Jasmine's Tea Set

Jasmine T

To be Used. Heels and boots lover.
May 19, 2014
California, USA
Hello, this thread is more for personal tracking and notes for some the RP's I am currently partaking!! Apologies if some of these don't make sense ... they are more so catered to my wiring than public knowledge, but if it is threaded ... ...

Current Work Schedule: M-F; 7-5

In no particular order:
  • Pandora System- Pending my reply, completed
    • Third
  • Euro Adventure - Pending my reply
    • First
  • Non-Con Popstar - Replied
    • Third
  • Labyrinthian Idea - Replied
    • First
  • Housewife - Replied
    • Third
  • CP Tokyo - Replied
    • First
  • Dutch Excursion - Replied
    • Third
  • Autumn Horror - In the works
    • Third
Last edited:
July holidays is almost over ... have another party to attend but after that it should go back to normal. Two hangovers in a row is not fun! ... 1 more to go.
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