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ICYLies Never Ending Search Thread.


Jun 22, 2021

Hey. I'm ICY. I am 25 years old, Canadian and evidently, very bored.

I've come to BMR to look for like-minded role-players. I've spent a lot of time roleplaying and doing erotic writing in my adult life and in my teenage life I role-played like, literally, every day. I love taking time and putting effort into my characters and I love especially when the person I am roleplaying with does the same. I do have a work life that takes up most of my time and I am most likely at work when you're talking to me OOC or even sometimes I'll hop on and reply on my breaks.

This is as far as really I am going to go on about myself. Anything else you want to know about me you can ask me directly, I don't bite hard.

My Request:

I am currently looking for a couple LONG TERM role-playing partners. Through here, or on Discord or email, I don't care. I am just looking to keep my creative juices flowing and to consistently challenge myself to write. I've tried a couple of sites that didn't end up working out because there are some people out there who aren't good at taking no's and they just poop all over your experience.

Anywho, enough of them, more about what I am looking for! Here is a short-ish list of what I generally expect out of a role-play partner...

1: Though your characters age doesn't have to be 21, I prefer all my partners be above the age of 20 because that's what I am comfortable with.

2: I expect all my partners to put effort into designing their characters personality and background unless that character isn't a main character.

3: I like visuals for characters but if that's not your thing, that's okay. It's just a bonus.

4: I don't normally role-play with characters who aren't fit or at least average in size. I prefer to play characters who are athletic or average myself.

5: If you have specific kinks that you want to see in the role-play, you just need to tell me. If I reject it, it means I'm not willing to step out of that comfort zone. Don't ask me twice.

6: Don't start a role-play with me if you are unsure that you will have time to start the role-play a day or two after we start talking.

7: I don't like god-like characters. There has to be some realism to your characters otherwise it's a total no-go for me.

8: I feel like I have to mention this, I like diversity. I don't normally play generic characters so I don't limit myself to one ethnicity. I play many and my go-to is mixed race characters.

9: I do some fandoms, but not very many. You just got to ask me.

10: I like having fun and getting excited about writing and collaborating with someone else.

I'm sure this list has been very boring for you to read, but, if you can agree with the above statements, then you've made it to the fun part.

Prompts and Pairings:

Before you go into these pairings, you have to understand that the characters that I am craving to play are all devious and evil to some extent, or their just plain rude and nobody truly likes them other than the few close friends they have. I'm not limited to this type of character, but I will be putting this into different variations to fulfil this need of mine. This does not mean I want to play a dominant character, they're just mean or plotting something evil at some point. I also really enjoy the idea of a character starting good and then slowly morphing into this bad/psychotic/evil/whatever type of character.

Also, don't message me if smut is all you're into. I'm not into that! I don't do one-shots, I like long term pairings!

Vampire x Human
Vampire Hunter x A human bound to a vampire
Teacher x Student
Jock(female) x Nerd
Celebrity x Non Fan
Popular x Outcast(female)
Teacher x Student
Kidnapper x Victim
Demon x Human x Demon
Master x Slave
Evil Lord x Princess
Evil Princess x Good Knight
Evil queen x Captured adventurer
Witch x Human
Goddess x Human
Werewolf x Human
Rebel x Jock
Assassin x Princess
Band Member x Fan
Dragon x Rider
Spell Caster x Human
Doctor x Patient
Mafia Boss x Citizen
Reaper x Human

Sooo, I have plots for majority of these, you just have to ask me. If what you're looking for is not in this list just ask me about it. I'm open to anything really.

So, I hope to hear from you at some point.

Happy hunting everyone.
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