Looking though fantasy pictures, seeing the way a character looks, the gleam in their eyes-- you can start to feel what sort of attitude they might have.
In the past I wasn't fond of using real photos of people because they're real people. But I've come around to it, only with the thought that they're acting much like a television actor or model might. It's a role they're playing. It's not me pretending to be that person.
I still love digital art a lot, though. Especially when I prefer writing about fantasy stuff!
Pinterest has a nice habit of picking up on your tastes as you browse, and then it throws more nice things at you, you know, so that you can venture down the never ending rabbit hole of pretty pictures. c: For hours. H O U R S.
Just like nice music playing when I write, having a good image to look at and draw from can really get my mind moving.