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Fx Any [Discord] (Bisexual) Sapient AI X Cybernetic Mercenary


May 20, 2021
Heya, if you read the title and were curious hopefully I’ll draw you in here. I’m looking for someone who would like to do a futuristic roleplay with story elements and kinky moments. You’ll be playing a mercenary of some description, your choice on the specifics of course, who finds an abandoned wreck that your systems can’t identify. Some sort of higher tech. Upon exploring it you find a still functioning system that transfers something into your cybernetic enhancements when you interact with it. You quickly realise it’s transferred an AI that’s taken the form of a human woman, and that only you can see, feel, touch and hear her. To everyone else she doesn’t exist unless she chooses to spread to other systems. The story from there is what we can discuss. And yes I won’t lie, Cortana is kind of the inspiration but not fully! If you’d like to discuss more add me on Discord at Ravens#3613
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