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The Towers of Power (Princess_Kaylin and Lightsenshi)


Captain Oblivious!
May 7, 2021
Michael Zimmerman.jpg Michael Zimmerman enjoyed the relative silence that occurred around dinner. As a member of the ruling council of Zalem, his days were often long and quite busy; but his evenings were usually filled with both privacy and companionship that couldn't be found outside the walls of his penthouse. And aside from his bodyguard, all others were prohibited from entering except in an emergency. He'd made the point of making sure that he got the privacy that he desired: specifically in the forms of audio scramblers, laser proof walls, and one-way glass that could stop anything short of a missile.

It had been about a year ago that he'd first met the woman who'd become his constant companion, lover, and advisor. Officially, she was his personal bodyguard; which meant that she went (and experienced) everything that he did. And as such, she was a part of his own machinations to take over the city for his own purposes. Those in power before him had, in his opinion, grown stagnant and were sorely in need of new vision. And while he'd only taken his seat a few years earlier, the 27 year old had already built (and continued to build) a power base of his own; which guaranteed that he wasn't going to be pulled from the heights of power anytime soon.

While he'd taken interest in his companion at the time she was rising to be champion of motorball, it wasn't until they'd actually met that he'd made the discovery. He'd made it a point to meet with the newest arrival to Zalem almost immediately after her arrival; and there'd been a sense of recognition that he hadn't expected. While he'd been able to discern that he'd fallen in love with her; he quickly discovered that she seemed to share similar goals. And making her his personal bodyguard gave her access to everything he did, which also made her the perfect partner.

However, at this moment; he was enjoying both dinner and the company of his companion. And while tomorrow would prove to be as hectic as any other, tonight would prove to have pleasures of it's own. "So, what's on your mind?" He finally broke the silence over dessert.
The purple haired girl sat across the table in a light blue short dress. She let out a sigh a bit as she poked at her mashed potatoes. She had a not even opened chocolate bar next to her dish which is strange considering her love for it. The twenty four year old let out a sigh as she looked away from Michael and out the window. "I's that day...the one when all those lives were lost....when Hugo died back eight years goal to come up to Zalem....leave my father behind to hunt down still has not ended."
She closes her eyes remembering all of her past. The time that Dr. Ido and his assistant fixed her up and brought her back from the junkyard. The friends she made. The puppy she had. How she learned all her training and had to become part of murderball. It was amazing and horrible....she may be a star but she feels everything from living down below the plate. The girl closed her eyes thinking of how she first met Michael trying to hire a bodyguard and ran into her during an attempt on Eyes. She would close her eyes thinking of how he has allowed her to stay in Zalem even though she spoke of her past...and the fact that he knew of her fame from the stupid sports game.

Alita rubs the back of her head, "I need to do I can get closer.....and closer to this Eyes...and help us get rid of this whole insane system that hurts everyone.... but.... sometimes I wonder if I was better suited for cheering.... I use to think it was so cool but then... all that death." She paused as she felt the pushing of a nose looking down at the dog they had, "Hey you....I am fine..." She looks up at Michael, "Sorry... not much for me to look forward to during this particular day...."
Alita looks at the dog as she picks him up, "Still glad you let me keep him...I mean technically on paper you are my boss...that is what a sponsor is but I missed animals....I had a dog once....he didn't last long a uh piece of junk killed father use to have a black tabby cat he would talk of." She shook her head a bit as she took a piece of meat scrap and held it down for the dog to chew on. "Michael.... how long can we keep this up.... my parts are what make me who I am.... I may be able to do things normal but.... how long without my father around can we keep me running.... my parts breaking is not something we can just ignore.."
Michael pushed his half eaten dish of strawberry ice cream aside as Alita began speaking, his expression growing serious as she continued. While as always, he'd worn a three piece suit out of the penthouse; and once they got home, he usually discarded both jacket and waistcoat for comfort sake. It was true that he had much the same fondness for strawberries that she had for chocolate, and his position guaranteed that they'd both be well taken care of. He hadn't actually forgotten that it was that day, but he'd also been too busy to really have a good sit-down talk about it. He'd realized a few years ago that she still carried guilt for all the events that happened, even though many of them had been beyond her control. And rather than try and to convince her that it really wasn't all her fault, he'd instead settled on a position of both acceptance and concern.

"I've spent the past seven years learning everything I can about the technology that your body is made of, and close to five years of covert research in an attempt to regain it." He'd begun the research in secret when he'd discovered (and shortly thereafter shared with her) the knowledge that Eyes had been the one responsible for the technological de-evolution that the human race had fallen under over the past few centuries. Which really made it yet another reason that the two of them needed to take over and determine how things were done. He'd been forced to rely on mnemonic uploads while sleeping to accumulate both the knowledge base and the practical application. As such, he'd taken over the necessary maintenance on his own. And keeping the full extent of her capacities a secret was also one of those things that could be considered an ace in the hole.

"I am, at this point, quite capable of rebuilding you from the bottom up." He reminded her gently, rising to his feet then walking around the table. He slipped his arms around her shoulders from behind, tenderly kissing her on her right temple before continuing to speak. " We promised to take care of each other, remember? So as long as we're together, everything is going work out. "
Alita closed her eyes as she felt the kiss. She brushed her hair back as she looked up at Michael, "I want to believe that...and this but....every step we get towards Nova.....just is three steps back." She would lean back more as she kissed him, "I need to make sure you are safe....Nova knows I am going for him....I mean he is eyes after all...he can see in anyone with a chip..." She paused as she thought of it, "We did remove your chip right....I know you said we did but....this is Nova...he is as old as me...and let's face it...I was literally in status for over 300 years."

She pauses as she thinks a bit and stands up brushing her dress a bit, "Well guess we can put dinner in the fridge till we are hungry..." She leans into Michael a bit, "So you lived up here for a long ever going to show me around not as your bodyguard....or maybe go on a real date?"
"When the time is right, we'll reveal everything." Michael captured Alita's chin long enough to give her a rather passionate kiss, then followed it up with a peck on the nose. 'And I can think of one way to make you feel better." He disengaged himself from her, returning to his seat long enough to finish his dessert. When he'd done that, he waited until she was ready; taking advantage of the extra seconds to review his schedule for tomorrow.

Tomorrow was one of those rare days where his schedule didn't start until nearly lunchtime, which meant that they'd have some time in the morning to just simply be together. With her help, the two of them cleaned up dinner and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Once everything was done for the evening, Michael took Alita's hand and led her into the bedroom; closing the door behind them with his foot.

The view from the bedroom was even more spectacular than from the main portion of the penthouse. He pulled her close and kissed her again, stroking her cheek lovingly; then taking the opportunity to help her, and let her help him, undress. They'd taken to sleeping in the nude almost from the beginning, and her cybernetic body never had bothered him in any way. If anything, it made her more beautiful to him; as he'd told her more than once. Once they were clothes free, his attention was diverted to the view by a hovercar that passed just close enough to draw the eye. He stood looking out the window for a moment, still holding her close; for a moment before giving her his undivided attention.
Alita blushes as she feels the kiss. As he kissed her nose the girl would brush back her hair as she took a deep breath and would eat a bit more knowing she needs it for her energy. She glanced up at him as she blinked standing slowly and helping gather the dishes some with her food still on it. She would seal it up placing it in the fridge as she turned seeing Michael with the dishwasher, "So.....where are we.."

She felt her hand be taken as he lead her to their bedroom. Her face bright red as she felt the kiss and would pause feeling him starting to undress her. She felt the strap of her dress slid off as she would let the fabric fall down to the floor and off her arms. Alita would take a deep breath as she then would start to work on Michael's pants starting to unbuckle his belt and then work on the zipper. "T...thank you..." She would blush taking the compliment on her body again as she had her back facing the window not even realizing about the hovercar which was close enough to see them.

Alita would wrap her arms around Michael as she mumbled, "So....when do you have to be up for tomorrow?"
It was the rare moments like this that made all the planning, work, and tediousness of it all worth it. Michael'd felt long ago that he'd found more than just kinship, but a true soul mate in Alita. He let himself enjoy the feeling of their naked bodies together, though it was hard to keep himself from getting aroused. So, he really didn't bother to try.

"We don't have to be up until mid-morning." He reminded her, taking advantage of the moment to pull her body form-fittingly against his. He engaged her in a lingering kiss that was both hungry and lustful; letting his hands wander freely along her body, and even giving her nicely shaped butt a firm squeeze. When the kiss ended, he pulled his head back from hers just far enough that he could look at her face; and let himself luxuriate in the moment.
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