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Sexy Superheroine VR Trials


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
I was digging around in my files, mostly actually looking for stuff for work, when I stumbled upon this relatively recently written erotic fanfiction thing. It's not perfectly aligned with what I'm looking for at the moment, but it's got a theme I may come back to at some point. Plus, it also provides a fun shell that I would very much like to use at some juncture:


“Thank you all for gathering here today,” intoned the nearly expressionless green being standing before a relatively small gathered crowd. Under most normal circumstances, a being like Jo’nn Jones would stand out quite a bit indeed. The Martian Manhunter’s green skin and impressive physique broke with most Earth trends, and even discounting that, his heroic garb, a pair of skintight black pants and a set of red crosses over his chest, designated him as a hero. “I know that you all have received at least some notification about---” the Martian’s brows furrowed as he looked over the small gathered group, his gaze settling on one in particular. “M’gann? Where is Power Girl?”

The cute Martian teen flushed, a little heat rising between her visible freckles. She glanced over her shoulder, as if hoping the other teen heroine would suddenly appear, before looking back. “We told her the correct time, right Ka---Supergirl?” she looked to the teen standing next to her.

Supergirl nodded. “Yeah, and I literally just reminded her…” she dug into a small pouch at her skirt, pulling out a phone with a branded Super-case, holding it up as if to confirm.

“Which means she’ll be here…” a black heroine in the back, wearing a yellow and black striped costume, made a great show of checking her watch, “in about fifteen minutes.”

“We can always catch her up,” offered Supergirl, waving a hand, “it’s no big deal. I’m pretty sure she received the message, because, uh, she wasn’t exactly thrilled about being put in the same group as me for this?” she winced, before gesturing around.

Both Miss Martian and Bumblebee almost seemed to share the expression, though the last female present tilted her head, looking a little confused. A gorgeous waterfall of slightly curled midnight black hair shifted across a set of perfectly tanned shoulders, “Why would she not wish to be with her twin and companion?” asked Wonder Woman, before looking over at Supergirl.

“Uh, well, she’s…. there’s the whole…” Supergirl rolled her hands.

“She’s a clone,” finished Bumblebee, “and she’s got a huge ass chip on her shoulder about it. Hence the weird hair and the punk clothes and the whole fuck you attitude.”

With each curse word, M’gann and Kara winced, both looking almost apologetically at Jo’nn, as if he hadn’t already experienced KB for himself. The black woman may be one of the most brilliant minds on the planet, a protégé of Dr. Ray Palmer, but she still had some rough edges, edges that sometimes got rougher whenever certain other people were involved. It probably didn’t help that she almost looked like she’d been selected in this lineup for some sort of affirmative action play. From the top of her multi-dreadlocked hair to the bottom of her striped boots, Bumblebee looked very much an urban hero, which contrasted so strongly with the blonde haired, blue eyed bubbly teen near the front that it almost hurt.

“Well then, we shall begin without her,” agreed Jon’nn, before nodding. “As you know, there have been growing concerns regarding the directions various supervillains have been going. More and more they are taking drastic measures and using underhanded tactics.”

“The fiends fear facing us on the field of battle,” agreed Wonder Woman, nodding.

“Stuff like that makes her sound even younger than you two,” muttered Bumblebee, smirking as she gestured toward M’gann and Kara. Both alien girls were just eighteen: Kara having turned that age less than a week ago, and M’gann only a few months before that. Not that KB was all that much older, what with being a whopping twenty herself. Diana technically had several hundred years on all of them, but she was the equivalent of a teenager in appearance, albeit an absolutely jacked, flawless, Amazonian one, and her people considered her as such.

Kara couldn’t quite fully suppress a slight stab of jealousy at those gathered in the room. She kept on top of social media trends, and she almost wondered if they hadn’t algorithmically pulled all those that frequently topped the “sexiest heroines” charts. Usually Wonder Woman, the Amazon with perfect features including steel grey eyes, a bust that seemed to defy expectations, and killer hips, topped the charts, though sometimes Kara would edge her out. Kara did have the whole petite, “jailbait” look going for her, with the long blonde hair, big blue eyes, and innocent expression. She swore she just wore the skirt and crop-top to look cute and to continue the whole Super brand thing (which she’d been working on consistently, as her phone and… other things showed), but she’d be lying if she didn’t admit to liking the attention. M’gann was usually considered the most “bangable alien,” often being called “cute” more than sexy (though to be fair, so was Kara).

And, well, Power Girl, or “Ally” as Kara and the rest knew her, topped any who cared about certain… features. Or who looked her particular… style.

“Yes, well, these villains have been utilizing more and more underhanded tactics, including hostages, devices, drugs, mind control, etc,” continued Jo’nn, nodding. “Recently several criminals in Gotham attempted to sexually assault Huntress while she was on patrol,” there likely would have been some jokes about that, possibly because it was Gotham, or possibly because Huntress bordered on a “joke” heroine. “They were stopped before things got too far, and punished in due accordance to the law,” he again hesitated. That was because everyone knew that Batman might have gone a little farther than “the law” in reprisal. “But it’s our belief that the villains may start drifting toward more sexual ends. To that end, we have gathered the five of you together. This is due partially because of your ages: you are all roughly just of majority in accordance to culture and custom,” his gaze flicked almost nervously to his niece as he said this, “and partially due to what we believe to be your inexperience. According to your sexual profiles, of the five of you, at least three are still virgins.”

This caused some brows to furrow. Everyone knew that Diana had taken a few lovers back in her home. The Amazon hadn’t exactly been shy about how she’d thoroughly enjoyed sharing her “sisters’ embraces” quite regularly, and that she’d “learned the joys of feminine pleasure from a trained priestess of Aphrodite.” There had been at least conversation with Kara where the Kryptonian had wound up stammering and going completely pink.

They also all knew that KB had a boyfriend: Mal Duncan, who had technically be a superhero before her. While their relationship had its ups and downs, they’d also been together for several years, and the chances of no intercourse happening would be almost nonexistent.

On the other hand, everyone knew Kara was a virgin. It wasn’t that she wasn’t interested or attractive. She flirted and had teased a few boys. Once she’d even gotten a boy’s pants down, though he’d exploded just as she’d started to kiss his member. But no guys would get much closer than that, particularly since her cousin had this tendency to be overprotective. Kara usually tried to play it off, but she was beyond curious.

Which made things a little curious, as that left both M’gann and Ally. The former also had a boyfriend, though M’gann and Connor hadn’t been together near as long as Duncan and KB. Sure, M’gann (sometimes Megan) clearly had a more conservative background, but she also was just as clearly crazy about Superboy. Whereas Ally frequented raucous clubs and frequently bragged and posted about how she was having almost too good of a time. Kara swore she’d seen white streaks on her twin’s jacket at least once.

So either Ally was lying about getting around

Or KB’s and Mal’s relationship was rocky

Or M’gann and Connor hadn’t done things yet.

Not that any of the girls said anything immediately.

“We will be using a combination of virtual technology and Marian psychic link to put you into scenarios constructed around various sexualized encounters,’ continued Jo’nn. “This is part of why we wanted M’gann present: so you would have a psionic inside as well. These encounters will sometimes prove to be no-win scenarios. The goal is to prepare you for the worst and---

“Sorry I’m late!’ called a voice that sounded eerily similar to Kara’s. The form that sauntered in wasn’t that far off either… in some ways. Galatea, or “Ally” as she vastly preferred to be called, had been cloned from Kara by Lex Luthor not long after the Supergirl had first fought crime (four years ago, give or take). She’d been rapidly grown in a tube, fed various nutrients and what was supposedly a heavy brainwashing element, and released into the world.

She matched Kara’s face exactly: same bone structure, same blue eyes, same pink lips. Her hair had the same golden blonde color, but whereas Kara’s hung loose and long, almost to her tightly rounded butt, Ally’s had been cut drastically short: an undercut with an overhang and a bang. She’d also managed to pierce one of her earlobes (it had apparently hurt). Though most men weren’t likely to notice that difference.

They’d be too busy staring at the biggest chest on any superheroine.

Kara had once checked, and they were easily pushing around in the “G” territory, compared to her more modest B cups (she knew that KB was at least a little bigger, M’gann about the same, and Diana somewhere between Kara and Ally).

Said chest had no symbol on it, as Ally had opted to avoid the “S” logo. She wore a black leather jacket over what appeared to be a red tank of some kind, tucked into a pair of shredded black pants. Hardly superheroine garb, though she had an edgy look that worked for her. It made Kara want to rethink her own girlish short skirt. Maybe pants?

“Glad you could join us, Power Girl,” said Martian Manhunter, nodding.

“Yeah, just had some stuff to do,” said Ally, shrugging and puffing out air, knocking back some blonde fringe, before teasingly wiggling fingers at Kara.

“Excellent, we are all present and accounted for,” said Diana, nodding and turning back, “thus we can finish the training briefing?”

“Correct,” said Martian Manhunter. “During these trainings, you will have memory of previous training, but you likely won’t realize that you’re in a training simulation. The goal is to make sure that you act as you normally would. Anything that happens to you will only exist in your mind. Our hope is that you can gain experience and not be overwhelmed should a situation happen. That being said, we have counselors in the Tower should something occur. It is entirely likely that your group will be eliminated entirely. If that happens, we will allow some of the consequences to play out, before pulling you out. There will be some resting periods before we reenter.”

Martian Manhunter paused. “I’m sorry we have to do this, and before you ask,” he looked to Bumblebee, “yes, the men are undergoing similar training.”

“Gee, I’m sure they’re all just so upset,” drawled Ally, rolling her eyes.

M’gann frowned. “I hope Connor is, at least.”

Kara put a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “I’m sure he’s mortified.”

“Or getting his super-dick sucked,” offered Ally, shrugging. There were exclamations all around, with Diana stepping forward for a moment. Ally just smirked: they all knew that she’d love an excuse to go a few rounds with the Wonder Woman.

“I think it’s time we begin,” said Martian Manhunter, before gesturing.

They all walked that way, looking over the pods that had been placed for them. Each would render them weightless, suspended in fluid with a device over their heads to block out any senses beyond the system. The various tubes would connect to provide the nutrients to stay alive.

KB doublechecked several of the devices. “Batman did most of the work,” she said, looking over at them, “though Atom and I did some checking, mostly on the fluid,” she pointed. “It doesn’t feel nearly as gross as it looks.”

Wonder Woman took a deep breath. “I am looking forward to the challenge!” she said, stepping toward her pod.

Batman stepped out of the shadows then, and Diana seemed to flush for a moment. “Keep in mind that whatever you bring in there,” he pointed, “comes with you into the simulation,” he looked to KB, who was already doublechecking all her gear.

“Yeah, so don’t forget your phone,” teased Ally, before leaning over her clone, “or your special branded underwear. Victoria’s Secret Supergirl collection, right?”

Kara flushed, giving her twin a harsh look. “The deal was good, and they’re donating the proceeds to charity,” she mumbled, shifting, “plus they feel nice,” she pinked, before entering her own pod. She watched the others enter, KB going last as she checked. The helmet felt odd, but not nearly as odd as the fluid that filled up around her. Kara soon felt the device settling around her ears, and a voice beckoning her mind to just relax…
Supergirl tried to pull her punch as she hit what she was pretty sure was yet another criminal with no super powers. She almost flinched as she felt his stomach fold around her fist, watching as he fell back several steps. “This almost feels unfair,” she said, turning to see Power Girl tossing another criminal up into a second story window.

“Yeah, well, the jackasses are the ones working for some dumbass named ‘Super Pimp,’” Power Girl replied, dusting her gloved hands and looking back to her twin. “Ya think he just ran out of names or what?”

“They say it has something to do with his powers?” offered Supergirl, shrugging a little. She tapped the com on her ear. “The hench presence seems to be growing in the area, so it sounds like our tip about this being the Pimp’s territory was accurate,” she told everyone.

“Keep that in mind,’ said Wonder Woman. “He has likely gone aground, as he does not strike me as the valorous sort.”

Power Girl snorted. “Who does?”

Fortunately her coms weren’t set up, so Supergirl just nodded. “Right, so where did that last one go?” both Kryptonians rose slightly off the ground, focusing. They found the trailing hench, one that Power Girl had scared off, at almost the same time. Supergirl started to point, but Power Girl had already taken off. Supergirl sighed, punching in one last notice on her com.

“Yeah, it looks like he’s at the… Pimp Daddy Club,” she nearly winced.

“How did we miss that?” asked Bumblebee, the sound of clacking keys and her chuckles coming in just under it.

“I’ll do surveillance,” offered Miss Martian.

Supergirl nodded, before flying forward, running quickly to catch up with Power Girl. Not that she needed to: the punkish blonde was being held up by a massive black man standing at the door.

“…and I’m saying that unless you one of the boss’s girls,” drawled the man, arms folded, “we ain’t letting you in. Fuck, I don’t think I’m letting---” Power Girl lunged forward, grabbing him by the collar. The line of people gasped, while a panicked Supergirl hurried forward.

“Look, ah, maybe don’t?” she said, pulling down. “Um, sir, we were just chasing a suspect, and we wanted to check inside,” she flashed a smile. “I promise I’ll keep her under control?”

Power Girl snorted. The guy looked from one to the other, no doubt noticing the matching faces, almost too similar despite their contrasting expressions. There seemed to be some hesitation for a moment ,before he stepped aside, gesturing for them to follow.

Supergirl thanked him, before all but yanking Power Girl behind her.

“You know he’s got to literally be telling his boss we’re coming now, right?” Power Girl said, leaning over slightly.

Supergirl nodded, before flashing a smile at her twin. “Yeah, and we both agreed this guy’s a joke, so what’s the big deal?”

They almost chuckled, before nodding. The thudding music around them threatened to overwhelm Supergirl. As Kara she’d done some of this sort of thing, though she mostly did various social media retreats and charity events. Supergirl had even gone clubbing a time or two. The music wasn’t that bad: lots of bass notes and all. The clientele was… a bit worrying. There were a lot of scantily clad women, several looking at the heroines with suspicion. There were also quite a few men of different shapes or sizes. Many of the women danced near or even outright on the men. Others had poles where they twirled, throwing off the last few bits of clothing they actually had.

‘Yep, whore club,” said Power Girl.

Supergirl nearly wanted to ask if her twin was an expert, but that was just too mean. Instead she nodded, before leaning. “We should stick together and---you’re already--,” she let out a sigh of frustration, trying to follow. Her hand rose to her communicator, but she’d barely touched it when the feedback squealed in her ear.

Great, so that was out. And Power Girl was being… Power Girl. Frowning, Supergirl scanned. They had some idea what the Pimp looked like. He dressed in purple, had a cane, and had this sleezy sort of charm. Less outright attractive and more… charismatic, like a lot of villains were. Average build, though supposedly with super endurance.

There! Supergirl saw a figure like that sprawled out on a couch in back. She looked for Power Girl, but not seeing her, she dared try to work her way through herself, being subtle. She’d barely gotten a few feet with a girl drunkenly stumbled into her. Supergirl tried to keep her away, but the girl spilled some of a drink, making Kara wince. She balanced the girl back up, before turning just in time to see that another had approached the Pimp. She appeared to be kneeling before him. Maybe some kind of worship or something?

Should she wait? Or… no, she should go quickly. The Pimp was focused, and this was a great distraction. Kara nodded and hurried forward, standing before the man.

“Super Pimp?” she demanded.

The Pimp looked up. “I mean, some folks just call me Samson,” he drawled. His hand moved to the girl, pulling her up, and Kara saw a rather impressive member slide from between those lips. A little white stuck to the dazed girl’s lips: obviously one of his victims. “Don’t recall asking for a cute blonde. You even old enough? And what’s with that getup?”

“I’m Supergirl,” Kara said, striding forward, “here to bring you to—” the Pimp apparently didn’t need more. He’d moved quickly, his cane lashing out. Supergirl caught that, breaking it handily. A puff of pink air wafted out, and Supergirl had to quickly blow to get that out of the way. She turned, just as the Pimp brought his hand up. The back of his hand hit Kara’s face, and she found herself staggering back, a little dazed, far more than she figured she ought to be, considering. Her hand raised to the wound as she stared up at the Pimp Daddy himself.

“You gonna make one fine ho to add,” he drawled, before gesturing. Still dazed, Supergirl nonetheless raised her hands, ready to deflect another of his slaps. What she hadn’t seen was the victim staggering toward her. The girl’s arms wrapped around Supergirl, who reflexively caught her, supporting her. Those strangely stained lips landed on Supergirl’s, and the heroine let out a squeal as she felt a tongue sliding inside. A strange salty taste assailed her for a moment, while she swallowed and forcefully pushed the girl off.

The Pimp had stepped forward, his mouth moving to say something. A fist connected before he could form words, as Power Girl lunged in. Her blow sent him sprawling off the couch, dazed himself, and send blood splattering, including over Ally’s face. The blonde gagged for a moment, spitting. “I think I got some Pimp in my mouth,” she said, before looking over. Another woman lunged, tackling Power Girl. It was just enough to catch her off balance, and Supergirl moved to make sure Power Girl didn’t hurt anyone.

It took some wrangling ,but they had the various girls all wrangled. Supergirl took stock: six in total had assaulted. They all varied, though each wore some variant of skimpy underwear and clothing that showed off their back. They could see a “tramp stamp” sprawling across each lower back, some more intricate than others.

“Well, great,’ said Power Girl, ‘we lost him.”

“I’ll go ahead,” said Supergirl. “He can’t have gotten too far. You’ve got to take care of these girls.”

“Shouldn’t we reverse that?” Power Girl pointed out.

“I know his tricks,” insisted Supergirl, eyes narrowing. “and just—” she already flew off, not wanting to argue with her friend.

Kara hurried through the club, running quickly, trying to scan with her vision. She thought she had eyes on the Pimp once or twice, but she just wasn’t sure. Frustrated, she nearly punched through a wall (but she held back, unlike what some heroines would do). Instead she started systematically searching. The Pimp had left the main floor behind, so now she was backstage, as it were. There was a pink lit hallway with plush carpeting, that quickly dumped into a waiting room. There didn’t appear to be any girls present, but there was a menu on the wall, listing prices. Kara barely had to read it to see that it was highly sexual, starting with blowjobs and ending with special favors.

So this was the brothel. That made sense. She frowned, looking back, wondering if she should get Power Girl anyway. No, too much collateral. She focused ahead, pausing to look through the first wall…

…only to flush, turning away. Okay, so there were some dangers there. Maybe Kara could just… increase it a little. Skeletons might be unnerving ,but that was better than seeing, whatever that was. She pushed a little further, trying to focus, before she heard a cough behind her.

Kara whirled, fists up, only to see a middle aged man looking her over. “Can I help you?”

“You must be new,’ he said, “’cuz I ain’t seen you around here before,” he nodded. “Really fucking cute though. You know you’re a dead ringer for that Supergirl chick. Smaller tits though.”

Kara flushed. “Yeah, thanks, but you’ve definitely got the wrong girl. It’s probably---”

“Sign says all the girls back here are good,” said the guy, shrugging, “and it ain’t the first time I been here. Hell, you ain’t the first Supergirl I’ve seen.”

“Okay, look, I’m really trying to be nice here, but you should get away before things get rough,” she said .”We’re about to bust this place and---”

“Commitment, I dig,” he said, nodding. “But I got fifty bucks here,’ he dug into a pocket, producing it, “so I want a blowjob.”

Kara opened her mouth, knowing she was going to tell him off, but instead found herself saying something very different: “Sure thing!” her voice as chipper as if she were signing autographs. Her brows furrowed even as she headed forward, smoothly dropping to her knees. “What is---” she mumbled, even as he dug into his pants. “I’m not---”

“Yeah, yeah, new girls say that,’ said the guy, “but it’s cool. I love them nice and cherry,” he grabbed his member, bobbing it in front of Kara’s face. “Now get to work.”

The heroine nodded, moving a hand up to take it. Kara was trying to remember the last, and only, blowjob she’d given. Her pink tongue slid out and she let it glide along his member. Wait! She shouldn’t be doing this at all! The blonde heroine nearly started, eyes widening. Why was she doing this?

He flashed the money again, answering her internal question. Right, because he paid her, and that’s what she did. It was in her. She nodded and licked again, running her head up and down, sloppily trying to do… something. She kissed the head a few times, at least careful to hold back her strength.

“Fuck, you suck at his,” he said, before wincing, “just…. Open your mouth.”

“Facefucking’s extra,” came out before Kara could even process it.

“I’m not gonna,” he said, rolling his eyes. Sighing, he reached down, pulling down Supergirl’s mouth. She dutifully dropped, as he pushed his dick against her. “Wider.”

Kara stretched, feeling the member sliding within. She let out a little squeal, nearly gagging, and he’d barely gotten a few inches. It was just… a lot. She knew this was what she’d been paid to do, but it wasn’t like she had the experience or—

“Just, slow down a little,” the guy said. “Fuck, you must be brand fucking new,’ he leaned a bit, “yeah your tramp stamp’s fucking tiny.”

Her what? Kara’s brow furrowed, but his dick moved and she had a job. Supergirl closed her lips, bobbing her head a little taking in those few inches. She could feel the soft flesh between them, and the warring feelings it brought. Sure, this was highly sexual, but she hated this. She didn’t know this guy’s name, and he looked old enough to be her father. But she was doing her job and that felt… right. She tried working what was left, again careful to control the force.

“Yeah, that’s it. Fuck, you’re fucking hot. Dead ringer for Supergirl…”

She pulled off, looking up. “Um, that’s because I am Supergirl?” she pointed out, tilting her head. “I kinda said that.”

The guy stared, unbelieving, the eyes widening further as Kara slid back down. “You’re fucking---the Supergirl?” Kara bobbed her head. “And you’re doing this for fifty bucks?”

Kara paused, brow furrowing, pulling off. “That’s the… price, right? And you paid---” the guy grabbed her head, pushing her down. She squealed, hands flailing for a moment, tempted to point out that he hadn’t paid for a face fuck. But he didn’t quite go there: just held her in place till her mouth opened. Kara knew she should stop, that this was wrong, but she started licking all the same. She could feel him pulsing within, heard him grunting above her.

“Fuck, yeah, take it,” he said.

Kara barely knew what was happening ,but she knew to pull out: he hadn’t paid for a facial or anything. Instead she redirected his orgasm toward her hand, collecting the dollop of seed there. She had tasted just a bit of the precum, and it tasted familiar, kind of like that kiss earlier. She frowned, looking at her palm, fighting the urge to vomit. A fifty soon drifted on top of it, and her hand closed, looking up.

The guy was already on the phone. “Yeah, Pimp? You’d better get out here, ‘cuz you ain’t gonna believe who you just got…”
The Super Pimp Daddy knew it had been a gamble. Shit, he’d been expecting a cape for a while. But fucking Supergirl and her wannabe punk ass clone? Way out of his league. Must’ve pissed someone off. But he’d caught that naïve little virgin off-guard, and his little top slut had gotten to her. That secondhand dose of his cum wouldn’t be enough to fully hit the Kryptonian, but according to the call he’d just finishe,d it had been enough.

Sure enough, the cute little teenager stood in front of him. Her long blonde hair hung around that girl next door face. There was a little hint of white at her lips, evidence that what happened happened. But defiance showed in those blues. “I don’t know what you did to me, but this is your chance to---”

Pimp wasn’t interested in that. He backhanded the heroine, sending her sprawling. His pimp smack would render any female dazed, apparently even Supergirl. But a girl whose whore gene had started to awaken? She was toast. Those blue eyes glazed as the soon to be newest ho stared up at him.

“They didn’t tell your super ass what you were goin’ up against, did they?” he drawled, moving forward, again drawing out his impressive cock. “I got the Pimp Gene, bitch. Any o’ you hos get a taste of my seed, and you own ho gene starts buzzing. Even works on capes,” he stepped up to her, taking Supergirl’s head. He turned, directing her lips to his cock. “You need a good shot from the source.”

“No, I don’t wanna---” she protested.

Pimp shifted, lightly tapping Supergirl’s pretty face with his dick. Her mouth opened, and he started sliding. He watched pink lips wrap tight about him, stretching. Glazed blue eyes looked up, a little realization starting to dawn as his precum dribbled. “That right, you ain’t no superhero no more,” he said, nodding. “You a superho,” he chuckled, sawing his face. “You gonna have a new Daddy and everything,” he chuckled, rolling his dick. “You lucky I already know you legal. Just turned eighteen, right? Happy fucking birthday,” he felt his dick spasm, releasing a little precum. Supergirl groaned, eyes fluttering, lips pursing as she sucked: his semen was highly addictive, after all. The girls literally couldn’t resist.

Soon, she’d started bobbing on her own, his head guiding. She obviously didn’t know shit, but that was a virgin teenager for you. Damn did she try, head moving, teeth grazing him. Pimp chuckled, shaking his head. “Damn, we gonna have to start from scratch,” he pulled her off, “you looking forward to that?”

“I’m---you’ll never---” as she stammered, he shifted, tapping her again.

“Here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna blow another load in yo mouth, and you gonna swallow every delicious drop,” he said, pushing his mouth back in. She groaned, before wetly sucking, the noise loud and lewd. “Then, we gonna plug your super ass with some super seed. Save your virginity for some high bidder. Get that shit on lock,” he chuckled, wiping at his still sore mouth, “maybe use you for that bitch ass twin of yours.”

He shifted, pulling back as his cock shot a little more precum along Supergirl’s mouth. She greedily slurped, eyes fluttering. He nodded, rocking forward again. He started pushing further and further, fighting her gag reflex. Cute little teen spluttered and spat. Her hands rose, and she probably could’ve, would’ve pushed him, but the daze from his slap slowed her motions. Still hurt, but he just used the pain, pushing beyond her gag reflex, even as she threatened to vomit.

His thirteen inch dick had to be too much for a virgin, even one with a super throat. He didn’t care though. His hand clamped on her nose as she gagged, and he thrust down, feeling his balls churn. Excitement over his new conquest mixed with delight over the sexual sensation, and he felt it rising up. Soon it spat, and the girl’s eyes widened.

“Yeah, suck it down!” The Pimp crooned as he fed Supergirl her second load in under an hour. He could produce massive amounts too: Supergirl kept swallowing and swallowing, throat moving. She seemed determined to make sure to follow his command. The Pimp leaned forward, reaching down to flip up her skirt. “Shit man,” he said, chuckling. Her fine ass was covered in a pair of Victoria’s Secret panties, the Supergirl collection cupping the best ass. He lowered his finger, feeling some wet.

“You just a Superslut all around, aren’t you?” he asked, his cock spasming again.

Superslut groaned, eyelids fluttering, delightfully sucking down more seed. Pimp pulled back slowly, letting her collect it on her tongue. “Wait with that,” he said, before pulling off. He got the awesome sight of the pretty blonde teen, skirt pulled up, mouth open, pool of semen on her pretty tongue. Glazed blue eyes looked up as he bent down, patting at her belt. Sure enough, there was the camera. Smiling, he took a photo, fighting the urge to post it.

“Now swallow,” he commanded.

She did so, licking her lips, looking up at him eagerly.

“Now, what your real ass name?” he demanded.

“K---Kara Danvers,” she said, her voice sore.

“Ain’t no more it ain’t,” he said. “You Kiki the Superslut, got it?”

Kiki nodded dutifully.

“I wanna see them super titties, Kiki,” he said, gesturing. Kiki reached down, pulling up her little crop top. It was totally unsurprising to see the blue Victoria’s secret bra that matched, the red lining giving it away. The fabric covered the secrets, though it clung nicely to her bust, highlighting the youth and beauty contained therein. Not that it lasted long: she moved it immediately, showing a perky set of titties with this pale little pink nipple. Arousal had hardened them into points that could quite literally cut diamond, and she shivered a little, rolling her taut little body upward toward her new Pimp Daddy. “Fuck, you one hot ass little thing, aren’t you?”

Kiki giggled. “I’ll make Daddy so much money.”

“I think we need a little show,” he said, nodding and smiling. He patted a nearby table. Kiki floated up there looking at him. He spread her legs, the skirt rising more. The pantie stretched across her sex. Blue fabric almost perfectly outlined the lips just hidden beneath, moisture seeping through. The whore gene already flowed through the pretty blonde teen, making her blue eyes almost shine as she looked up at her Pimp Daddy. He could feel his cock bobbing, surging with arousal.

“Take those little ho fingers,” he said, reaching to take them, “and start rubbing,” he brought them down to her sex. Kiki’s eyes fluttered, hips rolling toward Super Pimp as they touched. Her head lolled back, lips parting to let out a soft little noise immediately. “Yeah, that’s the ticket,” he purred. “You gotta show ‘em how good you can put on a show. Like you ain’t already a little show pony, aren’t you, Kiki?” he purred. The cute blonde let out a giggle, body rolling, hips jutting toward him. He tapped her. “Now, you don’t give that shit away for free, right?”

Kiki shook her head. “Nope,” the former heroine said, “you gotta charge each time. Except for you, Daddy,” she smiled again.

Pimp drew his fingers along the pantie, pushing it against that sex. He felt the former superheroine groan, rolling against him. His digit swirled, teasing her sex, while the other hand dropped. He rolled along his cock, gathering precum, purposefully swirling his fingers around it. He brought those up to those pretty pink lips, which again parted. Kiki’ greedily sucked, pretty blue eyes locking with his.

And to think, this pretty teen had just been threatening to turn him into the police less than an hour ago. The thought made Pimp chuckle, and his fingers stroked her faster and faster.

“Oh, Daddy!” she let out a coo, rolling, “that just feels so good,” she started floating a little, which just made him chuckle. His fingers worked her a little more, teasing, pushing the fabric against that taut, teenage sex. He could practically feel the tightness as her body trembled: girl was so proud about her virginity. Yeah, sure, if that Superman guy found out, he’d kick Pimp’s Ass, but that was for a future.

For now, he was enjoying watching one of the world’s sexiest teen girls rolling her hips. “Daddy, I’m really feeling it!” she cooed, jerking toward him. She bit her lip, a hand running over her hair, letting the strands fall over glazed blue eyes. Pimp leaned forward, taking those pretty lips in his own. He moved them for a while, his fingers encouraging hers to tease her aching body. His tongue slid in, dueling the teenager’s pushing it ,rolling. He felt that taut body push against him, shivering once more.

His hands moved again, dipping low, running along his dripping cock. He gathered fluid, feeling his precum oozing out, even a little of his seed. The well wouldn’t run dry: fun side effect of his powers. Reaching up, he pushed aside the thin little pantie. Fingers teased velvet folds, feeling her almost too soft skin. Kiki let out a throaty little groan, head lolling, giving him access to her neck. He nibbled at the Girl of Steel’s throat while smearing his seed around her entrance, marking his territory. If he got his seed into a girl’s pussy, she was his for a damn long time. If he managed to knock her up, she wouldn’t ever go back. He’d even followed one that had gone through some rehab and she still came back a few days later.

Pulling off, he whispered. “Start pushing this into yo cute little snatch,” he ordered, wiping himself on her fingers. Kiki did as commanded, sliding his seed into her. Her other hand went to his cock, which felt a damn sight better than working. That left him to explore her sex himself, fingers teasing aside the folds, watching as her delicate digits went in. He shifted, eyebrows raising.

“Fuck, you got a hymen and everything,” he breathed, a finger moving in to tease it. Kiki groaned, rolling.

“I told you I was a virgin, daddy,” she breathed.

Shit, he wanted to pop her. His dick sent out another spurt, which Kiki gleefully scooped up, her finger nearly doing the job instead. He slowed her at just he right moment. Any other girl, he’d pluck himself. The Supergirl? Her virginity would be worth nearly his whole fucking enterprise.

Besides, she had another hole.

First thing’s first though: Super Pimp started stroking Kiki’s sex more and more. His fingers, talented as they were, pushed at folds, rolling out that little bean. He’d barely touched it when she’d shrieked. His other hand shot toward the open mouth, shoving a little more seed inside. Kiki would taste him in her mouth even as he pushed a little more of his seed into her sex. His dick lowered, pressing directly against the entrance.

Her eager body rolled, wanting that orgasm, but he just angled instead. “Nuh uh uh,” he teased, tapping her lips. “Your little pussy’s worth too much cherry,” he said, tapping it with his own cock.

“Daddy, I want it so bad…”

“You want to make daddy money more, don’t you?”

“Mhm,” the girl whimpered, before shivering, letting out a little gasp. Super Pimp took that moment to outright pinch the super-clit, relishing her exclamation and the jerk of hips. Super juices smeared his cock, which erupted, spraying all along Kiki’s sex. The newly baptized whore would feel his seed staking its claim. He saw the white cascading over her, painting the little golden bikini strip she’d left, and utterly drenching her sex.

Her eager fingers pushed against her climaxing folds, shoving his seed into her. Super Pimp slid back, watching for a few moments as the floating teen eagerly helped in her own corruption and debasement.

“Flip over,” he commanded, slapping her, “I wanna plug that hot ass of yours.”

“Oh—ohkay, daddy,” she breathed, rolling in the air.

“Panties down… but not off,” he commanded, watching as she fumbled, pulling the wet garment down, letting it drop around her angles. She awkwardly spread her legs, showing her baptized sex and the little starburst above. Fingers already started teasing, rubbing his juices not just on the pussy, but the sex above. Super Pimp smiled, already stroking his cock. He was starting to see the advantage in having his very own super whore. And knowing that the matching set was wandering in his club somewhere only made it better…
Okay, so Power Girl had brought all the stupid bimbos outside, where they had some cops waiting. She hadn’t heard from Supergirl in a while, which was a little strange, but Kara might be thorough. Hell, she might be posting on Instagram or Tiktok by now. Ally snorted, folding her arms, pushing her chest up a little. Her gaze slid, seeing the impressively built bouncer standing nearby.

He eyed her for a moment, his eyes seeming to settle on the blood on her lip. “Yeah, it’s your boss’s!” she said, giving her mouth a quick rub with the back of her hand. The big black guy’s eyes seemed to raise for a moment, then he smiled an almost predatory smile. “whatever,” Ally said, waving him off and looking into the building.

Yeah, she should go looking for Kara. The others should be here soon. KB and Diana were better at talking to people anyway. Ally started forward, only to see the black guy sort of darting away out of the corner of her eye. The fuck was he doing? She frowned, altering her path a bit, seeing him ducking into a sort of side alley. He definitely seemed suspicious, and he had to be, like, a suspect or something (Ally was still a bit rough on the whole thing; to her defense, she was a clone and a lot of her memories were from a shady ass government agency…. And the punk rock scientist who’d slid some stuff in there).

Power Girl followed, not bothering to hide. She could handle this guy. She just rounded the alley proper when she saw him tipping back some sort of pill. Ally snorted, rolling her eyes: drug taker.

“Great, and here I thought you might be a problem,” she said, her arms raising and falling. “If you’re tweaking, it’ll---”

“How about you shut that white ass mouth of yours and get over here to suck me off?” the black man demanded.

Ally let out a laugh. “Okay, you’ve got some balls, I’ll give you that,” she said, shaking her head, “but if you think you’re getting a beej from Peej---” she was about to tell him to fuck off, but found her lips moving instead: “for less than fifty, you’re out of your---the fuck?” her brow furrowed, and she seemed more than a little confused. Had she just fucking propositioned him?

“That’s what I fucking thought,” said the guy. He dug into his pocket, producing a fifty. “Fifty bucks for your smart ass mouth on my big ass dick,” he said.

“Deal,” Power Girl found herself saying, sauntering over and plucking the dollar from him. She stood there a moment, staring at him. “This is some fucking mind control---”

“Maybe,” he said, watching as her hands moved to undo his pants, “but I’m thinking you’re gonna be like every other white girl.”

“Oh gee, like I haven’t---holy shit!” Power Girl stared at the impressive cock that bounced out. The damn thing looked like some sort of primal sex toy. Had to be nearly as thick as Power Girl’s forearm, dark as midnight, and practically pulsating with raw power. It had a masculine scent she could detect from here, one that had her knees going weak. Ally had never been a size queen or anything, but holy fuck…

“Yeah, that’s the reaction,” he said, nodding. His meaty hand stroked the member, which pulsed a little more, as if the stroking drew it to life. Ally knew her eyes were drifting to it, the blues likely taking on a slightly hungry gaze. “Fucked over a few fine ass white girls like yourself,” he said, nodding. “Some natural gift from God, and a little bit of enhancing from the Super Pimp.”

“Fuck…” breathed Power Girl again.

“That’s the idea,” grinned the impressive black man. “They don’t call me Magnum for no reason. I even got some of the boss’s super addictive juice in me. ‘course, you might get that craving anyway…”

She sort of had it. Ally could feel the heat and tingling gathering between her legs. She pinched them together though, looking up at him. Her eyes narrowed, a little red gathering. “Or I fry you here and now,” she said. “Before anybody’s hands but yours touches that.”

Magnum chuckled. “Worried about my weapon of pussy destruction?” he teased. He stepped forward, extending the money. “I’m payin’ in advance, ho, and you got the boss’s juice,” Power Girl couldn’t quite stop herself from taking the money, or from dropping to her knees in front of him. “Got a little of his fluid in ya. Not his seed, so it’d go away quick. Hell, you could probably resist a regular dick,” gloved white hands started stroking him, that pretty head bobbing near his member, tongue starting to bathe, “but this ain’t no regular dick.”

“I swear I’m gonna break it off,” she growled, her hand tightening for a moment. She felt a hand seize her hair, yanking it slightly, making her hiss, eyes glowing.

“Bitch, you be a good ho!” he ordered, giving her another shake. “You just another white ass little spinner ready for some big black dick,” he shifted, smearing her lips with his dick. Power Girl tried to pinch them shut, but she could feel some of his seed starting to dribble there all the same. She winced, jaw tightening for a moment. But she soon saw another fifty lowering. “I’m just gonna pay you to swallow now,” ordered Magnum, the command sliding into Power Girl’s slightly modified brain. “Whole fucking load,” she felt a little shiver of pleasure.

Despite herself, Ally felt her mouth opening. The dick pushed, and she tasted the salty, earthy flavor of him. Her eyelids fluttered, body trembling. Fuck, but he tasted good. Ally had gone down on quite a few guys in her time. Blowjobs always made her feel like she lived up to her stupid name: powerful. She’d use just her mouth and a guy would fucking explode, then she’d walk away, shaking the hips that the horny scientists gave her. Magnum tasted even better than the guy who’d been hopped up on designer drugs, and he’d practically been intoxicating.

So for a moment, Ally forgot that she was technically in “uniform,” and on a job, and that this massive black dick sliding across her tongue wasn’t one she’d volunteered for. She just gave a nice suck. The modified cum hit her hard, her eyes rolling as she shivered.

“There it is,” Magnum said, stroking her, “Fuck, I love that look. Lean forward a little,” he tugged at her hair, and Power Girl groaned, taking in more dick. She felt it punching at the back of her mouth, and she instinctively started swallowing. Her practice came into play as she sucked and gobbled, drool starting to hang down in her eagerness to take more black cock. She felt him tugging at her jacket and the shirt underneath, pulling them just free enough to bare her back. “Yep, nice,” he said, before coming back down. He let her work, Power Girl eagerly bobbing up and down his cock, sliding it along her. “Fuck, you suck cock damn good. You sure you ain’t a fucking pro?”

Power Girl pulled off, feeling the words coming: “I am now.”

“You sure as shit are,” agreed Magnum as she descended. Power Girl slid well over half of him into her throat. She felt her gag reflex kick in, knew her throat bulged, but she held for a moment before sliding down as he hissed. His delicious seed slid into her throat: she could practically feel it. Likely that’s what fucked with her… and, shit, they probably got Kara too. Power Girl leaned forward, using a free hand to swipe back some loose bang, but also to quickly tap her com. The silent SOS had been agreed upon ahead of time, and that should give them enough.

Particularly since she was starting to really fucking enjoy herself. Magnum’s cock was practically a challenge, even for a girl like Ally, who had the fucking throat of steel. She swallowed, pushing forward for a few moments, before realizing that he’d probably have to grab and thrust. Plus… facefucking was extra. The knowledge just sort of drifted into her brain, making her pull back. Ally shifted to instead just sucking, head moving in time, hands moving along the rest of him. Fuck, Magnum’s cock was just… it was kinda fucking magnificent. Ally groaned, loving the feeling of it filling her mouth. She was pretty sure it wasn’t just sucking cock or her new brain or anything: this cock just felt…

“Yeah, that’s the look,” said Magnum, chuckling. His hand grabbed a fistful of hair, forcing her to turn her blue eyes up. “Your next gen of Kryptonians ain’t gonna have no pretty blue eyes, are they?”

At first Ally didn’t quite get what he was saying. The fuck was that all about? As she felt the dick pulsing in her mouth, tasting that sublime flavor, it started to hit her. She’d always heard the little saying, the whole “once you go black” thing. Mix that with the Pimp seed and whatever he had…

Panic shot through her haze. For a moment, Ally seized control, through her aching sex, through the pulsing mind control. She didn’t want to be addicted to big… black… cock. She didn’t want to have her tight sex stretched around them. To feel them pushing so deep inside her, reshaping her. To have load upon awesome load of black seed. To constantly have the most virile men in existence fucking her utterly senseless….

Ally’s eyes fluttered as she let out a groan, feeling the hot seed spewing into her throat. She eagerly swallowed, even partially aware of what it was doing. Why resist? She was a good little whore, and she fucking loved black cock, this one in particular. Ally’s hand dipped down, unbuttoning her tight jeans, tugging her belt, sliding underneath to feel her utterly soaked pussy. She began stroking while she swallowed, eyelids fluttering more and more.

“Leave the last little bit,” instructed Magnum, his dick leaving Ally’s eager throat. She followed for a moment, before realizing that he had something else in mind. Some part of her wanted to remind him that facials cost extra, but he had to know that. There was some connection there that Ally didn’t quite get yet.

Ally let him draw out, soon feeling his cock, still spewing delicious seed, hitting her mouth. She fought the urge to swallow, figuring that’s what he meant, instead focusing on him. Shit, this was trying: just let her get the seed or even better, move on to the fucking already.

Instead he had her sit there, frustrated, staring up at him. “Here’s how this works,” he said, tapping her. “You’re a little snowbunny now, my Queen of Spades, little Power Bunny, understand?” Ally had to nod, holding that mouthful of cum, “and I’m your bull. You fuck any black guy I tell you to, but you make sure to charge ‘em unless I say so,” she nodded again. “We both answer to Super Pimp, even if he is a whitie,” another nod, “and you gonna tell me how to get you all marked as a proper snowbunny,” she groaned, wiggling, before he bent down, nearly eye to eye with her, “and I’m gonna fill that Kryptonian womb with my baby. Now, swallow.”

Ally shivered as she swallowed the thick seed, knowing it to be an agreement. It hit her hard, and she opened her mouth, showing a blank pink tongue, before looking up. “Please say we’re gonna fuck now.”

Magnum chuckled, rising up. “First, gotta know some shit. What your real name?”

Ally nearly groaned, eyes still locked on that dick. “Galatea, but I fucking hate it, so I have most people call me Ally.”

“You got a last name?” he asked.

“Danvers,” she looked up, “same as Supergirl’s. Technically we’re twins on paper.”

“Well, now you Gogo the Power Bunny,” ordered Magnum.

“God, that’s stupid,” mumbled Gogo.

“Nice to know you got that spirit,” he said, nodding. “Now, how we get some tatts on that skin of yours?”

Gogo shrugged. “Well, I guess you’d have to get some Kryptonite ink.”

“And that is?”

“Green rock shit. Alien. Will prolly show up in the black market.”

“I’ll tell the boss,’ agreed Magnum, nodding. “Now how about you get out of most of those clothes, and we get to the fun part?”

“Fina-fucking-ly,” said Gogo, rising up. She shimmied out of her jacket, letting it drop. Her breasts bobbed from the motion, and it got worse as she bent down and started pulling up the tank top that covered her. A confining sports bra, black with grey edges, held the utterly massive chest in place.

“Shit, your tits about as big as my dick,” said Magnum, whistling.

“Yeah,” said Gogo, glancing down, “the scientists were major pervs,” she shrugged. “They mostly just get in the way.”

“Bout to be real useful for your new profession,” said Magnum, chuckling.

Gogo let out a snort, reaching down for the bra. She frowned as Magnum shook his head, pointing at her unbuttoned jeans. “Seriously? Like, every guy wants to see the Power Titties…”

“Well, they my titties now,” said Magnum, “and I wanna see you standing out here in your underwear.”

Gogo shrugged, before reaching down. She shimmied at the pants. She felt the tight fabric tugging at her panties, but was a little more focused on getting them off. Gogo got halfway before remembering the boots, which she had to float up to kick off. Another midair twist, and she was kicking the pants too. She had to tug the boy short panties back up slightly. The crotch of the black fabric had been completely soaked, contouring perfectly to a snug sex that was a genetic match to the one being bathed in Pimp cum just beyond the walls.

Gogo did a little spin, showing off the utterly impressive body. Tight everywhere, with gravity defying breasts barely contained in that fabric. Only padding stopped from showing a pair of pink nipples poking through, and there was at least a little tent action. No hiding the wetness starting to leak down those firm thighs, or the almost hungry look in the newly made whore’s eyes.

“You look all kinds of ready,” said Magnum.

“I’m fucking horny as hell,” agreed Gogo, running a hand along her cut abdomen, sliding along the top of the pantie.

Magnum jerked his head. “You know you got an audience, right?”

What? Shit. Gogo turned, seeing that several of the gathered club goers, and what looked like maybe one confused official, were openly watching. They’d just seen the heroine they knew as Power Girl shed her clothing and kick it a little their way. Gogo felt a little stab of embarrassment, but she just flicked them off. “We’re busy, so back off,” she said, starting to turn, before she saw something out of the corner of her eye: two decent looking black guys. Gogo shifted, letting them see the stamp.

“Shit,” one said. “She’s---”

Gogo turned to look at Magnum, who gestured toward the guys. She knew a pimp wave when she saw it, and she looked back. “You two got a hundred bucks?”

The two dug into their pockets. They’d probably come here expecting one of the whores. But a girl who looked like that? With tits like those? They’d probably have given their souls. Instead they hurried forward, money extended. Gogo pointed toward Magnum, who took the money, and she eyed both. One was tall and lanky, the other a little shorter, a bit more medium build. Both wore baggy pants, but Gogo could see the good stuff.

Fuck, she was gonna have one hell of a first time.

Again she turned to Magnum, and he raised a finger. He pointed down. “Toss the clothes back there, you ain’t gonna need them no more.”

Gogo nearly groaned, but bent down, knowing that the guys behind her got an excellent view of her ass. One let out a “damn” that probably meant he’d seen the wet patch. Gogo gathered up the jacket, jeans, and top, and gave them a good toss, at least taking the time to aim away from the crowd at large. She took another step, but Magnum reached down and hooked her bra. Nearly shivering, Gogo watched as he drew it up, letting out those bountiful breasts. They barely bounced, her Kryptonian genetics giving them a lift that nearly made them look fake. And they were just almost too impressive, particularly released like this, and capped with the little pink diamond.

Nearly panting, Gogo raised her arms. Magnum tossed the bra back, the garment landing in plain sight for the crowd. He gestured for Gogo to rise, and she hovered a bit. Hands hooked her panties, peeling them from her sex. “Fuck, you bare,” he said, noting the expanse of flesh.

“Yeah, I got a little wonky with the laser vision,” said a trembling Gogo, watching as her wet panties slid, leaving her floating, nude, the black guys the only thing blocking her from a crowd.

Magnum rose up, holding the panties. He extended them toward Gogo. She swallowed, knowing yet again that she had to stop, nearly yelling at herself. But her sex pounded, and she wanted to earn that money. She tossed it over her shoulder, and let the big black man move his impressive hands around her waist.

Magnum drew the new whore formerly known as Power Girl into an alley. He pushed her against a cold brick wall, graffiti outlining her panting body. Lips seized hers in less a kiss than a declaration of intent. They could’ve talked more, and if he were the Pimp, he probably would’ve teased, made her beg for it. But by now, they were both eager, and they had two customers to tend.

Gogo felt his cock shifting. She groaned around the kiss, hands moving about him. Not far away, she heard pants being unzipped, and felt a little thrill, knowing what was coming, how she was gonna earn her first couple hundred just like that. But first, she rolled her hips, feeling her taut ass pressing against the wall, her aching sex pressing against him. The thick head pushed against her pussy.

A great pressure formed in her lower belly. It felt a little like when she used some of her bigger toys on herself. When you had super endurance and a tendency toward craving sex, you got some of the best. Gogo had crushed her share of dildos. Hell, that first had been what made her figure that unless a guy could last through a blowjob, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to sleep with him. Given Magnum’s nearly perfect cock, and the whore gene flooding Gogo, she doubted that would be a problem.

She let out a yelp as she felt him punching. Her first cock pushed aside her walls. There wasn’t any coaxing or gentleness: Magnum just shoved forward. He braced, and began pounding, forcing Gogo to open. Her legs opened wide to let him in, before hooking. Hands pressed, and only the inlaid command of all whores to not harm their clients stopped her from crushing him. The raw pleasure out classed everything, eclipsed that tension, eclipsed the pain of her body. Her head lurched back as she let out a quick scream, feeling the quick fire of orgasm ripple through her.

“Yeah, that’s a good snowbunny,” said Magnum, working. “Fuck, you tight.”

One of the guys chuckled, already working his own dick. It wasn’t nearly as big as the hench, but it was still impressive, larger than most Gogo had had. “She’s taking it like a fucking champ… she’s new, ain’t she?”

“Sure is, ‘bout to be our biggest earner,” said Magnum. He leaned in, pounding Gogo harder. Thinking was starting to be a problem, her thoughts nearly firing at random. “Tell them who you are.”

“G—go-g-o the Pow—power—bun-ny” she panted between thrusts, shivering as another little orgasm rocketed through her. She looked at the tall guy, who just happened to be close. A hand moved out, and she drew him in, kissing him, shivering with delight as his tongue hit hers. Technically she shouldn’t kiss clients, but black guys were too good, and she was a little caught up.

A smack on her tit told her to pull off. Panting, she looked to Magnum, who was grunting and meeting her eyes. Fuck, that looked amazing, and she let out another groan. His hand seized her hair, tilting her head. “Tell them who you were a couple hours ago.”

“Wha--?” in her fuck-addled state, Gogo didn’t quite understand what he was asking. He grunted, shoving hard, fucking her into the wall.

“Who they think you are,’ he said, waving to the crowd.

“Oh,” gasped Gogo, half from a little burst of pleasure, half from realization. Shivering, she rolled against the wall, looking over at the other two. “Power---power Girl…”


“For real?”

Magnum chuckled, bracing hard and just hammering the ex-heroine. “She was,” he growled, before grabbing her hair again. He yanked back, slamming Gogo hard. His cock hammered into her, and she felt something inside battering. The new whore didn’t quite understand, hadn’t had enough black cocks or big cocks, but she was realizing: he was knocking at her womb, her cervix. His modified dick just plundered her.

“Now, you cum when a bull cums in you,” commanded Magnum.

Gogo hissed, but nodded, trying to brace as he started railing her. The two others came to either side, playing with her breasts, teasing her nipples, adding more into it. Gogo hissed as her body rolled, arching against Magnum, feeling him going inside. He gripped hard, before his pace picked up even more, nearly embedding the super-whore into the wall. As he thrust deep, his cock exploded.

Gogo felt the order hit and she just lost her fucking mind. Her hips arched as she let out a scream, hands gripping the wall hard enough to crack it. Her sex spasmed, perfectly milking the cock inside it, even as fluid jetted out, mixing with what shot inside. The massive dose of amplified cum splattered inside the blonde clone. She felt it jetting so very, very fucking deep. The warmth that spread felt fantastic, like the best bliss she’d ever had. She let out another little cry, head swiveling, as another orgasm pulsed in time with a second pulse.

Magnum thrust a few more times, before pulling out, splattering some on her quivering sex and thighs. He chuckled, reaching down to scoop it, feeding it to Gogo. She happily sucked, dimly aware that she was adding more to her whore gene, that it would take some serious magic or tech to reverse the process for at least a few days now, if it could even manage that. Fuck, it felt like he’d just planted a baby in her, so she might be done.

“If you ain’t knocked up now, you will be in a few weeks,’ promised Magnum, before sliding out. He smiled at the other two. “Don’t worry, boys, she’ll be tight,” he pulled a panting, glowing Gogo from the wall, letting her hover. She felt her body roll, and hands prized apart her cheeks, “and she still’s got a whole, and these,” he wiggled the breasts before adjusting.

One black dick thrust up against her chest. Another angled at her taut ass while she floated in the air. And the newly minted whore Gogo’s first time continued, as a cock slid into her ass, almost at the exact same time as her twin…
“Oh, Daddy!’ exclaimed Kiki as she felt the almost too big cock slide into her tight little hole. She hadn’t even thought to tease that one, not like the other. Her pussy nearly burned, as if she could literally feel the cum seeping into her, spreading its whore nature throughout. She reached down, gripping the table to brace as the Pimp worked his massive cock into her. He’d been slow, claiming he was training her tight hole. Kiki wanted to make him proud, to be placed as a good whore with good rates, so she flexed and worked.

“Fuck, you’re amazing,” breathed Super Pimp. Kiki felt him grabbing her cape, lifting her, bowing her body. She let out a coo as his cock slid up in her further. She rocked back, trying to tell herself that she was just doing good, even if this felt… off. She shouldn’t be doing this, right? She glanced down, seeing the symbol on her chest, Kal’s symbol. A hand rose, but she felt the cock pushing a little further.

“You are gonna make Daddy so much money,’ cooed the pimp, rubbing Kiki’s ass. She nearly purred, loving the feeling of fullness, loving that he wanted to fuck her. She rolled again, feeling him sliding more and more into her. They rocked almost gently, before he again pulled her cape.

“Take this off,” he ordered, “you ain’t a hero no more.”

Kiki’s hands fumbled, but she released the cape, almost collapsing, feeling her ass spasm as he slid further inside. She shivered again, feeling his hands sliding under her shirt. As his cock slid inside her, he pulled upward, tugging the last bit of fabric. Slightly dazed, Kiki let him remove it, watching as he tossed it aside. Her bra was soon to follow, leaving her in the boots and panties.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you new clothes soon,’ promised Super Pimp, giving her ass a slap. Chuckling, he rolled his hips again, almost grinding smoothly.

“Oh, thank you Daddy,” she breathed, eyelids fluttering. Delight had settled in again, a sort of warm, liquid feeling. The cock kept sliding in and out, almost languid. Then Super Pimp gripped her hips hard and pulled. Kiki let out a sharp little gasp, feeling a burst of delight that made her toes curl.

“You cum when a client does, and you definitely cum for Daddy,” growled Pimp.

Like her twin, Kiki hardly needed to be told. The massive Pimp cock unloaded in her tight channel, giving her the warm suppository of whore gene. It threaded throughout, helping to further rewrite Kara Danvers into Kiki the Superslut. She felt him rolling again, before pulling out, glazing her firm ass cheeks with his hot seed.

Panting, Kiki felt somewhere between energized and exhausted, ready to fuck but also wanting a nap. She let herself collapse on the table, half watching as Super Pimp moved about. His magnificent dick still bobbed, and he paused to use her cape to wipe it. “Gonna keep this,” he said, tossing it over his shoulder. He pulled a phone from his pocket, no doubt issuing orders.

“Shit,” he said, laughing. He bent down, showing Kiki a photo. There was who she knew as Ally, caught between two massive black guys. A slide transitioned to a video.

“Yes, fuck!” spat Kiki’s twin, shivering as the cocks sawed into her tight little ass. Another slid right between her breasts, gliding over what looked like more cum. It didn’t last long before Ally was wrapping lips about one cock, while the other sank deep, no doubt filling either end.

“Looks like we got your lookalike too,” he said, pulling back, “she’ll be a Queen, but they make good bank. Looks like Magnum took a shine,” he chuckled. “you’re lucky I got you,” he lightly, possessively slapped Kiki’s ass.

“Now, you just gotta tell me who else is gonna come looking for ya. Then we’ll get you all cleaned up, dressed pretty, and starting the streets.’

“Shit,” Bumblebee said, nearly throwing her headset. “we lost both Supergirl and Power Girl,” she fumed at the readings. Surprisingly it was Ally who’d sent the distress signal, which likely meant they were lost. KB ran her hands through her dreads feeling them slide around her fingers.

“I think I can go in,” insisted Miss Martian, “maybe find them.”

“They may be hostages,” said Wonder Woman. “Or worse.”

Bumblebee put her face in her hands. Shit, this was why they needed someone like Batgirl on comms. She was more the build it and then infiltrate sort. Sighing, she looked back up, frowning. “This whole thing is just… BS. We’ll keep canvassing the area. It’s not like Super Pimp’s all that subtle.”

“Yeaaaah,” agreed Miss Martian. “He’s, uh, not exactly the most sneaky of villains.”

“If only he were less cowardly though” said Wonder Woman, audibly sighing. “We shall have to retreat for now, and put out orders. That signal could mean the worst.”

Which meant the boring shit again: stakeouts. Bumblebee groaned, knowing who would be right in charge of that.
“Shit, man, you two are ready for it,” said Magnum, eying Super Pimp’s prime new stock.

Kiki the Superslut looked like the girl next door gone rogue. Her blonde hair was tied into an almost too innocent pony, pulling it away from her face. Pink mascara highlighted her blue eyes, with traces of stars and glitter showing like freckles. The barest of bikinis barely covered her perky breasts, two triangles of blue cloth with red border almost more teasing than anything else. A dangling red string hung between, with the “S” charm she’d previously been known for dangling off. Piercing her cute little abdomen was a glowing green stud piercing, helping to keep her powers under check. In homage to her previous outfit, she’d been gifted a short little red skirt. It hung about her like a belt, the blue strings of her thong bikini quite visible. Blue leggings covered her legs. And, of course, she had the fully solidified tramp stramp stretching across her back, showing her to be almost fully converted to her new whore life (she’d just need knocked up or a few shots in the pussy).

Her twin, Gogo the Power Bunny, stood next to her. Her hair had been left in its short, almost butch style. Dark mascara showed her blue eyes, and unlike her twin, she wore a collar, upon which dangled a Queen of Spades charm. She, of course, was never allowed to take that off. A short jacket that barely covered anything was on her shoulders. Tied underneath was a white cloth that sort of functioned as a bra, though the edges of her pink nipples showed. Like her twin, she too had a thong showing: black strings sticking out of a pair of shorts so tiny and short they wouldn’t count for panties on most. The Queen of Spades would show on the front of that. Fishnets covered her legs, down to a pair of stiletto hooker boots. Her tattoo was complete: full corruption, no going back, with the Queen of Spades in the middle showing just her specialty. She looked at him with hungry eyes, and he almost wished he could put another baby in her belly.

He wanted to fuck the tight little match to his bunny, but Super Pimp had forbidden it. The auction for “Supergirl’s” virginity was already hitting six digits and climbing (with some demanding various verifications). Still made Magnum’s dick twitch, and he looked at the twin, half tempted to take it out. But they had two jobs to do.

First: “Alright, you two know the drill. Troll for clients,” he said, “usual fees apply. Kiki,’ the eager blonde looked up at him, “anal, oral or handjobs only. Gogo,” his prized bunny looked about ready to pounce, “only black guys. Winner gets a fresh dose of Super Pimp juice up her preferred hole. Loser licks it out,” he nodded, before leaning in, whispering as if to activate their other programming, “and when one of those wannabe heroines shows up, you know what to do.”

Kiki and Gogo nodded, before spreading out. Magnum had to stay at least in the general area, since they couldn’t risk some crazed villain or wannabe trying to whack the girls or take them. It also meant he got to watch, almost thrilled as Kiki immediately got a guy who wanted a blowjob, clearly amazed that he was getting it from the pretty teen. She dropped to her knees and went at it, smoothly bobbing her cute little face, letting him grab the tail for gripping power. Hard to believe just two weeks ago bitch couldn’t blow anybody. Now her lips sealed this poor guy like a vacuum, pulling at him as if she were going to use those superpowers of hers to extract every last drop of seed from a guy. Magnum had actually seen her about try that with Super Pimp, getting a load so heavy that her little brain had been absolutely fried. Ten guys had painted her incredibly fuckable ass white, and she’d just tried to scoop all that and more into her cum-hungry mouth. Now the poor client’s knees buckled as he spilled, Kiki catching it and smiling up at him as he dropped a bill into her prized puddle.

Turning, Magnum saw Gogo undoing the cloth around her tits. She wrapped them around a short, fat, middle aged black guy’s impressive dick, pressing hard enough to make him wince. The dedicated ho didn’t even seem to notice. She’d created a valley of flesh that any guy would want to explore. Her client practically panted as the near purple head of his dick kept poking out from between. Enough deliciously firm chest flesh covered the rest of him, and Magnum knew firsthand that the pressure would feel absolutely fucking incredibly. He fucked Gogo’s tits at least once a day, and could feel his cock stirring at the thought even now. His little bunny might’ve noticed, as she looked over and gave him a wink, tongue curling out to run along her lips in that promise. It proved enough to tease her poor customer over the edge, and the sexy blonde just laughed as white spilled over her chest, reaching up to take her money and stuff it in the pocket of a jacket.

Naturally Kiki had already moved on. Her little hands were filled with cocks, pumping two of them directly at that pretty face. The two hardly lasted, not under a skilled hand like Kiki. Seed spurted, painting the pretty face of one of America’s most darling superheroines, a girl who had once been called “America’s Maid of Steel,” now she ran a finger along seed, sucking it as she held out her hand for her latest fee. Guys had already started moving in, another clearly wanting a face-fuck. He took hold of that blonde tail and thrust into the pretty face… lasting about five thrusts before spilling a weak little shot into her. Kiki just giggled, as pleased as ever to be earning money and fulfilling her genetic destiny.

Opposite her, the rough twin sucked another thick black pipe dry, smacking her lips as she swirled the delicious seed about. Gogo swallowed, gave the black dick a kiss, and moved to the one right next to it. Three had lined up, pointing at the hot little number, hands stroking: either hers or theirs. More were starting to line up: they’d quickly figured out that two of the hottest of Super Pimp’s already hot harem were open for business, and that they were only doing rapid fire shots right now. Gogo seemed determined to outdo her little twin, which was hardly surprising. Already she was working down the barely there shorts. Her skimpy thong did little to hide her already soaked sex, the lips seeming to puff out in what was by now a near instinctive response to black cock. Hell, the fabric just had that little bunny to let them all know.

But it tugged down, showing the words BBC Only artfully tattooed just above her sex. Within moments she was pushing down a scrawny black guy, fulfilling those words like a prophecy, her hungry sex gobbling up his cock. Not that this would stop her: a hand reached back, grabbing a super-ass cheek and pulling it, baring the star as she whispered for another. She hardly needed to: already a black domed head was punching against her. Hands, now freed, grabbed at dicks. Even her mouth lurched forward. Hell, Magnum knew that if she could, Gogo would take a few per hole, or get her tits in, but the crowd of thick black meat already blocked out most of his view of her, and she knew the rules.

So did Kiki. The poor little butt-slut didn’t have quite as many holes, so seemed to try to make up for it in quality. Each customer got coaxed into one of the bonuses. A blowjob would have her playing with the seed, before swallowing it. One guy worked his way into that ass, and she immediately turned around, face hovering above the glistening member, offering to lick him clean. Again Magnum felt his cock stir, watching the cute little heroine’s tongue circle about, no doubt tasting her own butt on the cock even as she dutifully sucked. Her own little titties were out, the skirt flipped up. Everyone could see another little piercing: a vertical bar with a little glowing green gem that shot straight through her clit. The already sensitive heroine would cum just from having it flicked, which her crowd of admirers was already quickly finding out, based on the puddle on the ground.

That wasn’t even considering the money the two were raking in. Magnum grinned, seeing the green stuffed into thong bands, laying in puddles of cum, tucked aside from bras, rolled into stockings, and in Kiki’s case, even beginning to get pushed up inside her still dripping snatch. Money that smelled like pussy: wasn’t that the dream?

Magnum did chance a look around: he knew damn well that a display this public, particularly one they’d heavily advertised, would be noticed. He thought he saw something, but wasn’t certain. He worked his way over to Gogo, who was still in the process of gagging on cocks. The various clients weren’t thrilled, but everyone knew to respect the hulking black man.

“What, did I win?’ gasped Gogo, twisting to look up at as everyone stopped for a moment. Magnum jerked his chin, and Gogo turned, before nodding. Yep, they’d found their target.
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