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Fx Male Western Smouldering Romance


Jun 5, 2019
Hello stranger. Come away with me. On a smouldering romance of a western setting. We are stepping into a train robbery where our two characters meet who happened to be attempting to steal the same gold on this train heist. They fight for it. And as you will read in this starter their masks are ripped away and finally they see each other and the instant, electric bolt attraction strikes…

I had the idea that Pen would be a daughter of a very wealthy businessman in a city. So she would be well known within that city. However as a young girl she was bored of the life that had been laid out for her. She wanted adventure and thrill. So she got her horse and went on adventures alone. And as it turned out she could look after herself well. Just like a real cowgirl. But after her fathers associate found out her dark secret she discovered two things. One that this friend of her father was a rich and very bad man. Gaining is wealth and power by dark means and second that he had purchased half of her father business to stop them going under. So with his threat of not doing as he says or he won’t only let her father sink he will also make sure his throat would be slit she felt she had no choice.

This is a multi para length and third person style role play that needs someone very literate too. This story will involve plenty of erotica so it will need to be someone obviously 21+ and willing and wanting to write it.

The train was loud enough to be heard for a good half a mile maybe even a full. The intense clank against the tracks with the mix of the gushing steam and smoke from the chimney was its own distraction. The plan was to be on the train, knock out a few guards and be off and away before anyone would even know, she was there. Pen had done train robberies more times than she could count and the element to a successful one with little to no risk was stealth.

It was sunset and the skies were painted with oranges, yellows and even pinks as they faded out the baby blue. The lanterns were lit and swaying with a greasy squeak along with the ride. The train was carrying tons of cargo with some more valuable than others but there was one thing Pen was sent to steal and that was gold. She did not need a whole lot, two or three bars. Why her boss needed gold was beyond her and she did not ask questions, she did not want to know. All she knew that wherever this gold was going it was what he felt he was owed. She had often been a debt collector for him and as long as she did not have to kill anyone, it was an easy job. Wave her gun around and demand the money and leave.

The sound of racing hooves against the dusty orange dirt went unnoticed against the sound and like planned Pen launched herself with ease and landed on the planks at the end of the train. Her horse back away and followed behind shyly just like she planned for it to. Rolling to soften the impact she got herself to her feet and stared over at the locked doors of her first carriage. It would be in one of these and she did have a note to say exactly which one. She did not have time to be searching crates and carriages for what she wanted. It was only a small window of time before they would be entering another town and the train would be stopping to refuel. Being caught there she would be closer to the law and she did not want to be locked up.

Her black leather gloved hands reached behind her on the knot of her mask, it was a black bandana that sat just over her nose but beneath her big, round blue doe eyes. She had a very fair primrose complexion with light, golden locks that were tied back and sitting over her shoulder somewhat windswept from the ride. Even with her mask on her beauty was not unnoticeable but in fact, it stood out even with most of her person clad in black. She was snug black leather and a jacket that had its buttons all the way up. But despite it all the shape of her body gave away that this was a woman and women did not belong in this kind of business, that’s what was usually said. Her rebellion is what got her in this situation in the first place.

Pen crept toward the door and peeking through the glass, it was an empty carriage. Pulling out a small parchment from her pocket she opened up her instructions and letting her eyes filter through her instructions until she reached toward the bottom. “Carriage four”. She was at one. Stuffing the paper carelessly back into her pocket she picked her hunting knife from its sheaf before picking at the lock. The silver fell open and she kicked the remains aside. Opening up she walked toward the end and let herself out the next. She kept going until she reached the one she needed. Two large figures were inside. Of course they would have guards by the gold.

Stepping to the side and out of view she knocked against the wood of the door drawing attention. The first guard walked towards the window peering out, a frown on his face as he could not see anyone. But with his gun in his holster this fool decided to check. Pen had her back pressed to the wall as she listened to the key enter the lock. The jolting sound of it turning told her to get ready. The door opened and the guard stepped out and as he looked to his left Pen’s fist slammed down onto the back of his head knocking him out cold. His body fell at her feet alerting the second guard, keeping back she waited for him to fall for the same trick. Slam. Out. She had two bodies resting at her feet. She had no intention of killing anyone, not if she could help it.

Pen carried on her robbery and made her way inside, snatching a lantern from the hooks she crouched down and lifted up the rags that were draped over the wooden crates. Reading over the messages and labels printed on each until she found one that she was sure was what she was looking for. Swiping away the rag she pulled out her knife and got to work.

The wood creaked under the weight of the muscular, tall male that walked up the train. His hat pointed downward almost masking his eyes, with a red and black bandana tied to the back of his head in a similar fashion to Pen’s. They were both unsuspecting to find each other in the middle of the desert on a train robbery. Neither one of them knowing what was to come, that they would both collide into their true destiny.

Seth was here to collect some gold and maybe a few other valuables, he had to eat and without employment at the moment he needed this. He was travelling south to find himself some work and adventure. He heard news that there was an old man harbouring some treasure maps who was willing to share the reward as long as someone fetched it for him. It was surprisingly common, people hid their possessions to stop them getting in the hands of the unwanted but it was after they had died their secrets could not stay hidden.

He reached the first carriage and immediately he knew he was beaten to the punch. The lock had been broken and a shard of metal was hanging off the lock. Opening the door he pulled his pistol from the holster on his hip and slowly made his way down and as he followed the trail of broken locks to hear the sound of straining wood and the small grunts. He reached the beginning of the fourth carriage and two bodies lay in the doorway. Peering inside there was a smaller body, a woman. She was just on the edge of cracking open the crate and as she did the lid flew off with a small crash as it hit the wall. Stepping inside he had his pistol aimed to her head. Female or not, you couldn’t trust anyone in these parts.

Pen sensed a presence and the sound of boots hitting the wooden flooring. She pretended not to hear it as she carried on. It was only when she sensed the too close proximity of the male she was already registering just how much larger than her he was. He had his pistol pointed toward her and she knew this just by the scent of the remaining smoke that was wafting from the end. Seth opened his lips to speak but only a grunt of displeasure left him as his hand was suddenly knocked to the left as Pen moved like lightening swinging her arm out to knock the pistol from his hand. Pen drew her own only his large hand wrap around her wrist and twist it back until she fell into him. Her silken strands tickling his cheek and he couldn’t help but inhale the smell of her perfume. She smelt so heavenly. This woman wasn’t poor that was for sure and she seemed to have a mix of something else, something sweet and fresh but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Pen whimpered in pain as she felt her arm click, he was breaking it. A pang of guilt hit him, he did not want to hurt her but she was giving no choice. Dropping her pistol she flung her head back and hit him hard in this face.

Seth stumbled back from the hard hit but launched a hard fist into her neck sending her to the wall. Pen let out a cry as she felt a small crack on her ribs. She was already bruising up. This man was fast and much stronger than her. She had to take the gold and be out of here. Realising that he was no idiot and she wouldn’t last against him for much longer. Kicking her leg out she launched it into his ribs as she turned and scrambled for the gold. But that was until Seth reached out and snagged at her hair but instead caught the bow of her bandanna and her own arm reached backward with her hunting knife in hand cutting the fabric concealing his face.

Both of their masks fell away and it was just in that moment they turned around and faced each other...
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