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Fx Any A Restless Request


Leader of the Cardboard Cult
Jan 20, 2019
Texas CST
After time and time again, I still haven't figured out how to do these threads. So, I'm not going to worry about it.

What I want
A story. Be it evolving over time or a fleshed out plot that we both strive for. I want to look forward to the story thats being told, express my feelings on whats happening, and always get excited whenever I see an update.

What I'm looking for
Someone who is passionate about writing. Maybe not someone who's focused on every word, or the number of words, or some other arbitrary thing that you hold others to. I have my standards, and you have yours if we can meet in the middle, we'll be fine. I'm looking for something... fairly often. Like I've only ever waited weeks in between posts for all of 2 people, and while I'm open to being that invested in the story, I dont want to start out playing the once-a-week game.

What I desire
Story! Smut! Taboo and Twisted mixed with Wholesome and Domestic! I have a LOT of genres I enjoy. My likes far exceed my dislikes. A simple back and forth or even a system based game like DnD with rules and stuff. I would do unspeakable things for a dedicated DM.

What I crave
A World to Explore!
Be it by System or by freeform, I want to make a fantasy/punk adventure and see where you can take me. I would LOVE someone to DM/GM a story for me, write an epic tale and let me go from rags to riches to royalty (you get the idea). Seriously craving being in someones world and seeing where that world can take me!
Come at me with a story or an idea. I'll fill this out as things go on.

Not a fan of fandoms per say, unless its in a world/setting I'm somewhat familiar with and we are both OCs. Fan pairings never really did it for me, short of an Isekai scenario.

Seriously, let's have a go at this. I don't worry about word count as long as you dont do single lines outside of dialogue.​
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