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Modern Era D&D Game


Mar 17, 2012
The country of Aldrea has been at peaceful rest for a long time. Grand magics allow for instant communication, and the world has moved past it's constant wars, and machinations of dark gods, elder things, and has begun a new era through the progression of time. Magic has not faded, rather it is more ubiquitous and common in this day and age than ever before. The provinces of Aldrea, once kingdoms of men, elves, orcs, and dwarves united via dutifully elected council, but there are always monsters, be in the mountains of madness, or the deepest dwellings of the dark undersea, these places still hold power in this modern era. While a commoner might not live in fear of the days when dragons roamed the skies, the monsters of the world will never truly be gone, and there will always be relics from the forgotten ages that came before.

It is against those monsters that each province trains the future generations, so that each generation that follows is stronger, and smarter than the last. Here in the province of Glimmerhelm there are many noble schools that teach the magical arts, the ways of old martial skills, songs of new and old, but there is a school that has a reputation. In the quiet well protected town of Norton Valley is The Low Valley Adventuring Academy, the worlds most storied institution for raising would be adventurers.

It is a slow morning in the valley that resembles a flourishing town from 1990's america. The early morning haze is just starting to lift as the dawn sunlight breaks over this sleepy scene. It is September 5th by the new calendar and it is the first day of school for our new heroes.

We begin in a small Cul-de-sac of similar but not exactly the same house. White picket fence, the picturesque image of the Glimmerhelm promise of peace, and prosperity. This is the Trisro house, a home of middle class, not wealthy, but never poor. Tomaso is a realestate agent, and her husband Tasani an architect and upon this morning as they move about and make breakfast, both are visibly concerned, and in fact mortified that their only daughter has chosen to attend the adventuring academy.

"You know sweetheart, there is still time to put in your application for Maritven." The upscale private wizarding institution. Known for being safe, if a bit stuffy and higher class It was Tomaso who spoke first trying to draw her daughter into a safer life. "Your test scores were more than spectacular in middleschool, you would do amazing things I'm sure."

From the uptown cul de sac, we go to the thriving downtown, To an apartment building somewhat worn down, the sign calls them the Hallowed fountain apartments, and we see the Taylor house hold. Lanelle Taylor A beautiful human woman who has entered into middle age. Worry, and grey hairs have started to really hit her face. The apartment is not small, but it's not exactly luxurious. Lanelle had left her work to raise her son, and she had tried her best, but while she still had her beauty she has started to grow old.

"Mica, breakfast." She called out. As she put out a meager breakfast. cereal, a banana, there isn't enough milk in the fridge for two bowls, so she silently poured water into her own bowl, and made sure to give the last of the milk to her growing son who would need it more.


From downtown we make our way still in the downtown area, but across the tracks and to the more upscaled side, we find a manor, and moving trucks. Because today isn't just the first day of school it's the first day in this new location for the Meryll's. Your father and mother promised you Rylie that this, this would be the town where you would finally get to put down roots, your family arrived last night, and it was a very uncomfortable night in a sleeping bag in this large house with no furniture, but today it would seem your parents have set up deliveries, and are beginning to set up a permanent home.

For the first time in your life there is an opportunity for you to make friends outside of the few kids that traveled with the carnival that your parents had been a part of. Live in a home instead of constantly going from city to city on the long road between the provinces. This is the furthest east you have ever been, and it seems that your parents are excited for their daughter to step into their new role.


and from the wealthy upscaled house, we move a little farther out, on the farthest point on the highway just barely inside of Norton Valley city limits we come to our last house. It's a little more run down, but it is a house. This is the case family home, and Kali's younger brother Ben is already up and running literally. It's an early start, Kali's father Denetarius has already gone to work, and your mother Evelyn is trying her best to wrangle Ben her child and get him ready for a day at elementary.

"Ben put that down!" her voice almost seems tired, but at the same time enjoying the bit of chaos that Ben is clearly causing so early in the morning as their is a loud crash and some pots and pans clatter in the kitchen. Evelyn and Ben are both Human, but are also somewhat trouble makers in their own way, while Denetarius a tiefling is usually the more responsible one, and since he's gone to work, in your house chaos rains.
We begin in a small Cul-de-sac of similar but not exactly the same house. White picket fence, the picturesque image of the Glimmerhelm promise of peace, and prosperity. This is the Trisro house, a home of middle class, not wealthy, but never poor. Tomaso is a realestate agent, and her husband Tasani an architect and upon this morning as they move about and make breakfast, both are visibly concerned, and in fact mortified that their only daughter has chosen to attend the adventuring academy.

"You know sweetheart, there is still time to put in your application for Maritven." The upscale private wizarding institution. Known for being safe, if a bit stuffy and higher class It was Tomaso who spoke first trying to draw her daughter into a safer life. "Your test scores were more than spectacular in middleschool, you would do amazing things I'm sure."
Tinesi, who prepared for the first day of school by making sure she wore her tool belt--one that is filled and clattering with different implements from hammers, to screwdrivers, to boxes of fasteners, and more. She goes about breakfast in her usual focused and hurried manner, as if she'd already had her coffee. Her eyes don't linger on anything for more than they need to, unless it's the toast she's slathering in jam, and, at what her mom says, she shakes her head.

"I can do amazing things anywhere. Low Valley will just let me do them sooner," she says. "You two worry too much. Whatever you've heard about it probably isn't all that true. I can take care of myself there."

With her belt, her backpack, and now her toast held between her teeth, she looks like she's about to leave right then and there--no hanging about, or taking her time. Tinesi prefers to do things quickly and efficiently.
Kali, a young, red tiefling, with a few darker red freckles across her face, chuckles as she moves over to the kitchen and helps her mother wrangle her brother. "Come on now Ben, aren't you ready to get to school? Get to see your friends and play with them." She says as she helps prepare breakfast. With her and her mom working together they manage to get the meal made and eaten.

"I'm a little nervous. I wonder what its gonna be like." She says once she's finished, adjusting her shirt and skirt as she looks in the mirror, and then combing back her long black hair, working her way around her horns, which were about the same color as her freckles, which came up from around her hairline for a couple inches before going almost straight back. She then makes sure her bag, and her brother's, have everything they need. "Alright uh, this and that and... I think that's everything."
From the uptown cul de sac, we go to the thriving downtown, To an apartment building somewhat worn down, the sign calls them the Hallowed fountain apartments, and we see the Taylor house hold. Lanelle Taylor A beautiful human woman who has entered into middle age. Worry, and grey hairs have started to really hit her face. The apartment is not small, but it's not exactly luxurious. Lanelle had left her work to raise her son, and she had tried her best, but while she still had her beauty she has started to grow old.

"Mica, breakfast." She called out. As she put out a meager breakfast. cereal, a banana, there isn't enough milk in the fridge for two bowls, so she silently poured water into her own bowl, and made sure to give the last of the milk to her growing son who would need it more.

Mica groaned and flutily squeezed a pillow over his head as his mother's call woke him. But he knew his business wasn't going to take care of itself today, so he only procrastinated a minute before rolling out of bed with another groan and slipped a white tanktop over his head. His tall athletic frame strode inelegantly out of his bedroom towards the waiting breakfast. Mica wasn't nearly the size of his father, still tall but more of a swimmer's build than a bodybuilder. But, he knew he would get there, someday. He scratched his dark curly hair as he lurched to the kitchen table and thunked down into the chair.

"I told you I was out of protein powder," Mica mumbled at his doting mother even as he began to scoop the cereal into his mouth, holding the spoon in his fist. He really didn't appreciate how her life revolved around him. This apartment and everything in it came because of her actions, one way or another. But the teen knew he deserved more and better. It would come, but Mica struggled with patience. Master Qian said almost daily that Mica's impatience was his greatest weakness and usually followed it up with a deft strike to his head or stomach.

"I'll be home late," his amethyst eyes glanced up to his mother, half worried she'd say 'No', and half daring her to try. Lanelle rarely said No to anything within her means, but Mica's increasingly violent social circle was a growing cause for concern.
For the time being, Rylie had both hope and doubt going through her in equal parts. Her parents "cashed in", or so Rylie was meant to believe. She did not know this at the time, but her parent's contracts expired and for whatever reason they were not renewed for the new year. To Rylie she was far to young to understand all this. Lukas and Thea Meryll were no longer part of the travelling circus. Rylie's constant travels kept her at arm's length to a good number of those around her. So she did not have many friends. In fact, Rylie barely knew where she was at this point.

According to her parents, they arrived one day early. So their sleeping arrangements were sleeping bags. It was better than nothing, though just barely. At least Rylie was going to have a room to her own for the first time. With little idea of how things were supposed to look, Rylie conjured a few concepts as she weaved a few simple sigils. Her mother, Thea, helping when she had the time to refine Rylie's technique. Theatricality was something Rylie knew. Making movements that to an outside eye looked like nothing. Deception, though not something Rylie prided herself in knowing, was another major factor in these performances.

For now, Rylie clung onto one thing. She was finally going to be going to an actual school for the first time. No more road tutors that travelled with the rest of the show that she was a part of all her life. Rylie woke up in the morning not sure if she should dread this day or treat it like the opportunity that it obviously was. Mortiven school was going to be the first step for Rylie to finally make her own path. Having to walk the path that her parents forged never did much aside from help Rylie to hone a few skills here and there. For now, Rylie had to adjust and the culture shock was something Rylie might well be entirely unprepared for.
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