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A Niche in Time


Jan 22, 2014
My request thread doesn’t have a lot of fancy images and colors. It looks boring and bland, but if you look beyond that and read the plots, you might find something you like. These are all plots that I’ve tried and would like to try again. So I’m hoping I can find the right partner for them. As for my posting schedule, I do the best I can. Working as much as I do, I do not reply every day. So if you’re looking for a partner who can do that, keep looking. I have a life. My limits are few and far between. Anything from romance and love to scat, death, and blood is fine with me. I do have images that I would be happy to share for characters and such. I’ve also been rping on this site for three years. So I’m not new to rping. Here’s to hoping to hear from someone.

Weeds in The Backyard

Callie came from a wealthy family. Her father had certain expectations about her. She was taken for granted, often ignored, but there were still certain standards that she would live up to. So when he hired on a new mechanic to take care of his extensive car collection, he certainly wouldn’t approve of her spending time with him. There are some things though that can not be stopped. Callie is shy, but there is something about him that she can not deny. Coming out of her shell slowly, Callie begins to speak with him until one night she finds herself on the doorstep of the pool house, where he is staying. Callie begins to see the truth. She likes how she feels when she’s around him, and she wants to keep feeling that. As their friendship grows, perhaps she wants to feel more. An accidental brush of his hand against her own. A tight embrace. Yes. She wants to feel more. Will he want the same? Is he willing to move their friendship in a new direction? What can he show her? Of course, her father would never approve, but she doesn’t care, nor does she see him as her father does. He is simply more than a weed in the backyard.


Molly was as plain and average as she could be. Working days in a diner and helping out her family as much as she could, she barely spent any time to herself. She knew the odds. Most people ended up being murdered. She knew that one day she could be starring into the face of her killer. The last face she would see would be a stranger. Wanting to control her own fate, she set up the website For the right price, murder me. While all the responses she got were from crackpots, there was this one guy that left her a message. She read over it a thousand times before finally replying. In taking that first step, she knew she was taking her own destiny into her own hands. She would control when she died, how she died, and who the last face she would see would be. There are some details we can discuss if you’re interested.

Lust On The Open Road

Lucy lived with her parents, but they were far from the model. Her mother was everything a mother should be. Her father, on the other hand, was a terror. Often he would beat her mother, while Lucy remained behind the closed door of her bedroom until it became too much. On this particular night, she had listened to her mother become the victim of his savage attack. No longer able to remain quiet and out of sight, she came from her bedroom, begging him to stop. He did, but only to turn his wrath on her. Her mother, being the parent she was, threw herself on her husband’s back while he mercilessly turned his anger to their daughter. He broke his attention from her and returned it to his wife. She screamed for her daughter to run. As much as she didn’t want to, Lucy knew this was her chance, and if her father continued, it would be her last chance to get away this night. She dashed from the house, after climbing from her bedroom window. Down the street, she raced until she came to a biker bar. Gasping for breath, she doubled over, her hands on her knees. The bright lights drew her attention. Music flowed from inside. Lucy needed help, and though she was apprehensive about entering this place, she knew time wasn’t on her side. Anytime now her father could come down the street, roaring behind her with the car. Would he stop and throw her in? Would he run her down? Honestly, she was uncertain and afraid of the answer. Heading inside, she called out, her voice shaky for someone to help her. Someone. Anyone. It happened to be him. What happens between them, how their relationship develops, is all up for discussion.

6 Days With A Killer
Now, this is something we can discuss in private. How do they meet? What happens during those 6 days.

The Girl in the Glass House
To start with, this plot was about a girl taking part in a social experiment. She is living in this glass house, giving up her right to privacy for a certain amount of time. She can not speak with anyone outside the box. So touching someone, hearing their voice, those things are things she will have to live without. She is, however, allowed a certain amount of time each day to be online. This is mainly for the purpose of submitting an online journal entry to the person running the experiment. He's not important, nor will he ever actually be played. Well, unless you have some idea of why or how he should be played. Anyway, once that is done, she has time to answer a few questions from people who are curious about what it's like inside the glass house. That's where YC comes in. He sees her every day. Maybe he begins to daydream about her. Whatever the case is, that's up to you. Now, what happens when she gets out? That is something we can discuss in private.

****Please, if you message me about any rp plots, mine or yours', do so with more than a few lines. If the plots interest you, or you want my opinion on one of yours', intrigue me, gain my interests, and it takes more than a few lines to do that. If all I get is a few lines, be assured I probably won't reply back. If you're not going to put forth the effort in your message to me, then you probably won't do so in a rp. Also, I work a lot. So if you're looking for someone who can reply daily or every other day, then I am not the partner for you. If you're okay with slow replies and friendly OOC, then message me. We could work. While I'm okay with OOC, I like to keep my rl mine. So don't be expecting photo sharing and Skype calls. Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not looking for a man. I'm looking for rps. I don't have YIM, but I'll be more than happy to share my Skype ID with you. I'm on daily. lol.*****
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