- Joined
- Dec 8, 2019
Hello, fellow writers.
Firstly, I am both for direct-to-sex storylines and slow burns but I do shy away from vast story epics so if that's what you're looking for, you should head off to more familiar pastures. I wish you the most genuine farewell and hope that you find exactly what you're looking for.
Now for those of you who are still here, I only play males in male x female interactions. The females can be completely feminine or androgynous and I will always play a character who will control the pace of a romance if left to his own devices. I don't mind playing opposite a sub or dom but I am very picky about how sexual identities are portrayed.
I like a submissive character who will embrace herself, but not to such an extreme that she stands or sits around until something happens. I prefer a sub who is willing to start intimacy while adhering to her own sexual nature unapologetically. Like starting with a blowjob on her knees while her partner is standing over her, making herself appetizing when she takes a submissive position like bending over face down and adding some sway to her wide hips in come hither fashion.
I like a dom who will ride not just to ride and be in control, but ride to cum. A dom who will make sure the angle's right and make sure that her mind and body are into it so that when orgasm happens, a flushing mess comes spilling out and his member smells like it the rest of the night. A dom who looks at his glistening member after sucking it and grins proudly while she holds it upright at the base with her hand.
If she's a switch? She should not have a shallow reason for being so. She should not just consider herself a switch to save face because she's ashamed of the soft sub she actually is.
As for writing style, I use third person with past tense. I like detail and grammar. Not fluff, but detail, and I also like there to be more poetry in the writing than direct depictions of an action. I don't like, "She pulls his pants off and begins giving him a blow job." No, describe to me how she lowered to her knees, looked up at him with her beautiful green eyes and began to undo his pants with her slender, feminine fingers and brought it out. Then tell me how she felt herself filled with subdued anticipation and licked her lips wet so that he would see the pink of her tongue and feel the anticipation grow in him as well.
If that's not how you roleplay, we're not a fit but don't be shy if you would be willing to learn or try. Approach me.
In terms of fandoms, I love them but I don't play canon characters unless they are canon OCs. Think Commander Shepard from Mass Effect or the Inquisitor from Dragon age. Canon characters that were customizable for the player. I enjoy playing OCs x canon characters in given fandoms but I assure you beyond all doubt that I will write a steamy romance opposite an OC any day as well. Do not be afraid to give me your OC. Render her to me and I'll make her feel just as real as any canon character in any form of media you enjoy.
In regards to image depictions, I prefer anime, realistic paintings, anything that is drawn. I do not like to use real life celebrities or models and it's likely the encounters I engage in will last anywhere between ten to fifteen posts per person.
Now for the Hard No's, in list form because it's quicker,
The Maybe's,
Now for characters.
Name: Sev(en)
Character Description: Independent, moody and capable. He is a seeker of legendary creatures in all of the fandoms or original worlds I'm willing to play him in, often working with evil organizations to secure proper funding for his excursions while operating secretly as a less than forgiving anti-hero.
Physical Description: Compact but muscular, possessing the body of a fierce savage with vascular arms and hands. Rich mocha skin tone contrasted by resplendent green irises ( unlike what you see in the picture ). Appears to be in his early twenties. And just in case you would like to see it... his cock.
Pokemon Verse: Sev's journey began in Kanto and took him on a sweeping path across many regions over time, with the exception of Alola and Galar. While his initial motivation was to defeat gym leaders and become a pokemon master, he discovered another interest ( seeking legendary and mythical pokemon ) and began to pursue it equally. Eventually, he approached a shadowy organization called Team Rocket to acquire the proper funding for his excursions. To prove himself, he won two battles against members of Giovanni's choosing and also provided two feathers stored in glass cases, each belonging to a different legendary pokemon. These were an Articuno feather and a Cresselia feather, intended to show that he had a nose for encountering rare pokemon. Since beginning his employment with them, the number of rare encounters he has experienced increased drastically, most of them being kept a secret from his employers while throwing them bones on occasion to placate them when necessary.
Current Fandoms:
Original Settings:
Pokemon Storyline Ideas
Storyline 1 - Sev(en) x Team Rocket OC/Team Rocket Canon
Your character is a well trusted, loyal and high ranking member of Team Rocket who is tasked by Giovanni to search for Seven and accompany him on his travels. The purpose is to verify his witness accounts and send back word if anything about his operation is out of line. She should be capable as a trainer, able to protect herself and survive when matters become dangerous. Her personality otherwise is entirely up to you. She can be openly suspicious, quietly suspicious or other. In the end, things become tense when Sev begins to let her drift into life threatening situations he could have avoided entirely. She manages to survive, either through tenacity or skill. Once she has endured enough and manages to capture a glimpse of what he does, she discovers his true purpose, that of a protector of legendary and mythical creatures, keeping information about them secret from Giovanni and the world at large. Before she can get word out, he attacks her and a battle ensues. After suffering a defeat at the hands of his legendary pokemon ( Kyurem ), Sev imprisons your character and begins to guide her through the secrets he keeps, opening her eyes to calamitous mysteries that are best left undiscovered by greater society. Your character joins his side by the time it is over, then returning to Giovanni to clear Sev's name of all suspicion.
Note: Your character should be on the practical and saner side of villainy so that when she is told about the dangers of meddling with legendary and mythical pokemon, she understands why the things Sev keeps secret should be kept that way. Also, if you choose this storyline, it will be up to you to decide at what point this roleplay begins. Ie, when your character is entrapped, when your character has just found him, etc.
Storyline 2 - Sev(en) x Trainer OC/Trainer Canon
Your character enters an investigation to discover the source of grimy substances polluting lakes in the Hoenn region. Their first tip involves Seven, who is believed to know something about the situation because other investigators have encountered him surveying all the affected sites. It turns out that Team Rocket is attempting to lure out a legendary Pokemon and it is willing to dump a massive amount of funding into the operation. Seven finds himself managing a precarious situation where he cannot afford to trust anyone around him and chooses to approach your character in secret, who is from outside the organization, for help. First, he must prove to your character he is trustworthy and he will go to various lengths to do so. He will either show your character where he has buried the bodies of various members of the Team Rocket organization, show them a pair of feathers belonging to the legendary creatures he has protected from harm in the past or, if all else fails, consider submitting to your character's specifications of how to prove he can be trusted.
Note: When you approach, you should already have in mind what it will take for Seven to prove that he can be trusted to foil Team Rocket's plans. It is also up to you to decide at which point of this storyline our interaction begins.
Other Storylines
Storyline 3 - Final Fantasy X OC Blitzball Player x Final Fantasy X OC Blitzball player. Interested in this? Message me for more info.
Romance Dynamics
Note: These are listed here so that they can be paired with a plot.
Irresistible Boy.
The girl finds the boy very attractive. It could be appearance, age range, status ( taken or single, higher up, for example ), skill, personality or anything you can come up with but it means your girl is just dying to have some fun with him and will show him in her own way. She will say it, provoke him into acting by letting a spaghetti strap dangle low, linger near to smother him with her feminine scent or anything else.
Irresistible Girl.
The boy finds the girl very attractive. It could be appearance, age range, status ( taken or single, higher up, for example ), skill, personality or anything you can come up with but it means the boy can't help himself around her. He will go out of his way to compliment, test the physical barriers with a touch of her hair or close inspection of her hands. Anything to see if she is receptive or can be persuaded to be.
Out in the wilderness, stuck in a house while a storm rages or something similar. Adult inclinations creep, offering a way to placate anxiety. Would you be so kind as to help me forget? Sex without attachment but can turn into something more if it becomes habit.
Ab imo pectore.
A romance that roots itself in the heart from the start. Perhaps the characters are all they have left, perhaps one saved the other's life or perhaps they have run through the forests and jungles together or recited poetry in a harmony that only happens once in a lifetime. Their love is so fierce that it takes the form of a cornered animal when threatened by anything at all. These two are, to one another, like faraway galaxies and gas clouds of varying neon hues to an astronomer, like the vast mysterious ocean to a marine biologist or sailor. They are each other's truest and most fiery passion. They unapologetically derive a sense of world shattering wonderment from one another.
Fuck you.
The characters start a relationship on a premise of revenge or rebirth, the latter meaning that they are starting a new more suitable chapter in their lives post separation ( or pre-separation ). It can be because one character has opened up a new life path or a greater relationship than prior. Can be a liberating casual fling or something much deeper.
Already Familiar.
Known each other for more than a decade and have been having sex on and off. They seek each other's company when nights are lonely and never hesitate to miss work, get home late or miss other familial or financial responsibilities to link up somewhere. ( Does not always have to entail cheating. ) They always notify the other when they are in town and even though they have gone months, even years, without seeing each other, the sex is always better than anywhere else because it is completely uninhibited, due to familiarity and shared comfort.
Firstly, I am both for direct-to-sex storylines and slow burns but I do shy away from vast story epics so if that's what you're looking for, you should head off to more familiar pastures. I wish you the most genuine farewell and hope that you find exactly what you're looking for.
Now for those of you who are still here, I only play males in male x female interactions. The females can be completely feminine or androgynous and I will always play a character who will control the pace of a romance if left to his own devices. I don't mind playing opposite a sub or dom but I am very picky about how sexual identities are portrayed.
I like a submissive character who will embrace herself, but not to such an extreme that she stands or sits around until something happens. I prefer a sub who is willing to start intimacy while adhering to her own sexual nature unapologetically. Like starting with a blowjob on her knees while her partner is standing over her, making herself appetizing when she takes a submissive position like bending over face down and adding some sway to her wide hips in come hither fashion.
I like a dom who will ride not just to ride and be in control, but ride to cum. A dom who will make sure the angle's right and make sure that her mind and body are into it so that when orgasm happens, a flushing mess comes spilling out and his member smells like it the rest of the night. A dom who looks at his glistening member after sucking it and grins proudly while she holds it upright at the base with her hand.
If she's a switch? She should not have a shallow reason for being so. She should not just consider herself a switch to save face because she's ashamed of the soft sub she actually is.
As for writing style, I use third person with past tense. I like detail and grammar. Not fluff, but detail, and I also like there to be more poetry in the writing than direct depictions of an action. I don't like, "She pulls his pants off and begins giving him a blow job." No, describe to me how she lowered to her knees, looked up at him with her beautiful green eyes and began to undo his pants with her slender, feminine fingers and brought it out. Then tell me how she felt herself filled with subdued anticipation and licked her lips wet so that he would see the pink of her tongue and feel the anticipation grow in him as well.
If that's not how you roleplay, we're not a fit but don't be shy if you would be willing to learn or try. Approach me.
In terms of fandoms, I love them but I don't play canon characters unless they are canon OCs. Think Commander Shepard from Mass Effect or the Inquisitor from Dragon age. Canon characters that were customizable for the player. I enjoy playing OCs x canon characters in given fandoms but I assure you beyond all doubt that I will write a steamy romance opposite an OC any day as well. Do not be afraid to give me your OC. Render her to me and I'll make her feel just as real as any canon character in any form of media you enjoy.
In regards to image depictions, I prefer anime, realistic paintings, anything that is drawn. I do not like to use real life celebrities or models and it's likely the encounters I engage in will last anywhere between ten to fifteen posts per person.
Now for the Hard No's, in list form because it's quicker,
- Vore.
- Bathroom play
- Food.
- Snuff.
- Blood.
- Incest.
- I don't play men over their forties.
- Anal ( receiving ).
- Anal to blowjob.
- Rimming ( receiving or giving ).
- Condoms. ( unless they're being thrown out
- Cuckolding.
- Underage. Underage canon characters should be aged up. At least find me a loose aged up depiction of the character.
- Anatomically incorrect.
- Noncon.
- I will not play a character who obsesses over another character's every move.
- Necrophilia.
The Maybe's,
- Giving anal. I actually enjoy this but I put this in the maybe category because it goes downhill fast if it becomes other things, like blow jobs after anal to kissing, etc. If my character gives your character anal the scene will likely finish anal.
- Furries. They have to be mostly human though.
Now for characters.
Name: Sev(en)
Character Description: Independent, moody and capable. He is a seeker of legendary creatures in all of the fandoms or original worlds I'm willing to play him in, often working with evil organizations to secure proper funding for his excursions while operating secretly as a less than forgiving anti-hero.
Physical Description: Compact but muscular, possessing the body of a fierce savage with vascular arms and hands. Rich mocha skin tone contrasted by resplendent green irises ( unlike what you see in the picture ). Appears to be in his early twenties. And just in case you would like to see it... his cock.
Pokemon Verse: Sev's journey began in Kanto and took him on a sweeping path across many regions over time, with the exception of Alola and Galar. While his initial motivation was to defeat gym leaders and become a pokemon master, he discovered another interest ( seeking legendary and mythical pokemon ) and began to pursue it equally. Eventually, he approached a shadowy organization called Team Rocket to acquire the proper funding for his excursions. To prove himself, he won two battles against members of Giovanni's choosing and also provided two feathers stored in glass cases, each belonging to a different legendary pokemon. These were an Articuno feather and a Cresselia feather, intended to show that he had a nose for encountering rare pokemon. Since beginning his employment with them, the number of rare encounters he has experienced increased drastically, most of them being kept a secret from his employers while throwing them bones on occasion to placate them when necessary.
Current Fandoms:
- Pokemon ( Craving hard. )
Original Settings:
- Modern fantasy wilderness filled with ordinary and mythical creatures.
- More to be added as the muse expands.
Pokemon Storyline Ideas
Storyline 1 - Sev(en) x Team Rocket OC/Team Rocket Canon
Your character is a well trusted, loyal and high ranking member of Team Rocket who is tasked by Giovanni to search for Seven and accompany him on his travels. The purpose is to verify his witness accounts and send back word if anything about his operation is out of line. She should be capable as a trainer, able to protect herself and survive when matters become dangerous. Her personality otherwise is entirely up to you. She can be openly suspicious, quietly suspicious or other. In the end, things become tense when Sev begins to let her drift into life threatening situations he could have avoided entirely. She manages to survive, either through tenacity or skill. Once she has endured enough and manages to capture a glimpse of what he does, she discovers his true purpose, that of a protector of legendary and mythical creatures, keeping information about them secret from Giovanni and the world at large. Before she can get word out, he attacks her and a battle ensues. After suffering a defeat at the hands of his legendary pokemon ( Kyurem ), Sev imprisons your character and begins to guide her through the secrets he keeps, opening her eyes to calamitous mysteries that are best left undiscovered by greater society. Your character joins his side by the time it is over, then returning to Giovanni to clear Sev's name of all suspicion.
Note: Your character should be on the practical and saner side of villainy so that when she is told about the dangers of meddling with legendary and mythical pokemon, she understands why the things Sev keeps secret should be kept that way. Also, if you choose this storyline, it will be up to you to decide at what point this roleplay begins. Ie, when your character is entrapped, when your character has just found him, etc.
Storyline 2 - Sev(en) x Trainer OC/Trainer Canon
Your character enters an investigation to discover the source of grimy substances polluting lakes in the Hoenn region. Their first tip involves Seven, who is believed to know something about the situation because other investigators have encountered him surveying all the affected sites. It turns out that Team Rocket is attempting to lure out a legendary Pokemon and it is willing to dump a massive amount of funding into the operation. Seven finds himself managing a precarious situation where he cannot afford to trust anyone around him and chooses to approach your character in secret, who is from outside the organization, for help. First, he must prove to your character he is trustworthy and he will go to various lengths to do so. He will either show your character where he has buried the bodies of various members of the Team Rocket organization, show them a pair of feathers belonging to the legendary creatures he has protected from harm in the past or, if all else fails, consider submitting to your character's specifications of how to prove he can be trusted.
Note: When you approach, you should already have in mind what it will take for Seven to prove that he can be trusted to foil Team Rocket's plans. It is also up to you to decide at which point of this storyline our interaction begins.
Other Storylines
Storyline 3 - Final Fantasy X OC Blitzball Player x Final Fantasy X OC Blitzball player. Interested in this? Message me for more info.
Romance Dynamics
Note: These are listed here so that they can be paired with a plot.
Irresistible Boy.
The girl finds the boy very attractive. It could be appearance, age range, status ( taken or single, higher up, for example ), skill, personality or anything you can come up with but it means your girl is just dying to have some fun with him and will show him in her own way. She will say it, provoke him into acting by letting a spaghetti strap dangle low, linger near to smother him with her feminine scent or anything else.
Irresistible Girl.
The boy finds the girl very attractive. It could be appearance, age range, status ( taken or single, higher up, for example ), skill, personality or anything you can come up with but it means the boy can't help himself around her. He will go out of his way to compliment, test the physical barriers with a touch of her hair or close inspection of her hands. Anything to see if she is receptive or can be persuaded to be.
Out in the wilderness, stuck in a house while a storm rages or something similar. Adult inclinations creep, offering a way to placate anxiety. Would you be so kind as to help me forget? Sex without attachment but can turn into something more if it becomes habit.
Ab imo pectore.
A romance that roots itself in the heart from the start. Perhaps the characters are all they have left, perhaps one saved the other's life or perhaps they have run through the forests and jungles together or recited poetry in a harmony that only happens once in a lifetime. Their love is so fierce that it takes the form of a cornered animal when threatened by anything at all. These two are, to one another, like faraway galaxies and gas clouds of varying neon hues to an astronomer, like the vast mysterious ocean to a marine biologist or sailor. They are each other's truest and most fiery passion. They unapologetically derive a sense of world shattering wonderment from one another.
Fuck you.
The characters start a relationship on a premise of revenge or rebirth, the latter meaning that they are starting a new more suitable chapter in their lives post separation ( or pre-separation ). It can be because one character has opened up a new life path or a greater relationship than prior. Can be a liberating casual fling or something much deeper.
Already Familiar.
Known each other for more than a decade and have been having sex on and off. They seek each other's company when nights are lonely and never hesitate to miss work, get home late or miss other familial or financial responsibilities to link up somewhere. ( Does not always have to entail cheating. ) They always notify the other when they are in town and even though they have gone months, even years, without seeing each other, the sex is always better than anywhere else because it is completely uninhibited, due to familiarity and shared comfort.
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