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Creepy Cartoon/Show Moment?


Oct 12, 2020
What spooked you as a child when you watched TV? When you were a kid, what moment, from watching cartoons or any other show, gave you the creeps?
The only scenes I was afraid of as a child were not from shows or cartoons, but from Gremlins. When I saw the movie as a child and was alone at home, I was totally afraid to open a closet afterwards. I was 100% sure there was a Gremlin in there. XD
I remember being very young and getting freaked out by Disney's Alice in Wonderland. It was some scene where she was lost and seeing a whole bunch of weird creatures or nesr the end when she is being chased with the queen shouting to cut off her head. Now a days it probably very tame but something about it set me off as a kid.
I was a coward as a kid, so I was scared of a lot of stuff haha. But the one thing that really springs to mind was the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde scene from The Pagemaster - specifically when Jekyll transformed into Hyde. Also the scene with the talking skeleton from The Last Unicorn.
I'm having to dig deep on this one, because I wasn't scared of much as a kid, and my brain seems to respond to fear by flipping it around to a kink half the time instead... I remember that I something linked up to some broken part of my brain though and just decided to live there for years. I couldn't tell you what show it was, but I had a trepidation toward opening cupboards and the refridgerator because of some show conceptualizing a monster that could basically just... replace the contents with itself, so you'd open up anything and get snatched inward by it with no recourse or defense because it was so sudden.

I wanna say maybe it was inspired by a Tales from the Darkside episode. Re-watching that show as an adult, I am legitimately surprised I was allowed to watch it as a child at all, especially since most of the episodes seem to have sad/bad endings.
I used to watch a lot of things as a kid that were really "Too old" for me. Sometimes I would get spooked but usually I just enjoyed the show or movie. I was never crazy about cartoons though.

In Australia over our summer non rating season they would screen shows like Tales from the Crypt, Tales from the Darkside, old Twilight Zone eps and other anthology series. Some of them were dark but never to the point of freaking out. I saw some 70's horror films too but I was more intrigued with the dark vibe than scared.
I adored Tales from the Crypt as a kid, even then I could understand the basic concept of the whole 'Karmic death' deal that a lot of the characters get, and it felt good when mean or bad people got something bad happening to them. Honestly it's just the right amount of campy to be a favorite of mine to this day. Twilight Zone was always good, Outer Limits I enjoyed but the reboot went a little heavy into the "The twist ending is always a downer" angle. My brain is weird though, and most things I don't get scared by, but certain things that make no dang sense it'll latch onto. I blame.... I dunno brain chemistry or something?
An episode of Ren and Stimpy, I think with Stimpy's German cousin or something. Anyway, Ren gets pissed off at them both and snaps. Suddenly, it's not a cartoon anymore as the music changes and Ren starts threatening the two cats in this odd, soft spoken tone of voice.


That old episode of the Rugrats when Angelica has a bad dream of getting replaced by her baby brother. He's this huge baby who overshadows her so much, her parents shove her into a closet and give her nothing to eat. Then the big baby comes in and tries to eat her.
This might be silly - but Courage the Cowardly Dog had some creepy episodes. I was really young when I first saw them. The two sticking out are the one episode with the moles that had sharp teeth and the blond "Freaky Barber" guy. The moles' burrowing terrified me and the Freaky Barber's voice was eerie. I peeped a clip on him and that "naughty naughty" he does is uckie!
When I was a kid we used to have The Last Unicorn on Laserdisc, and man - that Red Bull used to scare the crap out of me!
Remember that time in Batman Beyond when a living corpse was trying to drag his daughter underground with him?

Because I certainly do.
This might be silly - but Courage the Cowardly Dog had some creepy episodes. I was really young when I first saw them. The two sticking out are the one episode with the moles that had sharp teeth and the blond "Freaky Barber" guy. The moles' burrowing terrified me and the Freaky Barber's voice was eerie. I peeped a clip on him and that "naughty naughty" he does is uckie!
That's not silly at all, CTCD had some incredibly fucked-up things happen during the show's run, I think that was really one of the first shows that started my love of horror due to how it made scary concepts appealing to kids. My favorite episodes were probably the one involving the human-sized fly as well as the one with Fusilli and the marionettes (which I believe was also one of the few without a positive ending). And who could forget the episodes involving Courage helping a victim of abuse escape with someone she truly loved?
There was this one movie? or show, I can't really remember the name of it but it was about some mice toys, a father and son, connected. I think they were trying to escape from some malevolent rat. Anyway, I just remember the rat being angry at a breaking down donkey toy and buried him under piles of other broken toys. They only showed the shadow of it happening but it gave me the creeps. That and The Secret of Nimh. Nicodemus...
One of my earliest memories was walking into the living room when my parents were watching IT. Perfect timing - the clown was turning into a monster with sharp teeth about to do some bad shit. I don't like clowns to this day, almost thirty years later.

Love Stephen King though, oddly enough.
The thing that really stands out is Jaws 2 - particularly the scene/sequence where the shark brings down the helicopter. Totally impractical, of course, but I was 9 or 10 years old at the time, so I didn't know any better.

The next day I went on a boat trip from Hong Kong to mainland China, and do you think I wasn't nervous...?
Well, not a show, but one of my favorite movies of all time as a kid was Drop Dead Fred. However, the scene where his head got stuck in the fridge and he pulled it out and it was all block-shaped? I don't know why but that part just made me flip shit as a kid.

The beginning underwater part of Titanic made me realize I had thalassophobia/submechanophobia. Not that I would have liked the movie anyway. Had a legit breakdown, thankfully at home. Kind of smashed my dreams of becoming a marine biologist though.
As far as cartoons go, the head lice episode of Kids Next Door. It was on late, so that added to the creepy factor. Played out a lot like a monster movie.

Then we go to a show that scared me so badly that I stayed out of the basement for a month: the Vampire episode of the series "Lost Tapes". This sums it up.
This was exactly what I was gonna say. Nothing scared me as much as a kid compared to that scene.

Looking at it now, it seems so silly, but back then, oh god lol.

The music, wonky movement, the waving bits, and the fact that it's so desolate. Yeah, it freaked me out. Eustace is a boss though.
Gumby. Something about that fucker freaked me out. Also that robot from the moon cheese episode in Wallace and Gromit.
I wasn't exactly creeped out, but I was oblivious to how creepy a scene was by someone else. My mother, of course.

I was watching Inuyasha, and I think it was a scene where Naraku was chasing naked Muso and yelling "Get into my body!" Yeah, my mother walked in right at that moment, looked at the screen, looked at me, and said "This is weird. I'm going back in the other room."
Back when I was a young kid, the Crypt keeper from Tales from the crypt scared the unholy fuck out of me. I think it's hilarious now but to a 6 year old Revelations, his laughter at the end of the intro sent me running from the room.
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