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Fx Male Seeking Katsuki x Ochako Fantasy AU and Modern Adult AU Niche Craving


Jan 27, 2018
ALL LINKS IN THIS THREAD ARE NSFW, just to let you know~

So, I really, rarely want Fandom RPs. They usually feel limiting for how I tend to write, but I totally understand the appeal and when I get an itch for a particular pairing, it's veryyyy difficult to scratch. The particular pairing I've been stuck on for months now, is Ochako Uraraka and Katsuki Bakugo, of My Hero Academia fame, and I've gone down a few fanart rabbit holes trying to scratch my itch, you know?

Well, I've discovered a very particular craving thanks to the absolutely amazing fanart of artists like superevey (Rule 34 collection) and nightlykrumbs (Rule 34 as well) - I need the Fantasy AU versions of these characters!

The plot idea I have in mind is that Katsuki is a nomadic king/warlord of sorts. Ochako is his loyal court witch. Like, can you blame me with art like this?!
Anyway, Katsuki travels around his lands, taking it into his own hands to solve the problems of his people, as an egotistical, highly powerful hero would do, and Ochako and any other characters you'd like us to sprinkle in, like Eijiro Kirishima, Tsuyu Asui, Izuku Midoriya to name a few, follow him about as his support. I'm happy to write multiple characters, but want to focus on these main two most!
What I need from this RP: A strongly-written Katsuki. Make him an ass! Make him insufferable at times! And cocky and powerful and capable of backing his words up with his actions!
In return, you'll receive: An adorable, stubborn Ochako who knows how to clap back at Katsuki and get him to shut up or do something out of spite, but who is devoutly loyal to him. She's also a switch, gladly submitting to her King Bakugo 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, but also capable of flipping him over on his back and taking control every once in a while.
I really want to play with their contrasting personalities and the freedom of the fantasy AU gives us a lot of flexibility in the scenarios they can end up in, smutty or serious!

As for how the smut comes to be, I'd like us to start off with them having done nothing together yet. The two picture comic I posted above gives me this want to have them dance around the subject, catching each other's glances from afar, until one night - maybe a night of celebration after Katsuki taking down a big bad - with some liquid courage in her system, Ochako confronts him about it. She wants to know if she's imaging things or not. Katsuki, being the blunt man that he is, decides this is the best time to be honest, and his honesty leads her into his tent, and things blossom from there.

For a Modern Plot:

I just came up with this one, so it has to be fleshed out a bit more, but -

What if the two of them are assigned to an undercover case, in a small village, up in the mountains? They could have been chosen because they are less recognizable heroes - Ochako because she is usually part of search and rescue, and Katuski because he wears his black mask and spikes. They have to pose as a married couple, and find intel on the rumor of a big bad we can come up with. Alternate to this - Their friends have set them up on this task to try and get them to finally hook up, using both of their vacation times to get them a proper get away. So, no real stakes, and plenty of time for them to cozy up to each other <3 Super mushy!

This would be more slice of life heavy, than action heavy, and we could have a lot of fun with it!

Other random ideas I have for this pairing and these settings:
- Glad to work in threesomes or groupsex with other characters, once the intimate relationship between Ochako and Katsuki is solid.
- Slow-burn on the romance - I want them both to be bumbling idiots about their feelings. The sex is hot and passionate and neither of them wants to ruin it by admitting to feelings they assume the other doesn't have. I'm sorry if I come off as demanding or needy with this craving, but goddamnnnn, I don't think it will go away until I get it!
- Plenty of opportunities for action scenes and politics, if either of those are your sort of thing! Maybe Katsuki took over after an incompetent ruler and has to clean up his mess. Maybe there's a demonic threat looming over the land and they have to unravel the mystery to bring it to an end. Lots of explosions, please. For the modern, it could be them trying to stop villains without exposing their covers.
- I'll keep this open-ended, just in case I have more ideas!

Now that you've read the plot and seem to still be interested, come see if we're compatible:
- A writer wanting to write a male character
- One on one, in PMs only because I always forget to check e-mail and I don't use messengers anymore. Threads are a no-go because I like my privacy.
- Fantasy elements always, be it light or completely immersed. I role play to escape from the monotony of life, so fantasy is my go-to~
- Light-Hearted Only - Life's dark enough right now. I need fluff and happiness. Obviously tension and drama to progress character growth and plot is it's own thing and very much welcome. But I don't need terrible, dystopian dark fantasy settings, or war-ravaged characters.
- Complete literacy - If English is your first language, I do not want to see repetitive mistakes. Misspellings and missing commas and periods every once in a while happens - I do it too. But, if you repeatedly do not capitalize your 'I's or forget quotation marks, I'm not going to hold interest. If English isn't your native language, and you're trying, then it's totally forgivable and I commend you for knowing more than one language because I wish I did.
- Side note to literacy - NO FIRST PERSON AND NO PRESENT TENSE in the role play. I will stop talking to you if this happens, mainly because it just says to me you didn't read this or you don't care enough.
- I prefer long-term over short-term, but if you'd prefer something shorter, I'm more than happy to facilitate that. Just clarify when we're setting things up.
- I definitely need some smut. Here is my F-List. If you need clarification on something, or want to ask for something not on the list, just ask <3
- I need some semblance of romance. It doesn't need to be fluff - I personally love putting together two dysfunctional people who lust for each other and then forming more intimacy from there. But, if it is just smut, I lose interest, so let's develop our characters and get them some happiness.
- I am only looking for two or three partners. If you don't make the cut, I will politely turn you down.
- I like character pictures, though they aren't mandatory. If you are going to use a character picture, they MUST be drawn. NO REAL PICTURES. It's just way too awkward to me, I apologize. [This is a serious limit, too. I may not even respond, tbh.]
- DO NOT message me with little to no content. Also, please, don't just tell me to read your own request thread, because I didn't post this thread for you to just make me read yours. If there is a specific plot you want, copy/paste it. Just tell me what you want in your PM, because I'm not going to do the work to pry it out of you.
- [The Biggest Thing] Understanding - I suffer from anxiety and depression and sometimes I just don't have the energy to respond or even log on to tell you of a delay. I also work a mentally demanding job (with high schoolers), so I'm tired often. I need patience. In return, I am the most patient partner possible (try saying that five times fast). I may pester you once if I am really, thoroughly enjoying the RP, but aside from that, I will leave you be. If you ghost, you ghost, no hard feelings, I've done it before and I completely understand. This also means I am more than happy to accept responses at what ever pace you can provide them <3
- Side note, in the instance a partner may poof and come back: After a certain point, I will unsubscribe from the PM thread, but that is just to keep my inbox clutter-free. If you pop back up in my PMs with old messages, I'll be happy to reply. I just wanted to note this, just in case you see I've left the thread, and are wondering if it is alright to hit me back up.

If you're still around and interested, please hit me up in a PM! I really hope to hook at least one fish with this weird, peculiar craving!
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