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Fx Male Non-con, Revenge, Androgyny


💎 Unofficially Withdrawn 💎
Feb 1, 2017


[ Status: ON ] || Word Count: 600 ~ 3,000 || RP Medium: Private Message || F - List: My F-List ]
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Important Notes

I ONLY play teenagers.

DO NOT ask me to play a milf. I do not enjoy playing adults.

I DO NOT play busty bimbos.

DO NOT like most English names in my RPs. Anna, Jessica, Jack, Chad, Brandon, etc.

𐌢 With that in mind,
I will use Japanese names preferably, but more fantasy-esque names (Anwen, Mazikeen, etc.) are fine, and I expect the same from my partners. I cannot immerse with a character named George. It feels too much like a bad porno and breaks the immersion for me. It is probably a bit strange, but it is the truth. I've always hated anime giving their characters more 'American' names to placate a western audience.

This said, please, please feel free to discuss things openly with me in OOC if you like one of my plots but would like to
tweak some details. None of these are set in stone, and I love personalizing the stories to each partner. As long as they maintain the same essence, I don't think I'd mind if you have a fresh twist. While most of my plots are inspired from anime/manga settings and tropes, I welcome those with novel ideas to reach out!

Despite liking Non-Con and Dub-Con, that does not mean I prefer for my characters to be beaten, degraded, and overall treated as subhuman. Quite the contrary. I prefer the scenes to play out as desire so intense that YC simply HAS to have mine, whether MC agrees or not. Surely they can be convinced along the way, right? Passion, intimacy, fluff, I still want these things to play a part in my roleplays, but I enjoy the trope of my character being completely overpowered.

Dark, twisted,
romance. The world is rarely black and white, and neither are the people within it. No one is pure villain or pure good. Even horrible people have a few redeeming traits...while good people can still make bad decisions. I love exploring the concept of morally grey situations, but I require that adoration and affection that comes with romance to not entirely burn out. While I like things dark, too much pain spoils the pleasure. I want my characters to, at the end of the day, feel desired and cherished, even if their right to consent has been overlooked.
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Kidnappers Always Make a Mistake

The news has been covering a serial kidnapper. Their identity is a mystery, but what is known is that the kidnapper posts video and pictures of their victims all over the internet. Bound, sometimes gagged, but always blindfolded, she tortures them. From knife play to hooking them up to a blowjob simulator, she humiliates all of her victims.

The kidnapper never actually kills her victims, always finding themselves set free, but with their lives ruined beyond repair. Their victims are always between the ages of 16-28 and all are snatched from the same city, commonly from local high schools and universities. Schools have tried to tighten security, but the kidnapper always manages to find a new victim. Always attractive, strong young men.

The reality of the situation is, they were all kidnapped by a high school girl. They've all crossed paths with her, at least once, and she always ruins their lives. Until YC. The kidnapping goes off without a hitch, she even cuts him up a little, but for the very first time she makes a mistake. Whether it is tying the ropes too loose, using faulty handcuffs, or perhaps YC just finds a way to free himself...

Either way, MC finds herself ambushed. She isn't what YC expects his kidnapper to look like. Perhaps he recognizes her from school, or has seen her around town. She could be his student, underclassman, or perhaps he is a college boy used to be friends with her late older brother.

Cute, delicate, it is a wonder how she managed to kidnap so many guys without being caught, but regardless of how 'cute' she is… can he forget that she tried to ruin his life? That she was going to torture him over the span of a week as she had done with so many other guys had he not escaped his restraints?

Simultaneously harboring a fear and hatred for men, she is terrified when faced with one of her victims, forced to look him in the eye. Will he seek revenge and humiliate her? Or will he wait to decide what to do with her, keeping her hostage as he attempts to understand the motivations of the mentally unstable girl? A lot smaller than him, he could likely maintain the upper hand. When the tables are turned, will the kidnapper become kidnapped?

[Possible happy end, but that would take time, obviously. Bad end will be a much shorter roleplay.]


Non-con, Dub-con, Kidnap, Crying/Begging to stop, Fighting, Restraints such as handcuffs and rope, Being held down/pinned, Foreplay, Nipple play, Clit play, Sex Toys, Biting, Knife Play [Light to Moderate], Humiliation, Revenge, Forgiveness, Recording, Virginity, Creampie, Breeding, Risk of Pregnancy, and perhaps Pregnancy itself.

Get out of my way, Baka!

MC was raised in a small town where everyone knew everybody. With all the students at her elementary and middle school growing up together, making friends was difficult for MC from the start.

MC's older brothers were well known delinquents and each one more protective of their little sister than the last, thus making it difficult for MC to make friends.

Left with little other choice, she studied hard to get into a good high school, finally escaping the shadows of her troublesome older brothers when she was accepted into a dorm school.

Hundreds of miles away, MC doesn't know anyone, but the best part? No one at school seems to know a single thing about her, especially her older brothers!

Free to make new friends and perhaps even date, MC develops a crush on a popular boy in her class. Other girls fawn over him constantly making it impossible to approach him, and when she finally thinks she can, his best friend is always there to interrupt.

MC's crush, while a Handsome Prince type, has a delinquent type friend that reminds MC way too much of her brother… and to make matters worse he teases her all the time, aware of her crush while her crush is completely oblivious to her feelings.

Things get messy as these three get closer, despite MC's reluctance to have anything to do with a delinquent, reminding her of her older brothers.

Will she come to realize he actually has a heart of gold and doesn't deserve to be lumped in with her older brother or will she learn that she kind of likes rough around the edges bad boys and being teased after all? Or will the three of them come to an arrangement? Let's decide!


Non-con, Dub-con, Potential Threesome, Consent, Crying, Fighting, Being held down/pinned, Arguing, Foreplay. Nipple play, Clit play, Sex Toys, Biting/Hickeys, Creampie, Breeding, Risk of Pregnancy, and perhaps Pregnancy itself.

[Would really enjoy this to be a love triangle, but if not, I would prefer my partners to play the delinquent over the crush. I can always take on a second girl, or this can just be a MxFxM idea where they 'share' my character.]

Gender Trouble

Minding his own business, always respectful, MC was a successful commoner, pushing his way up the ladder despite his extremely low birth. Working in the royal library in the morning and studying magic in the evening all that the behest of the King, could life get any better?

With money to send home to take care of his mother, sick father, and three little brothers, life is looking up. Their family might just rise to middle class if he learns enough magic to take the Qualification Exam to become a Mage under the royal army. Too frail, short and feminine to be a Knight, MC aspires for glory in a less physically daunting path.

He can read several languages and speak three, but that isn't the most interesting thing about him anymore. Given a gift by one of his friends, MC eats a chocolate cake left in his sleeping quarters. Little does he know, he is cursed! From then on, he transforms into a girl version of himself and can only turn back if he finds the caster of the curse, or the curse itself in a spell book.

Not only has he turned into a girl, his scent is as delicious as the cake, but far more potent, serving as an aphrodisiac for men around her, especially attractive ones, tied to her arousal. MC was always bisexual, but had never acted on his attraction to men, one because it was illegal, punishable by death in their church-run kingdom, but also shame because of it. She was ashamed of her sinful attraction.

Her main attractions? Her King, a kind but stern ruler and two of his captains, a playboy flirt and a cold, callous, secret tsunderes type. They are all three insanely hot… and she has to do everything in her power to avoid them as random men tried to rape her on her only journey outside after being transformed.

Even with men she is not attracted to, her scent at it's weakest, it causes an overwhelming urge, and those with low self control and discipline lose their minds completely. While she is confident the knights and her King have plenty of both, control and discipline… she is worried, scared even, of them not believing her, or worse, preferring her as a girl.

After all, it wouldn't be illegal… her body is that of a girl's and while she looks almost exactly the same, it is irrefutable that he's female now


Non-con, Dub-con, Gender Transformation, Aphrodisiac, Crying, Begging to stop, fighting, restraints such as handcuffs and rope. Being held down/pinned. Foreplay. Nipple play, Clit play, 3+ penetration, sex toys, Biting, Creampie, Breeding, Risk of Pregnancy, and perhaps Pregnancy itself.

You’re a… man?!

MC has always been a bit of a homebody, so when she goes to a party at the insistence of her friends, it is completely out of her comfort zone.

Unable to relax as she has had a phobia of men for as long as she can remember, MC is on edge the whole time, exhausting what little social energy she has.

Just as she is about to ditch the party and go home, a stunning 'older woman' (YC) approaches her.

Hitting it off, they leave the party to drink together at YC’s place and quickly hit it off, YC suddenly forces a kiss on drunk MC.

MC thinks that YC is a woman into other women. Drunk, MC decides to play along to burn off some steam despite not being interested in girls.

Although MC is attracted to men, she has never been with a man due to her fears and she’s a bit drunk… why not try with a woman?

At least that was her initial thought…

until she feels something hard below YC waist pressing into her. Could YC actually be a man!?

MC's fears at an all time high, attempts to leave just as YC’s fingers delve into her. Will she manage to leave before losing her virginity or will MC be forced to face her fears?

They got along quite well when MC thought YC was a woman, so what does she have to truly fear?

More importantly. why was YC at a party dressed as a woman!? Was it a dare? A hobby? Just a preference of style? Whether this couple ends with tears and disaster or warm and fuzzies is entirely up to us.

Will he help MC overcome her fear of men with a gentle yet firm hand or will he take advantage of a vulnerable, terrified teenage girl?

Can she trust him when everything she thought she knew about this person began with a lie?

There's only one way to find out.


Non-con, Dub-con, Crying, Begging to stop, fighting, restraints such as handcuffs and rope. Being held down/pinned. Foreplay. Nipple play, Clit play, sex toys, Biting, Creampie, Breeding, Risk of Pregnancy, and perhaps Pregnancy itself.
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My boss came onto me during work!

A tomboy with a hangup over all but entirely flat chest, MC has harbored a crush on YC, a young CEO that owns a chain of hotels—including the one where she works. Bumping into him by chance the day she was hired, seeing him on occasion, even if only in passing, has always been her favorite part of her job.

As YC is Handsome, Ridiculously rich, and older, MC was sure that YC could never notice a girl like her. Why would he be—he could have anyone? Models. Actresses. Women were always shamelessly trying to get in his good graces.

Insecure MC has always been more than content to admire him from afar while she works part time at the hotel, until one day, YC suddenly corners MC and confesses to her while she is cleaning the lovers suite.

Not taking his feelings seriously—MC is convinced that YC is teasing her. Living with her single mother, MC lives in borderline poverty, while still attending high school. Petite, and 'cute' at best, why would anyone of his standing ever take note of her? Surely he met hundreds of women more beautiful, more talented than her!

Not very long ago she had confided in an older female coworker about her depression concerning her non-existent love life—and as she turned the corner, MC bumped into YC, who must have overheard everything.

A cruel joke. Pity. A dare? It could be anything, but it certainly could never be his sincere feelings—right?

Things quickly get ahead of her and as their clothes are shed for the first time - my, he's huge!! She never would have expected YC’s lips to be caressing her all over, especially the chest she has always been so insecure about. It's terribly embarrassing, but her alarmingly hung boss wants to make her his despite her protests and insecurities, determined to claim her body as well as her heart—one step at a time.

How will he convince her that he is serious?

Showing up to pick her up from school in a fancy car. Protecting her from creepy coworkers. Forcing her to come to parties only the elite of the elite are allowed to attend—MC begins to miss her uneventful life. The women in his circle all glare at her with daggers in their eyes!


Non-con, Dub-con, Consent [As the story progresses], Crying, Begging to stop, fighting, Being held down/pinned, Foreplay, Nipple play, Clit play, Biting, Creampie, Sex Toys, Oral, Breeding, Risk of Pregnancy, and perhaps Pregnancy itself.

Transformed into a Girl!?

Friends through thick and thin, that was the promise YC and MC had made from a young age. They'd support one another through anything, they were just that close. At least that is what MC thought.

Until he became a girl!

Well known womanizers before the RP begins—their conquests expand all across Tokyo. High school girls. College girls. Even a few milfs.
MC and YC are seen as the 'Devils of Kudai Academy', blazing a trail through as many women as possible, as if in competition with one another.

After bullying the wrong guy in school, MC wakes up as a fully functioning, bona fide girl! To make matters worse, 'she' had crashed with her best friend YC the night before after spending the weekend partying.

How will she turn back into a guy again!? Is that even possible?

What about sex!?

Waking up a whole foot shorter, and totally different equipment, MC panics.
MC looks mostly the same as she did when she was a male, but from having a smaller waist, breasts, and a sudden void between her legs… what is she supposed to do!?

Sixteen and suddenly the opposite gender? What sick magic is this?! Who would even believe a story like this?

Surely not her parents...

Surely her best friend.

YC and MC made that promise after all. Surely it didn't matter what gender MC was, right? As YC is a few years older, as he lives alone, he becomes MC's only hope in not sleeping on the streets.

Though, with how little regard they have shown to girls... will he take advantage of a girl completely reliant on him? One that has no one else in the world to lean on?

It is much too easy to catch feelings in a friendship of the opposite sex after all.


Non-con, Dub-con, Magic Gender Transformation, Guy to Girl, Petite, Small Breasts, Tomboy, Brat, Uppity, Sex Toys, Fighting, Restraints such as Handcuffs and Rope, Being held down/pinned. Foreplay, Creampie Nipple play, Clit play, Oral, 69, Risk of Being Caught, Breeding, Risk of Pregnancy, and perhaps Pregnancy itself.
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A Girl amongst Guys!

At Riyuu Academy, students are expected to be on their very best behavior and to never break the rules. Anyone caught breaking rules is punished severely. Only the elite of the elite can attend and the school shows great pride in their reputation. There is a 99% graduation rate, and has the top grades in the country.

Riyuu Academy is a live-in academy for the rich and promising, but one day a girl named Itsuki Inoue was mistaken for a boy, and sent a recommendation letter from the school staff. Because of the grades she earned when she lived abroad, she was seen as eligible.

There was a transfer mistake, and it is written down that she is a male student! Itsuki is a bona fide girl, NOT a boy, but she'll do anything to make it in to this prestigious school! She was a bit confused when a boy's uniform came in the mail, but doesn't think much of it, because she didn't understand Japanese culture or school uniforms having spent most of her life abroad despite being Japanese herself.

Coming from a casual public school prior to her big move to Tokyo Japan, she doesn't realize what she's gotten herself into! Riyuu is all about teamwork and cooperation. They seat students in pairs of two, though no one dares to cheat due to the school's strict rules and teachers that seem to have eyes in the back of their heads. The students are encouraged to talk to one another, but not during lessons.

Homework is encouraged to be discussed, but anyone caught asking for or giving answers away will be punished. Students are required to live on Riyuu High's extensive campus as most students live too far away to go back and forth each day. The campus is beautiful, and serves only the freshest meals three times a day at no charge to the students attending.

What will happen to a girl assigned to a prestigious boy's dorm school by accident!? Will anyone figure her out? Itsuki has to keep her true identity a secret, or else she will be kicked out! Itsuki manages to find herself sharing a dorm with the school delinquent, as well as his best friend, making it even harder to hide her identity as a girl.


Non-con, Dub-con, Crying, Begging to stop, Crossdressing, Androgyny, Petite, Small Breasts, Tomboy, Brat, Uppity, Sex Toys Fighting, Restraints such as Handcuffs and Rope, Being held down/pinned. Foreplay, Nipple play, Clit play, Oral, 69, Sex Toys, Biting, Creampie, Risk of Being Caught, Breeding, Threesome, Double Penetration, Risk of Pregnancy, and perhaps Pregnancy itself.

The School Delinquent Has Me All Figured Out

Mistaken for a boy since childhood due to her short hair and manner of dress, MC has never corrected the assumption as she has always felt more comfortable wearing boys clothes anyhow.

As a result, all through school, it has been assumed that MC is a bona fide male, even by her teachers. Wearing a male uniform, speaking in a boyish way, and hanging out with the guys, no one in her life has ever noticed the truth.

That is—until MC is placed in the same class as an infamous delinquent. While YC and MC have always gone to the same school, there have always been enough students—and differences between their friend groups to keep the pair from ever crossing paths, at least as far as MC knows...

So, why did he have to be the one to figure out her secret? HOW did he figure out her secret?

Was it the fact that they're neighbors?—A fact that MC was not aware of until only recently....

Did he dig a little too deep into her school records? Why bother!?

Was it when she reluctantly comes over to his house to work on a school project—vehemently refusing to let him come to hers?

Or maybe, maybe he saw her changing in the changing stalls within the locker room.

That's for us to decide!


Non-con, Dub-con, Crying, Begging to stop, Crossdressing, Androgyny, Petite, Small Breasts, Tomboy, Brat, Uppity, Sex Toys Fighting, Restraints such as Handcuffs and Rope, Being held down/pinned. Foreplay. Nipple play, Clit play, Oral, 69, Sex Toys, Biting, Creampie, Risk of Being Caught, Breeding, Risk of Pregnancy, and perhaps Pregnancy itself.

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