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A new word


Apr 3, 2018
Hey! This thread is pretty simple. I just learnt a new word today and I thought: it would be great if I could learn new words more often.

The idea of this thread is that every time someone learns a new word or just feels like sharing a word, they can drop it here for people to pick up.

So here I go!

bashful - reluctant to draw attention to oneself; shy.
Deluge del·uge

to inundate with a great quantity of something​
a severe flood​
Ohh I was always considering doing a series on new words like this as profile posts but this is much better.


Adjective. Stubborn persistence in one's intentions or thought.
Malapropism mal·a·prop·ism
/ ˈma-lə-ˌprä-ˌpi-zəm /

the usually unintentionally humorous misuse or distortion of a word or phrase
especially: the use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but ludicrously wrong in the context
// "Jesus healing those leopards" is an example of malapropism.
I was a little disappointed that it had nothing to do with nudity..

Nudiustertian (adj)
Of or relating to the day before yesterday.
From Latin nudius tertius, literally, today is the third day. Earliest documented use: 1647
Example sentences
“I’d placed the order that nudiustertian morning”

speak or act in an evasive way.
"he seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked pointed questions"

I was actually looking up prevarication specifically and found this:

"While the noun prevarication is mostly just a fancy way to say "lie," it can also mean skirting around the truth, being vague about the truth, or even delaying giving someone an answer, especially to avoid telling them the whole truth."
Somniferous som·nif·er·ous


tending to induce sleep; soporific.
Sonder son‧der

The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

argle-bargle / NOUN /

Copious but meaningless talk or writing
The word compersion is loosely defined as the opposite of jealousy. Instead of feeling upset or threatened when your partner romantically or sexually interacts with another person, you feel a sense of happiness for them.

Consider how you usually feel when your partner gets a big promotion at work or accomplishes a new fitness goal, or how you feel when your best friend tells you about a new guy they've been dating that they're really clicking with: You're genuinely, totally stoked for them, right? This is an instinctual feeling for most of us. Now apply that to when your partner is having fun flirting with (or sleeping with) a new flame that's not you. Instead of sparking jealousy, it sparks earnest empathetic joy. That's compersion.

Basically it means a sound characterized by or involving hissing. Like elongated z or sh words.

I learned it as used to describe 'extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc.; egoistic self-absorption'.
Ebullient (adjective)

cheerful and full of energy.
"she sounded ebullient and happy"
sprez·za·tu·ra Italian noun

studied nonchalance : graceful conduct or performance without apparent effort

"That ƒeral dude, such a poser, always aiming for a sprezzatura-kinda vibe."

Thought I would share one of my favorite words. Learned it a few months back, and it was one of those a-ha moments of 'so there is a word for this!'

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A scarcity or lack of something.

"There's a noticeable dearth of patience among the mob."
hɛs : ɪ : kæst

indentFrom the Greek, hesychia (ἡσυχία): 'silence, stillness, quiet, rest'.

indent1. Literally, one who practices hesychasm: a kind of ascetic religious practice originating in the Eastern Orthodox Church, emphasising solitude, silence, looking inward.
indent2. Figuratively, a particularly passionate enjoyer and advocate of "a bit of peace and quiet".

indent"He is a hesychast, you understand. He has made of his body a temple and retreated within."
indent"No singing in this temple, I'm guessing..."

indentSee also :: Eremite, Anchorite, Stylite, Zarathustra, 'average peace and quiet enjoyer'...
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