Mx Female Superheroine Peril with OC or Cannon [Can GM]


Oct 28, 2019
I am currently craving a roleplay where YC would be a mutant with new powers and I would GM playing multiple characters. I would play with villains, family, friends, lovers, etc. I am looking for a partner interested in world-building and a good story that would entail many different kinks including darker ones (non-con, humiliation, blackmail).

Here is my f-list as well.
The world had not been the same since “they” had started to appear around the world.. Those who had mutated from the general population. It was a phenomenon of the last 30 years, shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union. Those with powers were not localized in any particular area but globally. Governments did not know what to do with them and could not track them were there hundreds, thousands, ten of thousands, even more, it was not clear. It seemed even with the unknown number no mutant was exactly alike almost like snowflakes all unique in a way.

Big Issue arose some of those with powers turned to crime, it was only logical if someone had enhanced speed, strength or even further out their powers that were seen like electricity flowing from a person’s hands. Just as some turned to crime others with these powers did the oppsite and became crime fighters, real-life superheroes or superheroines. Of course, this was all frowned upon by the US government but there was no agreement on what to do. Law enforcement knew that if there were no “superheroes” they could contain the mutants who had turned to crime but also could not encourage vigilantes so as long as these superheroes kept their identities secret law enforcement mostly stayed out of their way.

The federal government through homeland security wanted more oversight of these mutants. Mutant prisoners were put in separate facilities for watching but also study and lists were kept of potential mutants with powers. However, without local law enforcement help the programs to keep track of all mutants and even take in most known ones were impossible.

There were some theories about how these mutations started to happen ideas of certain pollutants in the air, or the temperature warming or fears of radiation leaks no one was aware of. Papers were written, argued, and debated over the years but the scientific community could not come to an agreement. It was only in the last couple of years that one pattern emerged and the mutations started to come around 16 & 17. This led to ad campaigns in the United States saying “Your friend, neighbor, even your babysitter could be more than human” or “Maybe it is more than Teenage Angst” usually attached to these posters were phone numbers for the Department of Homeland Security.

For this world, YC would be just getting her powers and deciding she wanted to fight crime with them.

I am also interested in Cannon heroines in worlds:
Batgirl in Gotham
Black Canary in Gotham
Supergirl in Metropolis
Wonder Woman in Metropolis
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) in New York

Very open to any other ideas. Happy to change & build the world with any potential partner.
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