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Fx Male Welcome To The Oblivion


Jun 23, 2021
Hi there everyone! This is my first time on a roleplay site like this so I ask that you bear with me, as I myself get my own bearings about me. I am a semi-literate (well, between that literate depending on the day) writer, usually I can provide paragraph or more. I have been roleplaying for around five or six years now and have been looking to expand my reaches. I can play a vast majority of characters, however, I mostly play female character but I have the ability to roleplay males; I'd just rather not but as I've said, it depends on the kind of mood I am in. I can mostly shoot a couple of replies back and forth a day, but sometimes I do get busy or get hit by writers block, or a sudden disinterest in what we're roleplaying. I will always let you know if this happens, and since I do this I'd request the same from you! It is only polite afterall, yes? I do always attempt to reflect what my partners write! That also means I don't mind quick short role plays with only a few sentence replies. Of course, only if there is enough there to reply to!
I do reserve the right to say no, and if I do so please do not take offense :)
I will almost always play a submissive female, I am not good at playing dominants or switches. I prefer my partner to play dominant guys who are tops. Thank you!

I am apart of a huge list of fandoms with many wants from each one! I do also have a few originals ideas to present you guys with!
First we have the Marvel fandom! I've been craving both long term and short term roleplays. I will have both of these listed separately. The ones I am craving will be in bold and the one out of the pairing I'd like you to play will be in italics. (The one's here are Long term)​
  • Thor x OC - A strange anomaly pops up which the Avengers are quick to rush to. There they find a woman surrounded by destruction, obviously scared and unknowing of what happened. She presents strangle capabilities and signatures, clearly showing some sort of super power. They take her in and begin to try and find out what super power she has through a list of tests. Thor takes an interest in her and the two get closer and closer.
  • Bucky x OC - In a world where the Avengers are more lowkey and practically never heard of by the general public, they're called by S.H.I.E.L.D to investigate a strange portal that opened. Once there, they find a woman who is terrified, hypnotized and not in their right mind. After a long struggle and battle, they finally capture the woman and take her back to the facility. Some tests were run only to find super soldier serum in her veins, but not the same as Bucky. It's subtle, barely noticeable. Super strength and durability, but the same sensitivity to some things as a normal human. Her strength nearly matches Bucky's but not quite. Somehow, she knows each and every single one of their names and even some of their stories. In specifics, she knows Bucky's. (This is placed after the blip, however, everyone is still alive and Bucky is back with the Avengers with short hair and all)
  • James 'Bucky' Barnes x OC - Back in the old days, Bucky is in the military. He comes home every year to a beautiful girlfriend. This time he is never going back and has to deal with the shellshock, as well as tend to his loving girlfriend. (This situation is where super soldier serum never happened)
  • Peter x OC - One strange day in school, something happens and Peter finds himself stuck with a girl in his class only to find she has some strange super powers as well. This bit of 'closet time' draws them closer and causes Peter to take her to meet Tony.
Short term:​
  • Steve x OC - After a good mission, the squad returns to the facility to play some games in the living room to wind down. Steve has had a crush on MC for awhile and has plans to make this apparent. When that will be is not quite certain yet.
  • Bucky x OC - A long line of tension is known between these two. One day they get into a heated argument, Bucky ends up following MC to her room where the two finally find out just what is causing the tension.
  • Peter Quill x OC - After being caught attempting to jack his spaceship, they accidentally send off into the middle of space with damages to the ships travelling mechanics. It will take a few days to repair but not too long. They do have plenty of ways to pass the time, however.
  • Strange x OC - After many times of attempting to help MC, she is sent to the sorcerer Dr. Strange for some lessons being humble. While there, the two take a liking to each other and take advantage of the magic capabilities Strange has.

Next we have the Supernatural fandom, this one is just short and sweet.​
  • Sam x OC - Sam and Dean have been living a relatively quiet life after discovering the bunker. One day, they go out to hunt some monsters only to end up saving supposed hunter, a woman to be exact. They take her back to the bunker only to find she is not exactly human, but instead a crossbreed. They take her under their wing and teach her their ways when they learn she was indeed not a hunter, just a kidnapped individual.
aaaand Short term!​
  • Dean x OC - Sam runs off for a few days, leaving Dean stranded at the bunker. What better way to pass the time than the call up some sneaky links?

Attack on Titan (these will all be short terms, I am not necessarily interested in a long term roleplay with this fandom)​
  • Levi Ackerman x OC - After a long stressful day, Levi calls up one of the woman apart of the defense. To her surprise, this is not the usual call to give orders.

Overwatch! Once again, all short terms.​
  • Hanzo x OC - A long day on the battle field, Hanzo comes to your room to give you some advice only to find you fresh out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around you. Who knew that man could become so dominant and endearing?
  • Soldier 76 x OC - In the wastelands, nine times out of ten after you defeat someone in battle (without killing them) the norm is rail them into oblivion.

As pre-warning, most of these are short term (majority NSFW) and consist of ideas that have you role playing a canine.
  • Spoilt Canine - A woman is living alone in her apartment, deciding that it is time to make the space feel less empty she goes and adopts a dog! Unbeknownst to her, this dog is one horny little thing and only seeks one thing. (Breeds I'd like you to play: Pitbull, Doberman, Rottweiler, Husky, Bernese Mountain Dog)
  • A Hellish Situation - MC seeks to gain revenge on other people by summoning a hellhound to do her biddings. The price is not exactly what she expected and due to magical means is forced to pay this off.
  • Succubus terrors - One night, a Succubus comes across a woman. He does what he usually does only to be called upon more often, making the woman become addicted.
  • Pay For Your Sins - MC is sent to hell after passing away due to a terrible death, but she finds out that Hell is not all that it is talked up to me. Most demons take advantage of those sent here, railing them into oblivion. Other creatures come along and do as they please, including hellhounds and otherworldly creatures.
  • For Entertainment- An elf strapped down and used by many different creatures, either in front of an audience or alone just for the creatures pleasure.
This is only a faint idea and if you have any ideas you'd like to provide, please tell me! I'm open to a lot of things :)
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