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Fx Male Koneko’s Interest: Incest & Non-Con


💎 Unofficially Withdrawn 💎
Sep 5, 2019
Where Dreams Go To Die
❀ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀsɪᴄs ❀

✦ I prefer to play female characters 16-17 years old so I ask that you do not try to convince me to play anything older. I also DO NOT play voluptuous/busty girls. I am firm on this preference.

✦ I prefer that both of our characters have Japanese names, as the plots in mind are based of anime/manga inspirations and will take place in a Japanese school setting and/or Japan. Please and thank you!

✦ As for the ratio of story-to-sex, the story is a major aspect of roleplaying for me. I like to know the characters and their motivations. I like to build up to the smut, I want to know why they are in that bed or against that wall, and what they are thinking, I want foreplay. I want to see their personalities and know who they are. I want to root for them... or not. As much as I like a solid plot, smut is important to me as well. I prefer there to be a balance, I like to build up to those scenes instead of jumping in headfirst because it makes me anticipate their love or rape scene even more.

✦ I want literacy, I want us both to enjoy the ride, the destination is just the bonus. Full, thought out characters and situations. I love the psychology. It’s that kind of writing I can become addicted to, that keeps me dying to log on and write my response. I can’t get enough of a writing partner that writes a well-rounded and intelligent character that doesn’t only think with their dick. It’s intoxicating. That is what I am looking for. A partner that is willing to play one or more males to my ideas, or one of their own that we both can agree on, someone willing to discuss plot, spice things up, but also respect my boundaries as much as I will respect theirs.

✦ I am also interested in playing feisty and stubborn females. I am exploring more confident or disinterested girls. I don’t want to play girls that rely on men all of the time, I don’t want to play a sex-crazed female, and I do not want to play a girl who has no other hobbies than sexually pleasuring men. As I care a lot about the story, I want my characters and yours to have hobbies that do not involve sex, I want them to do things other than pound each other senseless. The sex will happen, we will get there, I promise, but the build-up, the anticipation, that’s the fun for me. Flirty banter, foreplay, overcoming obstacles at school, their experiences together will bring them closer and the emotional connection is just as fulfilling for me as the sexual acts.

ᴛʜᴇ ɪᴅᴇᴀs

ᴍʏ ʙᴏʏғʀɪᴇɴᴅ's ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ɪsᴇᴋᴀɪ-ᴅ

The summer before her 10th year of high school, MC managed to start dating her childhood crush. Life seems to be going her way, that is, until an unfortunate accident results in both MC and her boyfriend's jerk of an older brother being transported into another world.

Whether he is overconfident and reckless, a complete womanizer, flirts only with MC, or is cold and tactless—MC does not get along with her boyfriend's older brother.

Determined to figure her situation out on her own, she has vowed to avoid him—but the only problem is that he is the only person in the entire world that understands her situation—as it is his situation as well. In an unfamiliar medieval world, can this 21st century duo survive or will they draw too much suspicion to themselves?

Magic, elves, orcs, dragons, the world of Tyriani is full of opportunities, but also perilous.

** There are three routes to this:

Option One: They are reincarnated as the Crowned Prince and his fiancé—weeks before their impending wedding… and have to act natural as a couple to avoid rousing suspicion that they are imposters. This idea relies on political intrigue, assassination attempts, and romantic drama, sprinkled lightly with combat and adventure opportunities.

Option Two: They are both dropped in the world as THEMSELVES, looking exactly as they did in the 21st Century. They do not have a single coin to their names and will have to struggle for every meal, taking up work in town or adventuring to merely survive. Adventure and danger is around every corner, they won't have status to rely on to get them out of tricky situations and will have to recruit allies along the way, working incredibly hard to keep one another alive. Many nights would be spent without a proper bed. This is the HARD route, but still with tons of romance opportunities to be had.

Option Three: Only YC is reincarnated as someone of import—whether it is a Duke, Famous Knight, Prince, or King. MC is still as she was—and will not immediately recognize YC due to his changed appearance. This route is focused on uneven power dynamics, assassination attempts, adventure, and resentment for having to rely on YC. He cannot necessarily take her to wife—at least not immediately, and having her around as anything other than an official concubine (if he is a Prince (Married or Unmarried), King (Married or Unmarried), or Duke/Knight that had a wife prior to the Isekai event.

ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴀ ғᴜᴊᴏsʜɪ!

A girl who is very inexperienced with boys has two of her classmates, one of her upperclassmen (Senpai), and one of her underclassman (Kouhai) fall in love with her. She would rather see them become romantic with each other (She's a fujoshi) but both of the guys are straight. They each make attempts to take her for themselves but often the other boy interrupts and stop the sexual acts they force her into. Can't a guy get laid around here!? (Can be non-con or dub-con.)

ʏᴏᴜ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ?

When Wolf and Cat demons cross paths, they fight like cats and dogs. The two communities can never see eye to eye. So how do they aim to settle peace? By mashing a pair of teenage royals together! MC, a cat demon, has always been wary of wolf demons because her father was attacked by one, but now she has to live under the same roof as one for six months?! The hope is that the younger generation might be able to get along, fall in love even.

sᴇɴsᴇɪ ɪs ᴍʀ. ᴘᴏᴘᴜʟᴀʀ

YC is a popular teacher, favored by students for his enjoyable lessons. MC, the class representative, looks up to him, and even has a secret crush on him, just a school girl crush on a young teacher... However, she is not popular amongst the delinquents in her class and a girl plants something in MC’s bag after a surprise bag inspection is announced. When YC finds the items, their relationship takes a sudden turn. It should've ended with detention or suspension, because inside MC bag is something that she’s never seen before! YC keeps her after school for a special lesson on how to use the sex toys she is in possession of...whether she wants him to or not! She has a crush on him, so it should be fine if he does as he likes, right? She had sex toys at school after all, so she was obviously trying to provoke him. A prank gone so wrong!

ᴍʏ ʙᴏʏғʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴄᴜᴍ!

MC is dating the upperclassmen she has had a crush on since middle school and life has never been better! Or it should be, but she has a secret... She can't get turned on by his touch in bed. They’ve never done it!

Fifteen year old MC goes to get help from a specialist, YC. To make matters even worse, he tests out her problem himself against her will and she orgasms! Guilty as she is in love with her boyfriend, MC can't get that doctor out of her head after he made her cum just by touching her body, but she still cannot get wet with her boyfriend. Will YC be able to treat her, or is her relationship doomed to fail? Why did he make her cum despite her lack of consent the first time? Just because he is a hot, young doctor… no! That can’t be it.

ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ʜɪs ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ sɪsᴛᴇʀ!

MC's boyfriend suddenly breaks up with her because she wouldn't have sex with him! After she drowns her sorrows in booze, MC goes to the park and accidentally passes out. YC thankfully finds her before anything awful befalls her. YC is her sis-con brother's best friend from college. While she's still passed out, YC carries MC to his place to make sure she's okay.The next day she wakes up to a room she doesn't recognize, with no memories.

MC scrambles to leave, but immediately sees that someone was sleeping next to her and she's naked! YC convinces her that they already slept together, so what’s the harm of another round? She has hickeys all over her, so she believes him… only to find out she was still a virgin, and he tricked her into having sex with him! After that YC and MC become friends with benefits, because if her brother ever found out... she’d never be allowed out of the house again!

ᴏᴜʀ sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ɪᴅᴏʟ ɪs ᴏɴ ᴛᴏᴘ ᴏғ ᴍᴇ!

YC and MC have been friends since they were little. YC has always picked on her, even now, but he's getting more handsome and popular every day... Rumors say that he turns down every girl that confesses to him. It has earned him the nickname of Ice Prince.

Everyone wonders if he have someone he loves...? Or if he is even interested in girls Just as that question begins to plague MC, as almost of the girls that confess to him ask her for tips or if they are dating first, the two of them end up

In a love hotel by accident. Running from his fangirls, they ran into the first building available and rent a room to escape. With sex toys and a romantic atmosphere all around them, MC begins to feel awkward. The hotel was aimed at couples, but… they are just hiding. She has to endure the embarrassment and weird thoughts their surroundings could put in their heads. Until he suggests that they do naughty things in front of each other. He wanted to masturbate together in a place like this!? Under the guise of running his fans off once and for all, she reluctantly agrees. If they had followed them and hear them moaning, surely they’ll give up on him. Pretending to be his lover is difficult… especially when he begins touching her… and takes her virginity despite her saying no! The Ice Prince forcing himself on someone is unheard of!

sɪʙʟɪɴɢ ᴀʀʀᴀɴɢᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ

There are three rules for living with MC’s older brother. First, YC takes care of all the rent and bills. Second, they both take care of the chores... and the third rule, which they keep secret from their parents... MC pays her rent with her body. YC took advantage of MC’s joke and made it a contract. But... How does MC feel about YC truly? YC always loved MC more than a sister... But, YC was too scared to ask MC how she feels, and in the meantime YC is just trading her body as payment... despite the lack of or cloudy consent. What other choice does she have if she wants to go to the school of her dreams?

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