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Fx Male Daddy Issues are back 'cause I'm a basic bitch. (Craving ageplay)


I just wanna taste your chapstick.
Aug 30, 2019
It's been a looooooong time since I found myself craving ageplay that has me portraying the younger character, but the impulse hit me last week in a big way. I'm still feeling it, so I'm gonna see how this goes.

A little about me:
I've been writing for longer than you're probably gonna get me to admit. In the real world, I have a family, a demanding job, and a few other hobbies. Writing is still very important to me, and I'm most creative with folks I feel a connection to. I'm not saying we need to become cyber-pals, exchange photos, or even know one another's real names, but having a connection and common interests is really key for this to work. Please don't approach me wanting to dive straight into your pre-determined idea. The back-and-forth in a personal and intimate experience is really important to me.

I don't have an F-list, and I'm very open minded. It's probably easier to describe the things I absolutely won't do: Bathroom Play, Rimming, hardcore D/s, and excessive or unnecessary violence.

My favorite stories are psychological and a little twisted - and maybe they lean a little dark. I try to be cautious. I don't like anything that's so overbearing that my character doesn't have options or is on a really linear path. All the same, I love stories that challenge and provoke character development alongside kinky and (often) raunchy fun.

How and Where I write:
I'm comfy with anything private: Messages, email, Discord. I love getting a fun partnership going with Discord, but sometimes it can be complicated when availability fluctuates.

Like anyone, my life can get pretty hectic. I try to be communicative and appreciate the same from partners. When the stars align and we can play for hours on end it's absolutely amazing, but I'm not the type to blow your inbox up the first time we go a couple days without traction. I'll usually assume you're coming back someday, and when you do I won't hold a grudge.

The Craving:
I'm looking for a dominant older guy and predator who's looking to take advantage of my younger character. They probably need to know one another in the real world, but there are a lot of ways we could work that out. A student, a neighbor, an employee someplace he frequents.

I'd love to see this fella lure my character into some kind of arrangement that slowly escalates into something very dark, sexual, and forbidden. I'm thinking of kinks like softer D/s play (More focused on ritual than physical restraint) or maybe even a sort of Sugar Daddy arrangement. I think my character might initially agree partially out of naivete but also because she thinks she can keep control of the situation. Having that wrestled away by someone manipulative and assertive enough to come on subtly is making my toes curl as I type this.

Still reading? Think you're interested? PM me, and let's brainstorm. :)
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