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Fighting Game "Mains"


Fighting Evil by Moonlight 🌕
Jan 20, 2013
Gaming Chair
One of my favorite genres of gaming has always been fighting. Something about the execution and timing, and general knowledge of how to get really good at a fighting game has always interested me, but at its core, I've always felt that fighting games have some really well designed characters.

I don't know where it came from, but your best character is referred to as your main. I've always played fighting games with the purpose of at least being savvy with every single character, but there are some which resonate with me more than others.

Sometimes I'll see a character (Mortal Kombat's Erron Black for example) and say, "I'm maining this guy, he looks too cool." Other times, I'll be figuring out a game, and while aesthetically drawn to another character, a new character comes along who has a playstyle that just suits you.

What are some of your fighting game mains? I'm using the term fighting quite loosely, as some blur the lines. Just because there is fighting in a game, it's not a "fighting game" so there will be no judgments.

You can list them however you see fit. Here are some of mine!

Street Fighter - Laura (SF5), Sagat (SF4), Hugo (SF3), G (SF5), Ken

Tekken - Miguel, Asuka, Alisa, Julia Chang, Devil Jin (Before T6)

King of Fighters - Terry Bogard, Shermie, Mai Shiranui, Vanessa, Andy Bogard, Iori Yagami

Dead or Alive - Honoka, Mila

Dragon Ball Fighterz - Android 21, Goku Black, Bardock, Yamcha, Vegito, Majin Buu

Skullgirls - Cerebella, Filia

Virtua Fighter - Sarah Bryant, Pai

Smash Bros - Ike, Terry, Banjo-Kazooie, Pyra/Mythra, Robin

Soul Calibur - Cervantes, Xianghua

Mortal Kombat - Erron Black, Ermac, Mileena, Sindel

Injustice - Deathstroke (IJ1), Robin, Deadshot, Green Lantern

Marvel Vs Capcom - Gamora (MVCI), Rogue (MVC2), Storm (MVC2), Chun-Li, Spencer, Wesker

Blazblue - Litchi, Taokaka, Hakumen

Guilty Gear - Baiken (xrd), Ky (Strive), Ramlethal

Samurai Shodown - Shiki, Genjuro, Iroha

Under Night - Hyde, Byakuya

I'm sure I'm missing some!
King of Fighters: Terry Bogard, Iori Yagami, Kim Kaphwan, Vice, Lien Neville, Billy Kane, Blue Mary, Geese Howard, Rock Howard
Samurai Shodown: Haohmaru, Ukyo, Genjuro, Earthquake, Amakusa, Jubei
Soul Calibur 2: Link, Kilik
Mortal Kombat: Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Reptile, Noob Saibot

Now, how proficient I am with each of these characters is a different story. 😅
Street Fighter: Alex (3), Bison (4), G and Abigail (5)
Tekken 7: Steve Fox
Mortal Kombat 11: Noob Saibot and Terminator
Soul Calibur 6: Geralt
Injustice 2: Scarecrow
Guilty Gear Strive: POTEMKIN
Samurai Shodown: Wan Fu
Smash Bros: Terry, Incineroar
The only mains I've truly, truly had in fighting games were...

Soul Calibur 2: Cassandra. I abused the shit out of her 236b against friends a lot.
Smash: It use to be Samus, but I've gotten pretty decent with Lucina. Decent as in, I don't get trashed 90% of the time by my mates when we play. Just 60% lolol.
Scarecrow getting a lot of love for IJ2. I'm not going to lie, I wanted to main Poison Ivy, but her style just didn't work for me. Here are some more I didn't mention, their viability as fighting games are questionable to some, but to me, arena fighters count.

Naruto Storm: Kiba, Minato, Neji
Jump Force: Jotaro, Kenshin, Aizen
Power Rangers BFTG: Ryu and Chun Li, but before that I played a lot of Mastadon Sentry, and Jason Scott
Street Fighter x Tekken: Ibuki and Hugo
Granblue Fantasy Vs: Katalina and Percival
Fighting EX Layer: Sharon and Terry
The main fighty I've been devoting my time to has been Guilty Gear Strive, with my mains there being Potemkin and Anji. Though I have gone back to Xrd to throw down with friends, and I really like Slayer, Baiken, and Raven. Really hope they get in Strive!

Played a bit of Skullgirls a long time ago and I liked Beowulf and Big Band. Same with Granblue Versus despite being based on my favorite gacha. Only played Vaseraga there but I really want to give Ladiva, Eustace, and Lowain a try!
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