Mx Female GM Looking to create some fun adventuring stories! Think you've got a good character for that? (Long term, Discord, Fantasy)


Jul 17, 2021
Hey there folks! Hope everyone's doing well!
I'm a young lad from a beautiful place in Europe. (GMT+1 Always good to know that) I'm hoping to have some good times with people from here. I've been looking around multiple sites so far with mixed success and i'm hoping to get a good idea of how people look at the style of playing i personally like.

I have always played in the Game master/Dungeon master role for as long as i roleplay. I'm a big fan and longtime player of dnd. Though i don't often take full systems for my roleplays. Whenever i have something that works i add some stats and some inspiration from DND, but i don't think using full character sheets and such are necessary and will only slow the game down. But what i'm most likely going to be using is the standard six stats. ranging from Strength down to Charisma. But we'll talk about that soon enough.

Now, the general idea is that i'm creating this big world with many different regions, cultures and locations to explore. To give that all a bit of visualisation, i'm creating a map (Or more) that will give us a good amount of perspective on how large a place is and where everything can be found. I've also created a good 200 ish prewritten characters for the npc's, so you'll have a great roster of people to meet. Now there's not much of a story i could tell you, that bigger line will slowly develope along with your character. I'm a big fan of a good story in which there's some smutier elements woven in. And to my preferences in those, i'll soon dive further in.

So a few things that i'd love to know from you when you send a message, is the general idea of your character, a short version of the backstory and a few personality traits. Along with that, please either list or copy a link to some kind of kink list that you use. That way i can check if we match in the perspectives that i'll soon get back to.

As for my kinks. There are a few that i personally think are necessary. First one is Breeding/impregnation. I just love it. Even though i am a guy, i love the idea of having a female character getting pregnant from an encounter with a man, but also possibly from other creatures. I'm most likely going to make your character have a trait that allows creatures other than humanoids also to impregnate her. Though this is also with a bit of chance play. I got a special system that revolves around a character's fertility, but we'll talk about that soon enough.
Along with the breeding come monsters and beasts. I have a world with quite a lot of wild lands that are covered with forests and all kinds of biomes. There you'll be able to find many different creatures as well as special land marks that can be important with quests and story. (Think of forgotten shrines and such). But then know that the world isn't without dangers.
And those dangers will possibly lead to bad ends. Another aspect that i really love to include. Though once again it has a little twist. I work mostly with soft bad ends. Meaning that there will always be ways to escape. I don't work with death too much, but i'm not afraid to include it. Basically the bad ends can be very simple. Get used by some wild animal. Get captured by slavers. Robbed by bandits... Nothing too impactful. Some things can be, like when your character will be captured by the slavers, she might be moved to some other town and there be sold. There's always chances to either escape or change things to your advantage.

There's plenty more to tell, but i don't think i want to make this list too long. We'll be able to talk some more about them when we connect. I play mainly on discord, so if you like my idea and want to give it a shot, send me your character idea, a bit of a backstory and your own kinks and preferences. Then we can continue talking over there.
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