Mx Female Searching for a Creative, Collaborative Writing Partner -- Romance, Political Intrigue, Kink, and More!


Mar 19, 2020
Hello and welcome!

I think of this request thread as a continuous work in progress. What you see here are all of my preferences and plot ideas at the time of writing. I'm a highly literate, creative, and detailed writer seeking writing partners with those same traits. I have a lot of experience with role playing and I'm looking for even more. It's artistic expression, a whetstone to sharpen my writing skills, and a fun form of entertainment and even escapism.

Me as a Writing Partner:

  • I enjoy collaborating and worldbuidling together, either OOC and/or in the story itself as the plot progresses naturally.
    • This also applies to the plot ideas below. If there is something you want to tweak or change or you have some ideas you'd like to add, then please let me know!
  • I can write in third or first person, with a preference for third.
  • I can write here on BMR through PMs or on Discord, though I've found that I typically write more through PMs than through Discord.
  • My post lengths vary depending on what is needed in the story at that moment. If my character is making a quick response to something that happened, a single paragraph may suffice. But if I'm writing something more descriptive, then perhaps 15+ paragraphs is needed. It's a large range, I know, so if pressed for an average I'll just say 2-5.
    • BUT I generally match the post length of my writing partner. So, if you want more, write more! That gives me more to work with.
  • I usually have one main character and then create side characters as needed/wanted. My main character is male while the side characters consist of males and females. Generally, I expect to control the side characters I create and expect you to control any side characters you create.
  • I do not godmod.
  • I typically can respond several times a day, but not always. If a few days have gone by without a response, feel free to give me a nudge.
  • I very much value communication. If there's a problem or you're not enjoying the story, please let me know! It's likely something that can be fixed and, if not, I don't take offense if a story has to come to an end.
  • I like OOC but I do not need it. If you want to OOC and get to know each other or crack jokes—awesome! If you just want to write and keep OOC to a minimum—also awesome!
My Kinks:

I'm a switch. I have more experience playing dominant characters and, if I had to specify, I'm a dominant-leaning switch. What this means for our story is that I can play as dominant, submissive, switch, or vanilla. My kinks have some flexibility. Please see my F-list here or the purple link at the very bottom of this post, in my signature.

While the F-list organizes things into neat categories, there is some fluidity between Fave, Yes, and Maybe depending on the story, my writing partner's preferences, and my mood. But everything in the No category stays in that restricted area. I should also note that not all kinks are wanted, expected, or needed in every story, again depending on the story and the preferences of my writing partner. For instance, while elves are listed under Fave (just something about the ears, right?) I would not want elves to appear in a story that takes place in the Star Wars universe. Because, honestly, how would Galadriel fare on Coruscant?


Generally speaking, I like plots with romance, conflict, political intrigue, and characters with depth that continue to entertain and even surprise. I also very much enjoy worldbuilding. I am usually always in the mood for a story set in a fantastical or historical setting, though recently I have been branching out into the sci-fi and modern genres, too. I should also mention that, while I absolutely love sweeping, intricate plots, I like fluff, too. So if you have an idea and think I might make a good writing partner, then please reach out to me!

Genres/themes I like:

  • Fantasy
    • Medieval or modern. This also includes fantasy creatures as characters such as elves, mermaids, nekos, demons, etc.
  • Historical
    • Pretty much any time period.
  • Mafia
  • Modern
  • Pirates
  • Romance
    • It's usually—but not always—a must for me in a story.
  • Sci-fi

Fandoms I like:
  • Game of Thrones
    • Noble political squabbles, limitless ambition, and a whole lot of sex. What's not to love? Oh, and dragons.
  • Harry Potter
    • Whether in Hogwarts (18+) or outside of it. After all, there is a whole magical world to explore.
  • Lord of the Rings
    • Proud, noble, and insanely detailed. Plus, is there anything more romantic than an elven song?
  • Star Wars -- the shows and movies
    • The format of the original story was inspired by the genre of opera—it's big, dramatic, and high-stakes. Life and death, good and evil. At the same time, there's a myriad of smaller, colorful stories to explore.
At the moment, I have two sort of solid ideas:

The Italian Renaissance has a great deal to recommend it as a rich setting for a role play. Whether you're a history buff or watched The Borgias or both, you know that politics on the Italian peninsula was characterized largely by mafia-esque rivalries and tactics between competing noble families and states, the rise of the condotierri (mercenaries/warlords), the influence and power of the Catholic Church, and the ambitions of non-Italian states like France, Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire. War, intimidation, assassination, blackmail, art, wealth, marriage, and sexual politics all have potential parts to be played in this setting.

I would like to actually base this in history instead of some ethereal idea of the Renaissance simply because it gives us a more solid foundation. That being said, I have no problem changing the details of history to suit the needs of our story. Should MC be the Duke of Milan? Sure! We'll just replace whoever was duke at the historical time with my OC. Is your character the daughter of the ruling family of some grand, wealthy city along the coast of the Adriatic that never actually existed? Sure! We'll just build it and put it on the map.

The story for this is quite open and I definitely want to brainstorm with my writing partner. It may be easier to start with our characters and take the story from there. There's a lot of possibilities. For instance, MC could be a ruling king or a prince or a duke. Or a first son set to succeed his father or a second son who becomes a condotierro seeking out his own fame and fortune. Perhaps he's a cleric like a bishop or cardinal, or maybe a wealthy Venetian merchant. The possibilities go on. I was thinking our characters could meet because they are arranged to be married—they do not both even have to be Italian.

I know this is a loose idea, but the soil is rich to grow a good story and there is a lot of room for collaboration and worldbuilding right off the bat.
The main themes of this story are internal conflict, secret romance, and intrigue, of course.

This story pairs Sabine Wren (YC) with an OC Imperial officer (MC). Basically, it’s an unexpected and odds-defying romance between two enemies: the Rebel and the Imperial. My character is Cato Virack, a colonel in the famed and feared Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) attached to the Navy and stationed on Lothal. This means that he's not the highest ranking officer in the system, so conflict is a very real possiblitey as he can't simply do whatever he wants. At the same time, he does have some leeway as an ISB officer because typically even the higher-ups don't want to mess with the ISB.

Sabine and Cato meet by chance. Either there’s some instant attraction between the two or he captures her and she offers intel or sexual favors to be set free. The manner of their meeting isn’t very important because our story starts sometime after. Our story would start after some time has gone by and they both, reluctantly, catch feelings. He really does believe in the Empire and she really does believe in the Rebellion. So each has an internal conflict about their deepening feelings. Neither one of them abandons their own cause for the other, though they do bend the rules a bit. For instance, they each might feed intel to the other—to the loss of their own side—if they think the other will be in danger. Like Cato warning Sabine about a Stormtrooper patrol or her warning him about a coming assassination attempt.

Another possibility, in line with the theme of internal conflict, as the story progresses, each may see the other’s points as more valid. The tension and conflict they feel between their growing feelings for each other and their firm beliefs in their respective causes would be an interesting thing to explore. Their adherence to their respective sides might influence their feelings for each other and vice versa.

It could take a DDlg quality (no age regression) if you'd like, to juxtapose the strong, battle hardened Mandalorian warrior with a side of her that is softer and more vulnerable once she begins to trust the officer, even though he is technically an enemy. She’s a strong and accomplished Mandalorian warrior and he’s a strong Imperial officer, so they’d butt heads and there could be some brat taming too. They could play games like her sneaking into his room to catch him off guard to “assassinate” him and he’ll try to “capture” her first. He could call her pet names, like “Rebel scum” as a term of endearment, and she could return the favor.

Current interests but without solid plot ideas:

I don't really have a specific idea for this one. I just think a role play with at least one Sith character involved could be interesting. This could include a master and apprentice, something OC, something with Dark Rey, a Sith and Jedi/fallen Jedi, etc. If you have any ideas related to this, I'm open to them.
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