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F looking for M. Up for a challenge?


Sep 21, 2013
United States
Hey all!

Long story short, I've got a stubborn character who needs to be taken down a peg. What would you do if captured her and had her at your mercy for as long as you want and your sole goal was to break her? Without using pain, that is.

I have no problem with starting off in the middle of things, bit I want there to be background. Our characters could know each other, maybe yours has been watching mine for a while and snaps after he asks her out and she declines. Maybe not for the first time. Maybe my character thinks yours is just a sweet guy who she works with or something. Maybe they met out on the town and mine teased yours and left before anything could come of the event and this is retribution. Maybe she's never seen him before and he was hired to teach her a lesson for some reason, perhaps they knew each other online and he took it too far from knowing her fantasies online. I want background.

My likes

If you're interested, send me a message and we can discuss things further!
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