Mx Female Seeking a creative female for story driven erotica. Objectified younger male RP.


Apr 19, 2021
Hi all,

Haven't posted any ideas for a while. Thought I would keep this fairly simple.

I am seeking to play the Male character.

My usual intro, I like characters that are challenged by what they are doing, I enjoy conflict and exploring their thoughts and emotions. I do not like smut fests and enjoy some build up and story line even if the idea is erotic in nature.

I like story line and plot not just smut!

As mentioned, a simple idea.

A young man (16-18) still in High School is approached by an older woman (Teacher, Boss, Guidance Counselor, Aunt etc) and is offered money to perform at an all Female party.

There are a number of ways this could go and I would love to hear your ideas as well. Some of my ideas;
* Presented to the guest of honor as a gift.
* Raffled off as a prize.
*Auctioned off.
*Won as a prize in some kind of contest.

Although in the above the male is seen as a sex object, the variation could be that this young man might not be that good looking at all. Therefore his time at the party might be humiliation based which he knows about but does it anyway due to the payment.

My Kinks and not all have to be part of this;
Clothed Female Naked Male
Male Objectification
Small Penis Humiliation (if we go down the humiliation path)
Pegging (as above)
Male Submission
Male Exhibitionism
Female Voyeurism

PM me if you would like to chat.
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