A Dream Journal- No posting please. But Feel Free to Read~


Mar 18, 2019



I'll use this Journal as a dumping ground for the random craziness that comes out of my head. I have a lot of dreams that I can remember from even years ago. Some of these will be odd, sexual, or violent in nature.

I'm not open to others posting in here at this time. I will edit if this changes.

Thank you.


A Dream that Lost its Color
I find myself downstairs in a childhood home, it was my Grandmother’s townhouse.

I’m on the couch, lounging. My boyfriend at the time appears downstairs, but he’s dressed in my grandmother’s underwear— a skin-toned silky material as she always had— and nothing more. I’m disturbed by this.

I get up and decide to go upstairs. The stairs go up, then mid-way have a leveled off area to stand before the next set of stairs go in the opposite direction up. As I start to walk up the second row, I freeze almost at the top. There’s a vent on the ceiling and I’m frozen under it. I’m staring, terrified, understanding that some form of demon is within it.

I feel as though the demon is threatening me, and when I eventually find the strength to finish climbing the stairs, I rush into my Grandmother’s bedroom. I walk the length of the room, but now everything is in black and white. I near the double sinks and vanity area where I find both her and her newer husband slumped backwards, also in their underwear, with their eyes rolled back and their mouths open wide. I believe they were dead.

I was terrified, knowing somehow that the demon in the vent had done this.

End Dream

(Note: This dream is very old and I may be missing some pieces, but I think I still remember most of it.)

(Note: It’s the only home that I have ever felt happy in, because all other places were in poverty and with my mother. The backstory here is that every holiday and school break I was sent away to my Grandmother’s house.)

(Note: Every detail in the house is so accurate in the dream. I had to go to the house to look up and see if there was a vent. It was nothing I’d ever paid attention to before, but it was there.)

The First Loop

I was in my room, on my bed. I seemed to be in the middle of trying to masturbate, but ended up getting up and opening the door as if someone may have come in. My younger sister was there, which was not a very likely event. I tried to remember if I was expecting company, but it was fuzzy.

The next thing I know, I’m waking up in my bed. It was a dream.

I get up from the bed, open my room door and go into the living room. I feel suddenly uneasy. I turn toward the windows and find that one is open, curtains lightly moving to indicate as much. I’m completely spooked, but I don’t seem to suspect that it was a person. Something else…

I run back into my room, scared, shutting the door.

My fear seems to wake me. It was a dream.

I get up from the bed. Open the room door. The window is tampered with, the door is off set and unlocked. I seem to remember this happening before. My fear builds, I'm terrified. I run to my room, slam the door. I’m frantic, repeating to myself:

“This is a dream! This is a dream! Wake up!”

I begin slapping myself over and over.

End Dream
(Note: I was living alone in a three bedroom apartment meant for college students. I was the only one that was ever living there for about two years.)

(Note: I woke up in my bed. They were ALL dreams. My heart is pounding. I’m afraid to move. I do not go to the door. I’m too scared to go to the door. I lay there for a while, afraid, but tell myself as long as I don’t do the same thing I did, then it won’t happen again.)

The Second Loop

I’m riding in the bed of a truck, down some dirt road with a group of people that seemed to work in the same store as me. We arrived at some old looking barn, it was very large. It was a big place, and something like a flea market or very big shop full of old odds and ends. I went inside, I’m not sure about the others from the job. The dream was shifting. I saw my daughter running along the other side of a long table that housed random items. I call her name and rush after her, not wanting her to wander.

I turn a corner and watch as my girl somehow goes into an old box T.V. I’m distraught as she’s teleported into an old video game setting and I cannot get her out.

But then I wake up in bed. It was a dream.

I wanted to check on her. I get out of bed, walk toward the door that’s always kept open to better hear. You can see the stairwell from my doorway leading down to the first floor. My kid was slowly crawling up the stairs, looking at me, her eyes glowing red. Demonic.

I wake up in bed. It was a dream.

I get out of bed and I go down stairs. I find her father in the living room and confide in him, looking for comfort. I tell him about our kid, and her eyes. But as I am explaining the dream, his face begins twisting, warping his features and stretching out his mouth. I’m frozen. Terrified.

I wake up in bed. It… was… a dream…

Her father is in the bed beside me, sleeping. I shake his arm. I’m so scared, so worried about what’s happening to me. I remember the past dreams. I need comfort. My body keeps becoming paralyzed. I can’t move, I can’t find my voice. I’m trying to call out to him, trying to scream. My fingers find a little movement and I’m hitting him against the side.

He turns over. He looks at me, grabbing hold of the blanket. He then begins shoving the blanket into my mouth, forcing it down my throat. He was choking me, trying to kill me.

End Dream
(Note: By this time in my life, I was a new mom. My girl is a little under one year old.)

(Note: I wake up in my bed just like before. I'm too scared to move. I refuse to move, to talk. When I get brave enough, I turn on the light beside the bed. These dreams are taxing.)
The Car Chaos

I was travelling. There was a plane ride, but something went wrong and we had to land earlier than expected. So when we got off of the plane, we needed to rent a car. It seemed I was with my boyfriend on a trip. There was a stranger that was seated on the plane beside me, and she was distraught about trying to get home, and after talking to her for a while, so I tell her she can ride with us in the car.

The car ride was long, and from what I recall, I told the girl that she could only go so far with us until I later discovered she was about an hour away from the boyfriend’s hometown.

It’s night, and things have shifted into the stranger no longer being in the car. It’s just me and the boyfriend. I see a small plaza of buildings that wake me up a little in the car as I realize we’re almost at his house.

We get to his place and he gets out of the car, gathering his things. I ask if I’m going to stay with him, but he doesn’t want me to. It seemed as though he had someone in the house that he didn’t want to see me. Maybe it was another girlfriend? I can’t be certain.

I started to argue with him. I was more heated than I should have been. He reacted by walking over to the car, which was now my car and not a rental, and he grabbed the hood with his hands, lifting the corner and bending it upward, out of place. I started to shout, upset by such actions. I went up to him, still screaming, going off about “why would you dare destroy something that someone has put so much money into paying off?” and he continued to grab parts of the car, pulling and bending them out of shape.

He starts to go on about pain, taking a dull screw and drilling it against his arm. He was trying to prove some point but I have no idea what it was.

I left and resorted to going to my mother’s house.

I parked, going inside, deciding to grab my bags later. When I wake up, deciding I want to get my daughter’s backpack out of the trunk of my car, it’s very dark out, so it was even later in the night. I walk around outside, but there are a lot of additional cars parked in the yard, and for whatever reason, I can’t find mine anywhere.

Confused, I seek help, and I’m told that the next door neighbors are known for stealing cars. So, we walk over looking for evidence. I see a collection of random car seats sitting out in the grass, and as they ask if any of the seats look like mine, I say no, mine had seat covers with turtles on them, then suddenly I see them. The person helping me starts rummaging through what looks like a bunch of junk, but comes back with a few CDs saying that they tend to unlock the cars with codes the put on the discs. Maybe one of the codes is on there. And then I see “Jumbled” written on one of the CDs and panic even more. I put the CD in a big stereo, hitting play. Various sounds of car horns play out of the speakers.

I’m sure that’s not the sound of my car, and around then, the neighbors come out, discovering us in their yard. I confront them, demanding my car back. But they apparently junked it hours ago. More screaming on my end as I’m livid, going off about just wanting my daughter’s backpack, and how could they do something like that to a mother? They admit that they saw the bag and did feel a little guilty about it, but anyone that lived next door at my mother’s was bad news (like druggies, delinquents, etc). I explained that I was only there for the night. Went on to ask why they picked my car when there were so many others over there. The person that was helping me then decided to join their ranks of car thieves. I was even more confused, trying to understand it, but he explained that he was going to help get my car back. The last thing to happen was a new notice on a computer screen saying that a company had received the request for the cars return.

End Dream
(Note: This isn't necessarily scary so much as it was a stress dream. I don't feel like making a new section since it still left me waking up all anxious and unsettled.)

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Answers In a Storm

I was in my room at night and there was a big storm happening. Headlights pushed through the blinds from the driveway. I got up and went to the front door, opening it up. The storm was so intense, the front door was ripped right off of the hinges and flew away, up into the sky.

The headlights belonged to the new truck of my ex. He got out of his truck and we began shouting at one another. I shouted, “You’re with her, aren’t you? The girl in Jacksonville!”

His silence answered my question.

End Dream
(Note: At this time in my life, I was trying to rekindle a relationship with a high school sweetheart. We had been on-and-off for a while, growing and making mistakes as people do. He was giving me mixed signals as far as what he wanted. I had sent him a message asking him to give me an answer. Did he want to be with me, or not? I got no response from him.)

(Note: As I woke, I suddenly knew I had the answer. As it turned out, he had been seeing a girl north of that little town, up in Jacksonville. She was later discovered to be pregnant. Years later it was discovered it wasn’t his— but that’s a different story.)
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