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Puppy Prosthetics {Bestiality, robotics, transformation.}

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The Ridden
Feb 7, 2013
No limits, I enjoy and am looking for long walls of text, or atleast multi para, Bad ends are lusted for but not required. Below are the clipnotes of an old idea i never really could get working how i wanted to, Its always bugged me given my knack for crafting naughty scenes from the most innocent of things. Mostly wanted to hear some thoughts from the community, especially from any one versed in my Rp's and my threads here on Blue.

Fallout'Ish: The original thought for the storyline was set in the Fallout universe involving something as simple as a mad scientists with dreams of the old world where women were little above animals in status, So he turns his science into not helping animals or humanity but slowly turning his little corner of the world 'right' Turning nigh any female he comes across and manages to catch, Into his version of a perfect pet, Or something to that effect. Could also be a Vault with rogue Mr Handi's abducting travelers and 'enhancing' them or countless other routes.

Shadowrun: For Shadowrun I was thinking a young decker or rigger out to get her first prosthetics or upgrade her current ones, either thru a mixup, a joke from her current crew or some malicious work from a corporation she screwed over. She ends up with animal prosthetics as seen in the image below. And due to the world being full of suck, just because she has pawed limbs doesn't mean she is going to stop working as a runner/decker. She has to earn credits to buy proper prosthetics. During this time with her animal limbs she would run into all sorts of fun and kinky situations. From having to deal with Trolls, dragons, robotic animals and security forces, hacked or remotely controlled cyberlimbs are fun stuff even going as far as to have a bioware gland surgically installed into her to produce pheromones setting her up to fail vs any and all true blooded animals.

Deus EX: Who could forget the great trans-humanism movement, This one would feature some poor girl being made into an example of how wrong cybernetics is, How you are no longer human if you get cybernetics. She would either be given or forced into getting animal cybernetics as part of a show to show off how inhuman people who get 'upgraded' are. This of course would mean some great spectacle at the girls expense vs an animal or some cybernetic security animal drone.

The idea while planned largely for the Fallout styled work could work in most any setting, From the mainstreamed lore of Shadowrun and Deus EX with big time company's controlling cybernetics {After all who really reads the fine print on contracts}, to something more off the wall involving DnD and Steampunk elements, Or any kind of dystopian future where a man scientist might run uncontrolled. This idea is largely a work in progress, And with some interest it will grow into a wonderfully twisted tale like the rest of my characters.

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