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Nov 17, 2019

No new plots at this time. All Roleplay slots taken!

T A K E N | P L O T S

Several hundred years in the future, humans have colonized Mars and created a sustainable way of living. Bluer skies seem possible now on the Red Planet. However, as the world develops, there is a shift in population requirements. Prisoners from Earth are sent to the red rock to work off their debts and participate in televised fights where their continued winnings buy them freedom. The requirements are to win 100 contests and repurchase freedom to Earth; if the crimes are committed again back on Earth, the number of fights goes up, and so does the strength of the opponents.

Career's on Mars are highly sought after as the benefits are more significant than those on Earth. The pay alone is another benefactor in why good citizens take to the skies and travel to the red planet.

Anya Is one such individual; with a family down on Earth, her benefits cover their healthcare, and her pay provides them a comfortable, lavish lifestyle. Unmarried and unsure of her path in life, she takes the job as a security officer on Mars, handling the Contests and ensuring complete and secure viewing of the contests by other prisoners; simultaneously, Anya attends virtual classes on Mars to complete her GED.

Anya isn't looking for anything out of her career path other than the benefits. Still, when tensions run high with a recently indicted prisoner, she starts to wonder if this life is for the best and if a future is possible for them outside of this world. Suddenly, It becomes a life of hidden desires, betrayals, crime- everything Anya has never had to experience before this.


The surface of Mars is rocky, with canyons, volcanoes, dry lake beds, and craters all over it. Red dust covers most of its surface. Mars has clouds and wind, just like Earth. Sometimes the wind blows the red dust into a dust storm. The Surface is made of a thick layer of oxidized iron dust and rocks of the same color.

Dwellings on Mars are that of a Snowflake structure with tunnels connecting circular pods of various sizes. These dwellings are scattered around the planet, holding different research facilities for Mars and medical institutes and a renowned medical university. The prison also has a similar structure while much more extensive than all the other satellite facilities combined.

Blood Moon Rising
Two Queens divided by their ancestry and politics are forced to be apart. Our characters have known each other for more than eighteen years. Their worlds are different, beautiful, and... Tedious. Through a series of letters, the two decide to meet in disguise, away from their advisors and away from the court. and thus starts their taboo and secret relationships.

Outside of the Queen's relationship, tensions rise within the other 4 kingdoms over a trading dispute on silk merchandise. Wars begin to break out, and the two Queens, while civil in their kingdom politics, become divided in their stance on the matter causing a shift in their turbulent relationship.
The setting of this roleplay is like our own, lush, green, and medieval. However, the seasons are different. Centered around the Midnight Sun, a time of the year where the sun does not set for 6 months. The events of the massacre and war take place under the Blood Moon, the fictional period of time that takes place the other 6 months of the year after the Midnight Sun.

Winter starts the eve of the Blood moon, and the Midnight Sun starts the morning after the Blood Moon. Winters are harsh, food is scared, the tensions are high. Harvest takes place the week before the Blood Moon. this ensures that there is adequate food for the winters.

The silk trade is highly respected. Silk is a natural regulator, much like Wool and for 3 of the six kingdoms in the Tundra locations, this is valuable to survival. Nearly everything is woven with silk fibers and a dispute on the threads means certain death to those who rely on it for warmth during the Blood moon.

Blair, a baby witch, finds her information on websites and social media apps. she charges her stones by moonlight and buyers her small potion bottles at craft stores. Content and happy with her life for what it is, she begins to receive strange visions both in her waking life and in her turbulent dreams; she's met with three young women shrouded in black, calling to her in her deepest sleep cycles. Blair knows nothing of her past lives, a few quick 1-minute articles on the internet about reincarnation bring her to the conclusion that she is meant to finish out her purpose presently, but she struggles with its understanding. Her mother, a follower of more mainstream religions, would never understand her place in the world of witchcraft. No one in her family has ever made any mention of the witch's world. However, Blair's dreams say otherwise, is her mother's explanation a cover for the true power that Blair seeks? Who are the women in her dreams calling to her?

The setting is modern-day. Set in a small city in California, the desert spanning for miles and the heat nearly unbearable. A drive to the ocean, however, is only twenty-five minutes. Modern conveniences like 5g are available, as well as new electronics The city where the story starts is similar to L.A, compact and suffocating. On weekend nights bonfires and drinking is the go-to activity. Parties are not unheard of. Gatherings at one's home for a witchy seance are also desired to add dark elements to the story.

Character ages can be anywhere from 18-24.

F x F is more than alright!

Smut is more than okay!

Calista was born with a secret… she had the curse of the wolf and it has been suppressed for 10 generations. Desperate to protect her the King and Queen seal their daughter away in the castle and only allowed her to be seen during brief ceremonies. But, as Calista grows older her sense of adventure does as well and she escapes the castle several nights a week to explore and test out her abilities.

The more she explores outside of the castle, the more temptation grows and she starts to lose control of her abilities. One chaotic night leads to another and she is found in her human form deep in the forest by another shapeshifter. Whisked away from the comforts of her kingdom, Calista begins to learn the history of her family and their extraordinary gift.

Upon returning to the kingdom with her new kinfolk, the townspeople recognize her strange powers and fear her very being. Desperate to prove to them that she is not to be feared, she allows her adopted pack to reside in the surrounding villages against her parent’s wishes. On the night of a blood moon, the clan turns and soon attacks the kingdom's Village. This forces Calista from the comforts of the castle to explain the occurrence, but she is unable to hold her ground against her weary parents.

The wolves, Desperate to save their future Queen, Kill the King and Queen Of the kingdom in cold blood, and Calista is, by law, appointed to the throne despite the allegations. Immediately she sides with the wolves and enacts laws to protect them, but as the counsel slowly rejects the law...war starts to brew on the horizon.


The setting of this roleplay is like our own, lush, green, and medieval. However, the seasons are different. Centered around the Midnight Sun, a time of the year where the sun does not set for 6 months. The events of the massacre and war take place under the Blood Moon, the fictional period of time that takes place the other 6 months of the year after the Midnight Sun.

Winter starts the eve of the blood moon, and the Midnight Sun starts the morning after the Blood Moon. Winters are harsh, food is scared, the tensions are high. Harvest takes place the week before the Blood Moon. this ensures that there is adequate food for the winters (even though this does not occur with the introduction of the wolves...)

Madison, an independent young woman, just trying to live life to the fullest, is stuck in the pattern of bad boyfriends and even worse friends. She throws herself into her work as a lifeguard at the local beach in hopes of finishing her Meteorology degree, all while trying to afford an apartment that is just not in her budget. Despite the struggles to pay her bills on time and enjoy a dinner out with the girls here and there, she still manages to give the air about her that she is to be worshiped in some way... only she doesn't know how.

Storm season is the worst time of year for beachgoers and even more so for the lifeguards on duty. Daredevils seem to want to coast the violent waves and lose themself in the salt spray. It's on this such day that she meets YC. After running out to rescue a surfer stranded in the undertow of the waves, Madison and this mysterious man dive into the turbulent waves to rescue the surfer. The two are suddenly stuck on the deserted beach during a hurricane after the surfer is freed from the ocean's wrath. Stuck in a tiny Lifeguard hut, the stranger and her bond, it's an instant connection, one that they can't move on from no matter the amount of work they try to focus on.

The setting for this story a sleepy beach city. While the summer months bring tourists, the rest of the year is home to the locals who live in high-rise apartments, hang around the seaside bars, and attend the local university. Storms are prevalent between July and August and has made this city the top research location for students interested in studying meteorology and oceanography. Crime is lower than most beach towns but still not uncommon given the influx of visitors during the summer months. The wear is temperate, staying between 70 and 90 degrees.

I want this story to be centered around BDSM, exploration of it, the introduction of it, and mutual respect. I'd like for this story to be tasteful and thoughtful, not raunchy and thrown together.

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