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Fx Any Sexual Tension, But No Sex

Gentle Slap

Jul 20, 2020
Sexual Tension, But No Sex.

I want to play with someone that values LUST as much as, if not more than SEX itself. As such, it should probably involve:
  • a semi-innocent beginning
  • deniability
  • letting things get "so close to being too far, but not quite"

Our "roles" could be almost anything. I'll be your mom, daughter, sister, coworker, friend, boss, employee, whatever. Obviously given those I'm more comfortable in female roles, but if you want I do sometimes try the male side.

The attraction could be hetero, bi, lesbian, gay, or whatever.

An example based on one of my previous plays might be :
  • The neighbor I've teased.
  • His wife is my friend!
  • I've always flirted with him but had no intent of doing anything.
  • Breast against the arm" or "suggestive commentary," etc.
  • Somehow we're alone and have had too much to drink...
  • We spoke about trust, and of course pledged our undying trust for each other...
  • He offered a game of trust and daring.
  • If I trust him, I'll close my eyes and let him touch me wherever he wants.
  • Of course, he proves trustworthy and it continues...
Now, if the "erotic power" of that "trusting moment" didn't excite you then this isn't the story for you.

But if it did strike sparks in your mind and body, please let me know :)

ALSO, I don't want this to be a typical "chatty back and forth exchange." Each response should be enough to "get you (or me) to climax." I am not going to describe "my actions and thoughts and whatever" and then wait for you to do the same in typical fashion.

Instead, each of us will play both roles. You can write both your part and mine, for one little paragraph of our story. I'll do the same. When you read my response, I'm hoping it was enough to get you to climax. When I read yours, that's what I want from it. If one of us "goes dark" for a while, we should be able to say that whatever we did was already great. We weren't "almost to the fun" when someone left.

Finally: I really don't want to start out "already cooperating" with the sexual nature of the relationship.

I like to be taken. Possibly seduced, but in a smutty sort of way. I like to secretly enjoy your aggression but be unprepared for when my submissive nature has caused me to allow it to get a little too far. I like my wantonness to be exposed in a manner that makes it undeniable even though I had deniability, at least in my mind, up to that last moment.

Not interested in:
  • scat/pee/diaper or any bathroom activities
  • animals
  • preggo
  • me hurting you physically
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