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Fx Male Monsters, Witches, and all Manner of Fantasy Riches!


Of all the witches working... I'm the worst.
Jun 24, 2021
The North
Witchy’s Ideas
(Please scroll all the way down for updates!)

Things you might need to know about me as a partner.
Hello all, to start us off I think I'll put this small summary in to let you know what I'm all about and what I'm looking for. If it keeps you interested then please continue on to my actual ideas. First thing's first, I'm afraid I'll do M/F only as the main pairing, I'm open to experimenting with other things with side characters, I'm just afraid I won't do them much justice. Along those same lines my main character will also be female, again don't think I could do any other gender justice.
I'm more into story, but love laying on the sexual tension, I'm looking for sensuality most of the time. I'm also not a one-liner person, in fact, I can be a little picky when I choose partners, 2-5 good-sized paragraphs at least!
As for sexual stuff I'm into a lot of things, soft BDSM meaning I'm good with pain, hitting, cutting, etc., but more into not using that many tools; examples: whips, paddles, slings, gags, cuffs, etc. If it's a tool of opportunity, I can get behind that. If you're going to silence me/my character, make it count. Also into soft stuff, I like it rough, but I also like it passionate. If it's passion-fueled I can do the softer stuff too. Just to be perfectly clear just because I'm rough doesn't mean I'm into rape, "Consent is sexy"!
As for the RPs I do, I'm more into fantasy-driven stuff if you couldn't tell. I'm pretty much open to almost any creature my partner decides to be (rules permitting that is), I also might be a creature as well. High fantasy to modern fantasy I'm good with, I also want to try steampunk at some point. That being said, if you can make a modern or sci-fi plot interesting to me, I might consider it.

Please contact me with an actual idea and/or what you're looking for. I get a bit discouraged when all I see is "Want to RP?", "Hello!", "Looking to RP!", etc. It just gives me a better idea of what you're about and if we'd actually be compatible. Thank you!​

I have a lot of PM threads going but I'd really prefer to do forum threads for the foreseeable future.

FULL DISCLAIMER: So I'm going to be real here... sometimes I just up and disappear for no reason and go on hiatus for long periods of time. I'm struggling a bit with mental health and real life, and sometimes it just gets to be a bit overwhelming and when I'm forced to write things I'm not in the mood for it just makes me hide a bit longer. If this is something you're still willing to take on, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Creature Feature
I’m also really into monster couples, so these are the types of “monsters” I would love to explore either with my character or yours, up to you. This is in no particular order, I just want to see what happens here.
-Furries (to be discussed, but open to almost anything)
-Magical-persons (Witch, Warlock, Sorcerer, Wizard, etc)
(Will most likely be expanded upon)

Original Plots
These are plots that I have a rough outline for, will most likely expand this list later, but this is what I could come up with at the moment.

This one will be interesting, as I've tried this on a different forum, but it wasn't really panning out. This one will have me and my partner each playing two characters.
Two best friends (one girl, one boy) are mystery hunters now out on a camping trip to find what is supposedly a faery tree out in a giant protected forest. Imagine their surprise when they find the tree, and not only does it exist but it's a portal to the "Faery Realm". This realm, however, is a bit more than just a magical paradise or perhaps a bit less? In this realm, humans have escaped to another world, another dimension, another place that's all anyone really knows. This place is inhabited by all sorts of "mystical" creatures and not only that but their technology has also expanded a bit more beyond horses as transportation, and swords as weapons. A war had broken out so many years ago, so long that the people barely remember why or how it started, all they know is that humans fled right after it. The only ones who really know are the royal families that are dotted about this world. Two of which are now in a reluctant arranged engagement. They know that the humans fled, but they also know they left failsafes should any want to return in the future. There have been rumors and stories of course, of a few that have fallen through but they usually go back or live quietly outside of usual society, but when they become aware of two humans falling through the portal, they have to make sure that they find them first and keep them safe until they figure out what to do with them.
We will each play one character from each world and the setting of the Faery Realm is more fantasy steampunk. This is a bit hastily written up, so if interested I'll give more details in PMs that are interested.

Fantasy Academy
This won't be as in-depth as the others as I don't have a fully formed idea for it, but I've been craving a plot having to do with a Fantasy college full of monsters, magic users, and everything in between (even normal humans). I'm open to whatever plot ideas you'd have for this, so hit me with your best shot! (Everyone is of college age! 18+)

Villains in Love
I don't have a specific idea, I just love the idea of two fucked up people having a surprisingly healthy relationship. Think Xanatos x Fox from Gargoyles, Mortica x Gomez from Addams Family, Monarch x Dr Girlfriend from Venture Bros (kind of more like the healthier aspects of them), and I hate to bring this one up but Joker x Harley Quinn from Batman (again taking more their mutual fucked up-ness not the abusive shit).

So if you have an idea for this, let me know!

Robin Hood is a Girl?
Basically what it says. I'd love to do this in a fantasy setting, something like D&D or Pathfinder or whatever, don't have to be married to any system. MC is the Robin Hood in this case and YC would be the "Maid Marian" or rather "Man Marian" (not sure what the male equivalent of "maid" is). You can also do the villain of the story if you want- The Sheriff and/or "Prince John" character. If not that's good too. Don't have to do the standard Robin Hood stories, we can do the characters and something else if you have an idea for it.

Paintpocalypse's world is kind of an alternative Earth, with heavy 1940s/50s film noir vibes, and some atompunk & dieselpunk shenanigans.
A lot of the narrative will most likely revolve around our characters' attempts at surviving this apocalypse & how they'll possibly try to restore color to their now bleak world. Tone would be decently dark, with the characters striving to make things better or die trying.
When it comes to the characters themselves, there won't be too many limits on a toon's appearance.
Additionally, open species!
If any of this & the below summary catches your interest, shoot me a DM.

There's a "color draining" plague sweeping the toons' world; It drains the infected of all personality & paint/ink/color, turning them into husks of their former selves. Those afflicted hunger for their lost color, and hunt down anything that's not already black and white. Monochromatic toons are less affected, or unaffected entirely if they're lucky, but "sparkletoons" are extra susceptible. No one is fully sure where this virus originated, but more pressingly, no one is sure how to stop it from spreading further.

I've got an idea for my character already which could probably get the juices flowing for worldbuilding ideas. MC is a human nightshift radio announcer who works with a toon dayshift radio announcer. Their channel is the only one that reaches to "Toon Town" so they try to keep an upbeat and optimistic view for the toons and to keep everyone updated on the spreading plague. It's kind of "Warriors" inspired if anyone's seen that movie, taking inspiration from the woman radio announcer for this.
YC can be my co-host or can be just a fan of the radio show. Everything else about them is all up to you!

Our Fractured Fairytale
Based on some Neil Gaiman works. How about we imagine a world where our fairytale princesses weren't so good and the "Evil" Stepmothers and Queens were keeping these monsters at bay? Well, now the children of those "villainous" queens and mothers have to live in the kingdoms the princesses brought in and that "happily ever after" is not so happy for everyone else. These misfits of society with rumors and dripped truths following them throughout their whole lives have to figure out how to survive in the new kingdoms or bring down their new rulers.

Preferences & Stuff
Other things you might need to about me as a partner.

-I'm afraid I'll do M/F only, sorry.
-Not into the whole non-consensual thing.
-I'm more into story, but love laying on the sexual tension, I'm looking for sensual most of the time.
-I'm not a one-liner person, in fact, I can be a little picky when I choose partners, 2-5 good-sized paragraphs at least!
-As for sexual stuff I'm into a lot of things, soft BDSM meaning I'm good with pain hitting, cutting, etc., but more into not using that many tools; examples: whips, paddles, slings, gags, cuffs, etc. If it's a tool of opportunity, I can get behind that. If you're going to silence me/my character, make it count.
-Also into soft stuff, I like it rough, but I also like it passionate. If it's passion-fueled I can do the softer stuff too.
-As for the RPs I do, I'm more into fantasy driven stuff if you couldn't tell. I'm pretty much open to almost any creature my partner decides to be (rules permitting that is), I also might be a creature as well.
-High fantasy to modern fantasy I'm good with, I also want to try steampunk at some point.
-That being said, if you can make a modern or sci-fi plot interesting to me, I might consider it.
-Kinks, for in-depth list see here: F-List
-Ahegao (fucked silly)
-Intelligent characters
-Multiple Orgasms
-Orgasm Denial/Control
-Pleasure Denial/Control
-Monsters (Elves, Orcs, etc. see list above)
-Reverse Harem

-Body Worship

-Age Differences

-Toilet Play

I think I've covered everything, so for now that's all I've got. If you're interested, you can PM me to respond.
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Bumping with new idea!

This one will be interesting, as I've tried this on a different forum, but it wasn't really panning out. This one will have me and my partner each playing two characters.
Two best friends (one girl, one boy) are mystery hunters now out on a camping trip to find what is supposedly a faery tree out in a giant protected forest. Imagine their surprise when they find the tree, and not only does it exist but it's a portal to the "Faery Realm". This realm, however, is a bit more than just a magical paradise or perhaps a bit less? In this realm, humans have escaped to another world, another dimension, another place that's all anyone really knows. This place is inhabited by all sorts of "mystical" creatures and not only that but their technology has also expanded a bit more beyond horses as transportation, and swords as weapons. A war had broken out so many years ago, so long that the people barely remember why or how it started, all they know is that humans fled right after it. The only ones who really know are the royal families that are dotted about this world. Two of which are now in a reluctant arranged engagement. They know that the humans fled, but they also know they left failsafes should any want to return in the future. There have been rumors and stories of course, of a few that have fallen through but they usually go back or live quietly outside of usual society, but when they become aware of two humans falling through the portal, they have to make sure that they find them first and keep them safe until they figure out what to do with them.
We will each play one character from each world and the setting of the Faery Realm is more fantasy steampunk. This is a bit hastily written up, so if interested I'll give more details in PMs that are interested.
Back in the saddle baby! & new player summary, please read before you proceed.
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