Fx Male prey, a fandom search [PM, updated 8/30]

lady vri

mack daddy
Dec 22, 2014
Well well well, look who’s back after swearing off this site a couple months ago… xD So, my name’s Vri and I have a love/hate relationship with BM. I’m obviously looking for role plays but for one very specific fandom: the Yautja/Preadator/Xenomorph universe. I’ve been craving to play Yautja x Human for a while now and I’ve got plot ideas below, but first I’d like all potential partners to read about me and what I’m looking for in a writing buddy.

I’m a biological woman in her early thirties looking to play with anyone twenty or older. Sorry eighteen and nineteen year olds, but I’m not super comfortable rping with you (you feel like babies to this old lady and that’s gross). I don’t really care what gender you are or what you identify as long as we get along and are enjoying the rp. Not looking for cybering. Sex between our characters is fine but if you cross the line I’m out. I enjoy multiparagraph posts, two is about the shortest I go and I’d like for my partner to do the same. Grammar and spelling is important so I know what you’re trying to say in your post. I’d like for us to be able to plot out scenes and ideas but also be able to go with the flow and be spontaneous. And of course I want someone who respects my kink limits. I don’t have many, just no main character death or serious maiming, vore, bathroom activities (golden showers get a special asterisk, ask for details), feet, or incest. Pretty much everything else is ask and we’ll talk about it. I do have some fave kinks like hurt/comfort, aftercare, hate into love, non-con and dub-con (consent is fine too!), pregnancy (as a rp element, not specifically the kink), and trauma bonding. Obviously we don’t have to include all of these, but I’m always happier the more there are in my rps. And the big one, I rp in discord almost exclusively. I MAY be persuaded to rp in PMs.

Now I’m gonna put this here because I’ve been accused of being snobbish in the past by two folks here on BM, which is why I usually avoid this site. I have a right to be picky. Role playing is a hobby to me and there’s no point in me rping with someone whose writing I do not enjoy. Nothing against that person but again, rping is a hobby. I have a right to want to enjoy my hobby. So I apologize in advance if I turn you down, I will try to do so gently, but please understand you do not get to demand my attention or become nasty in the PMs if I do so. I will block you and I will not lose sleep over it, kay?

Onto the ideas! I got two basic ones that I would like to build on with my partner. One is definitely a lot more grittier than the other, so please read both. They are of course subject to change and I’m open to discussion.

One: In this plot, my character is part of a mission sent to scout out a planet and get it ready for an exploration team. What the scouts don’t know is that they’d stumbled into a Yautja hunting ground. They end up running into a lone hunter and become his next targets. He picks them off one by one but somehow, through luck or skill, my character manages to avoid getting killed in the first blitz. She runs off to hide and lick her wounds. The Yautja, your character, continues to stalk and hunt her, but since he does not want to kill injured, weak prey, he intends to give her time to heal so when he takes her skull, it will be an honorable kill.

This is by far grittier of the two rps because I want a non-con scene or two. Basically, she’s female, he’s male, instincts take over. There are feelings of disgust on both sides about what happens, but they still have to face it. I would also really like to include a pregnancy in this rp because I like the drastic shift from they are enemies toward they have to now learn to work together for a common good; their child. This is where the trauma bonding can come in, especially if you want your character to be the kind of cold, aloof alien we’ve come to expect from the Yautja species that would contrast heavily with the co-dependency of humans. Obviously a lot to discuss and go over, I’m open for suggestions and even changing the plot a bit.

Two: This idea is far more consensual than the last one. Same-ish premise except this time there is a group of Yautja, maybe a blooded hunting party or a couple of young bloods about to take on their first hunt. They still run into the scouting party or maybe even a larger force scent to deal with the same alien prey. The humans are slaughtered with relative ease, all with the exception of my character. Again, luck or skill, she manages to survive, maybe even with a few other members of her squad. The Yautja are minorly impressed and the two sides join forces, either on purpose or by coincidence, to kill the other aliens. These can be Xenomorphs or some other nasty bad guys.

With this rp, I want our characters to have an actual relationship built on trust and mutual respect. Think of Lex and Scar at the end of AVP. I always imagined that if he hadn’t died, they might have hooked up. I’m also seriously mad Lex didn’t get to go with the other Yautja after the queen was killed, so I’d love for my character to end up on a Yautja clan ship, adopted into the culture with her new mate. We could then explore clan life, the strifes and fun times involved as they continue to hunt together.

So yeah, that’s what I’m looking for. I’m also open to other ideas, so long as they take place in the same universe. Again, all plots and ideas open up to change. Hit me up in a PM for my discord handle and thanks for your time!
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