writing Slice of Life—some people might find it a little boring but I genuinely love spinning tales that are set in the world we live in, a lot of the pairings that I have in mind are Slice of Life's but I am also a huge fan of fantasy. I grew up on Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter and so I've always nurtured my interest in the fantastical and supernatural.

~~not an exhaustive list~~bolded pairings are most preferred

Witch x Knight
Princess x Forbidden Lover
Mermaid/Siren x Pirate
Witch x Demon
Hunter x Forest Spirit

Demi-Goddess x Solider
Viking x Captured Bride
Princess x Arranged Marriage
Secretary x New Boss
Criminal x Detective
Bodyguard x Client

these are simply beginnings/flashes of stories that have come into my mind. These can be used as starting points for us to build off of, or for us to manipulate into a story that would work for the both of us!

The residents of Birch Hollow are used to strange things.

On the first day of autumn, the lilac bush over on Mercer Street burst to life, giant, full bursts of soft purple blooms painting the air fragrant for a full block, even though, as a general rule, lilac only blooms in springtime. The telephone wires in town all crossed; a phone call placed to the bakery on Grove Avenue would ring in the third room, on the third floor, of the inn that sat on Third Street. Customers at Shelley Booth's Bath Shoppe would purchase cinnamon-scented candles, only to light them and find that as they burned, they smelled instead of honeysuckle and clove. The leaves on one side of the enormous maple tree outside the library would turn lemon yellow, then burnt orange, then deep crimson before releasing their hold on the branches and fluttering slowly to the ground, while the other half remained as green and verdant as it had been all summer long. Then, overnight, they dropped to the ground and in the morning the tree was bare and brown, stark as winter despite it being the first day of spring.

These strange going-ons happen year after year in Birch Hollow and Isabella Astra is the only one who doesn't bat an eye at them.

There are days that they meet in secret, deep in the night after the castle is asleep and their only witnesses are the midnight-darkened trees and the infinite stars, silent and watchful. They meet under the protective cloak of nightfall and sit together underneath the eyes of the moon. The quiet is reverential, respectful, and when they meet here, everything is softer and more peaceful. Here, they do not judge. Here, where the stars meet others to draw constellations in the storytelling sky, where the moon watches over its beloved expanse of heaven, where the breeze whispers songs through the boughs of ancient trees – it is here that they sit side by side.

It is here that they begin to listen.

She’s had blood in her mouth for months now; she can’t get the taste of it out of her mouth. Its acrid, rust and salt and bitter ash staining her teeth, slipping over her tongue, sliding down into her throat with every breath she takes. Even now, as she licks along a dry, cracked lip she feels it there, slicked against her skin in a way that makes her gag and she swallows around the dryness of her mouth, pushing past the urge to choke. It’s always the same. Always the same hunger, the same pain, the same ash until it isn’t anymore until it's a bitter poison that seeps inwards, racing through her veins like a dark tattoo she can't ever remove.

This was a long post so I thank you if you managed to get to the end of it! If you have any questions or simply want to chat as well, I'm more than happy to answer them. I prefer writing in PMs and Discords, and hope I'll see a few messages!

~~Happy writing ~~​
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