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Romance Novel Recommendations?

Jun 22, 2021
As much as I love to write erotica, I also love to read it! My favorites are usually paranormal/fantasy romance, and I find them both free online and sometimes in actual novel form. I don't mind cheesey for things like this, but it's always a pleasant surprise when you find one that's objectively good!

Do any of you read romance novels and/or erotica? What are you favorite ones? Do you tend to enjoy certain tropes or try to avoid them? Would love to hear your thoughts and recommendations!
I read a lot of this, I feel like it's all I can read since corona (plus classics/super dense books). I dunno... Most of them don't have what I need, so I write too. Depending on what you like, MF, MM, MMF etc I might have recommandations.

MM and MMM, post apoc, VERY shocking descriptions until it gets so much to get jaded, Fallocaust.

MM and some generally non described MF The Administration (dystopian Europe, same prob as above, gets annoying)

MF Goddess Isles (still unsure I liked it, I couldn't put it down but I was rolling my eyes).

MM, MF, MMF etc, anything Dina Thala

That's all folks, those books are what I read recently in that genre
I don't read romance novels, but I picked up a book that turned out to be romance, and it hit me good.

Hunted by Meagan Spooner, a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, where Beauty a skilled and angry hunter looking to kill the Beast for a good chunk of the book.
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