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Fx Male Let's try this again


Jun 10, 2021

Thank you for your interest in my plot/pairing.

Before we get started I have a few things I would like you to know. First of all, I ONLY post on the forum for RP. I do not do it in PM because feels like my partner is ashamed of playing the plot out or playing it out with me. So, do not ask. I write in the third person. I do not write in first. I find it disjointed and odd because of my tendencies to revert to third. It also seems more like straight cybering than co-authoring a plot.

I expect a good bit of OoC. This helps keep things moving in the right direction. It also makes it easier to avoid God modding. If you have a reply that requires an action or reaction from my character that I have not made in my previous post, simply discuss it with me and we can work it out. Depending on what it is I will most likely agree.

First posts are a pain in the ass for me. I always second guess what I have written and will probably rewrite it more than once so please have patience. The first posts tend to be a bit longer and cram a good bit of setup in them. I like to give a little background of my character and why they are embarking on the journey that they are about to go on.

With that said, my posts tend to run 3 or more paragraphs. This gives me a chance to reply to what my partner has posted as well as give them something to respond to. It also gives room for plenty of details which make any writing more interesting. I detest posts that simply reply and do nothing more to move the story forward. It is unfair to do to a partner so I will try to avoid it at all costs.

If you have read all of this and still want to play with me, let me know. Otherwise, thank you for your time, and have a nice day.


The benefit of having like-minded friends - MC and YC have known each other for years. They met through his former friend that she dated for a while. Since then YC was dumped by his long-time girlfriend, and in the past year started dating a new girl. MC is single at the moment. The two have always had a friendly, flirty kind of relationship but never moved past friends. One night while drinking after a fight with YC's girlfriend, the two are talking and he is venting about how vanilla the sex with is her. YC and MC have always been a bit more adventurous sexually and he is having issues with the new situation but not enough to break it off. The conversation turns to the question of if each of them has ever thought about having sex with the other.

We basically pick up from the question and the ensuing wild night that ends up following. It could be a one-shot thing or turn into something more depending on we hit it off and if we desire to make it more of a long-term thing. (I have a first post finished and will change details as needed before posting.)

Seducing Daddy – YC is a sexy single father of a teenage girl, MC. All of her friends have a crush on him, and why wouldn't they. He is smart, handsome, and VERY well built. MC also has a crush on him. One day, when using his laptop she comes across one of the dating profiles that he had not logged out of. Being the bad girl that she is, she decides to make a profile on the site to flirt with him and see just how far she can take it. He is intrigued by her profile and starts talking to her. After several messages and some very salacious pictures that strategically taken so he will not recognize her he asks her to meet up. When the day arrives the two plan on meeting at a hotel. Will he willingly sleep with his own daughter or will she have to use her persuasions and a little blackmail to get him into bed.

Basic bad girl plot point – Basic incest plot where the daughter of a wealthy man is involved in countless scandals and incidents that embarrass and anger her father. He decides it is time to teach his daughter how to behave properly

Making the grade – MC is failing her calculus class. After getting caught for getting one of the guys in her class to do her homework for her after failing several tests, she realizes that she is in real trouble. If she doesn't pass her parents will take away all of the things she values most, her phone, laptop, car, and her privileges until she gets her grades up again. She decides the only way to get ahead is to try to seduce her teacher. YC is a new teacher at the school who has a few years of teaching under his belt at an all-boys school.

The threat of Unemployment. - YC is the entitled son of the owner of a major company. Either MC, her husband, father, etc works for you. Depending on who is decided to work for you, you see MC and instantly decide that you will have her one way or another. With the threat of firing the employee if she doesn't comply. What choice will she have when everything hangs in the balance.

Trick or Treat – Brother and sister are going to a big Halloween costume party at a hotel rented out by someone they know. Each one knows what the other will be dressed as. One of the two has been flirting with someone online who they plan on meeting up with at the party. They reveal what costume they will be wearing and they decide to hook up that night in Room 513. They insist on keeping their costumes on until after. Neither will know the other is really their sibling.

The Hoax – MC is a spoiled rich girl who does not believe posting her details online will bring any consequences. . At the end of his rope YC, her father, decides to teach her a lesson. He hires someone to kidnap her. She wakes up in a small nearly empty room with a masked madman holding her captive. What she does not know is the man is actually her father.

How to get ahead in business – YC has built a multi-billion dollar business from the ground up. While each of his three children has their own talents and predilections, it is his daughter that he sees as the most viable candidate to run the company in his absence. She is intellect is only outshone by her beauty. While many see that as a valuable enough asset on its own, he knows that it takes more than the flash of a simple smile to close the deal. Now that she has returned from college and starting out in the office, he takes it upon himself to make sure that she has the particular skills that he thinks will serve her best in her new position.

Master/sub or slave

I am currently working on my f-list so hopefully it will be finished soon.
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