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A little less conversation… [CLOSED]


Word slinger
Jun 28, 2019
The Yeehaw State, USA

I’ve done purely plot-focused stories for some time, and found myself wishing I had a story or two where things moved just…a little faster.

That’s where this thread comes in.

I’ll make everything quick here. I have a few asks, nothing too wild.

***Note: I’m seeking one partner to write out one-shots with. I tend to lose interest in smutty stories faster than plot-based ones, so one-shots work best for me.

3rd person only
Some sort of plot. Not a lot needed, just some plan for what’s happening that brings them together.
Decent grammar and literacy.
Give me something to work with. I would prefer to have at least 200 words per post. Which is maybe a paragraph or two.
PLEASE discuss kinks before throwing them in. If something unexpected is thrown in that makes me uncomfortable, I’m liable to blast off like Team Rocket and you’ll never hear from me again…unlike them.
OCs only [MC], I don’t want to play a canon character, celebrity, etc. But you can be whoever you’d like. I also prefer digital art/drawn images over realistic. Or just descriptions.
PMs only.

If you need clarity on anything, feel free to ask. Consider anything not listed in the Yes’ and NOs to be a ‘Maybe’, and should be discussed beforehand.

Favorites are bolded, but not required.

Pregnancy and/or Risk of: Without any babies, preferably. We can talk that out.
•Rough sex
•Risk of getting caught
•Clothed sex
In various locations (bed, table, car, etc.)
•Non-human characters
•Age differences - Never under 18. A little washed out on playing an older female right now due to high demand, but could change later.
Taboo/Forbidden love - Could be incest, or a Romeo x Juliet situation
•Vanilla: I.e. vaginal sex, oral, etc.
•Aphrodesiacs/potions: Please let me know in OOC what you’re looking to have happen, include the aphrodesiac/potion in your post, and let *me* write out how it affects my character. It’s fine if you describe what the potion would do to someone, but please don’t write for MC.

•Bimboism/Unintelligent characters
•Name calling/Insults/Abuse in sex
•Excessive…ness; i.e. oversized body parts, buckets of cum, etc.
•Unattractive characters
•Bathroom play
•Gore in sex
•Forced actions; I prefer MC initiate any actions she takes. I.e. if she is performing oral on YC, then MC should be the one to do it; YC should not shove MCs head down on his dick, or anything like that. Looking for more sensual/erotic interactions; questions welcomed.

Plots & Pairings

And last but not least, plots and pairings!

As a reminder, some form of plot is required. Because smut just for the sake of it gets boring fast. I prefer we stick to one x one for characters. I’ll update if I’m interested in harems and the like. I prefer humanoid characters, no monsters/aliens. I.e. this over this.

My desired role will be bolded or listed as MC, if I have one.

MC = My character
YC = Your character
* = More stars, more preference

For these, we’ll come up with some sort of plot idea together.

•Pirate x Royal/Mermaid
•*****Vampire x Hunter/Human
•Royal x Servant/Knight
•*Angel x Demon
•Human x Non-human
•***Kitsune/Neko x Human

•***YC is a student with excellent grades in a school where dropouts are turned into sex slaves for them. MC was recently deemed a dropout and has been assigned as YC’s sex slave. YC is put off by this at first, as MC previously had better grades than YC. And he deals with trouble from another student who was previously dating MC… (Yes, based off of that anime, if you’ve seen it… And this would be a collegiate setting.)

•*MC is an elf, living in the woods with her small, all-female clan. For years they’ve lived in fear of a group living nearby, who attacks on midnight the first night of Spring annually to find and take an elf as mate, as their female population is barren. MC is taken by the leader of the opposing clan.

•YC works for MC, in a company that tests new products on the market. Recently YC has been assigned to test sexual items, and as he is single, isn’t sure how to proceed with some of them. YC comes to MCs apartment to request a new assignment, but MC instead decides to help yours.

•**YC is a priest, and one night he is visited by MC, one of the nuns from the parish. MC states that she has been feeling odd lately, and shares that she believes she has been possessed by a demon. YC is meant to exorcise her, but when the demon turns out to be a succubus, YC suddenly takes longer than expected to finish his work…

•***YC is MC’s best friend’s brother. When MC comes over for a sleepover, she winds up drunk after drinking with her friend. She eventually ends up in YCs bedroom. And how does he react…?

•**MC is happily married, and finds herself in a bind when her husband’s boss (YC) reaches out to share some grim news. Her husband’s numbers aren’t too great, and he’s likely to be fired. That is, unless MC could perhaps meet with YC to discuss some ways to possibly help her husband… (Could be fun if YC turns out to be a childhood friend or old crush).

•MC is a queen who seeks the help of a demon to save her kingdom. Her husband disappears in battle, and the war isn’t going well. She summons YC, a demon who manages to turn the tide of the war. But his services don’t come free. In turn, he demands access to MC anywhere and everywhere. (He could be visible, maybe he disguises himself as a knight; or he could be only visible to her).

This is not an exhaustive list, and I am open to ideas!

Send me a PM if you’re interested in an idea here, or would like to brainstorm one.

Thanks for reading!
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