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Fx Male Current Cravings for Longterm Dom/sub Pairings


Feb 15, 2016
East Coast, United States
  • Only inquire about the following plots if you’re on board for a detailed, long term story featuring a Dom/sub pairing.​
  • If that doesn’t quite tickle your fancy, feel free to check out my main request thread for other pairings, plots and ideas.
** Note: Second and third plot are currently unavailable **
  • These are major cravings for me, however I’ve put a fair amount of thought into both, so I am only interested in playing out these pairings with someone who is willing to put as much thought and detail into them as I am. If you aren’t capable of or willing to offer up to several detailed paragraphs for a post if the scene calls for it, please do not inquire.​
  • If interested in either idea, send me a pm. Feel free to include any thoughts or ideas you may have to add. I’ll write through pm, email, or threads with the right partner. I can use discord for OOC and planning, however I don’t like to use it for the story itself.​
(noncon, abuse, violence, gang activity)

The two of them lived in a rough neighborhood, having known one another since childhood. Growing up, both of them had dreams of escaping, but life didn't work out that way for either of them. He was slightly older, always having taken the girl that had been his next door neighbor for as long as he could remember under his wing. He protected her, almost like an older brother would. As the two grew up, feelings shifted, that sibling like bond turning to something more. And yet, they never acted upon it. She was too shy, too uncertain, never really knowing exactly where her feelings laid. He on the other hand, knew exactly how he felt about her. He cared for her, loved her even, but she was too good for him, even if they came from the same run down, crime ridden neighborhood. As they got older, he fell into the same habits as his father and brothers, starting off as a teen selling drugs and taking part in petty crimes to keep the bills paid while his father floated in and out of prison. It wasn't what he had envisioned for his future, but he was good at it. So good that he caught the attention of local gang members, the young man being pulled under their grasp and finding himself locked into a life he couldn't escape. Eventually, he let go of the idea of ever trying to escape it altogether, but he always pushed for her to, just as much as he tried to keep her unaware of just how far the extent of his crimes was reaching.

As the years went by, the young man reaching his early 20s, with her not far behind, life had both changed and remained eerily the same. She stayed in the home she grew up in, always struggling with money and working jobs that would never take her far in life. He wasn't around as much, the nature of his crimes taking him deeper into the city and having to take time to hide away. He was good at what he did, following the instructions of the higher ups within the gang without complaint, for the most part. He didn't have any issue hurting, or even killing people. If they deserved it. The good natured side of him, which perhaps only still existed due to the sweet girl that lived next door to him, kept him from being able to target those that he didn't believe deserved it. Just like he'd never been able to sell to those who weren't already riddled with addiction, he couldn't harm innocent people in order to teach lessons to those who owed his bosses money. The drugged up losers that found themselves so indebted in the first place? Sure, he could hurt them. But their families, their wives, the people who needed to be hurt to teach those who had wronged his bosses a lesson, he couldn't do it. It made him a liability, but he was too valuable for them to simply let go.

His boss knew it was in him, deep down, the ability to hurt anyone. He watched him, had eyes on him when he returned home, had eyes on him when he laughed and smiled with the innocent looking woman next door to him. Seeing their interactions allowed the boss to know what had to be done. The order was something he couldn't disobey. It didn't work that way, not in his line of work. If he didn't do what they asked, they would simply take matters into their own hands, hurt her themselves, kill her even. That, he couldn't allow. But how could he do what they asked of him? How could he hurt the one person that had brought him peace? He didn't know how, but he did know for her sake, he had to figure it out. Force yourself on her, hurt her. Show her who you truly are. That was what he'd been told. Hurt her and then scare her into silence. Either that, or kill her. Whatever was necessary to keep her from running to the cops. He pleaded with his boss, insisting he'd hurt anyone, kill anyone he asked without hesitation, but not to make him do this to her.

He didn't believe this would change him, he didn't think this would make it easier to complete the tasks he already struggled with, but his boss knew otherwise. His boss knew there was something dark inside of him, something that only this woman kept at bay. He knew that once he hurt the one person who meant something to him, he would be able to hurt anyone. And he was right. It did make it him colder. It sickened him, what he had to do to her, and yet doing it awakened something in him he hadn't known existed. It left him wanting more, wanting to inflict pain. Not only did he no longer struggle with his tasks, with harming the innocent as a means to make his bosses their money, but he was also left wanting more of her. He wanted to hurt her, but similarly, he still wanted to care for her. How did that make sense? And how could he keep up such an act to the one person that had always cared for him? He couldn't, but he did. He went back to her, taking more, causing more pain and desperately trying to make up for it in the moments after, thus creating a sick and twisted bond with the woman he swore to always protect.

She doesn't have a choice in the matter, what could she truly do? She's stuck in the home she grew up in with a drunk, abusive father. She has no money, no means to leave. Her one saving grace had always been him, the boy next door. Even as they blossomed into adulthood, he helped her. He'd given her money when she couldn't pay the bills, given her rides to and from work to keep her from walking in the dangerous alleys of their neighborhood. As he'd made more money in recent years, he had even offered to give her the money to go away, to escape this place. She never took him up on it, but damn did he wish she had. He had always done everything he could for her, and only her. Of course, she'd known that he wasn't a saint, but until the attack on her that forced him to tell her the truth, she'd never known the extent of it. And now, she's stuck. Stuck playing his game, torn between caring for and hating him as he drags her deeper into his twisted life.

(kidnapping, noncon/dubcon, Stockholm syndrome, potential abuse)
A solo road trip across several states is cut short when the scenic route through the mountains turns into a life altering event. Having spent all of her childhood and part of her adult life living in rundown parts of the city, the young woman (21-24) hadn’t put much thought into the dangers of traveling alone. After all, what sort of dangers could there be lurking in the middle of nowhere?

She’d stretched the trip out as much as she could manage, mapping out her route and finding both unique and peaceful places to stop along the way. She’d found a secluded campsite in the mountains through a google search, a little bit out of the way, but equipped with small rentable cabins. She would stay a night or two, get a taste of the wilderness she’d always dreamt of, then be on her way. All it would take however, was a wrong turn and the loss of cell service to completely change everything. As if the panic of being lost and alone on mountain roads wasn’t bad enough, car trouble takes place at a time that couldn’t seem to be any worse. The sky is darkening, the air outside getting cooler, and now there’s smoke coming up from under the hood of the crappy car she knew she shouldn’t have driven this far. There’s no service, no way to call anyone, and she hadn’t seen a car in what felt like hours. What was she supposed to do?

Panicked and alone on the side of a small, gravel road, she’s too excited by the sight of headlights to feel any major sense of fear. Even as the rugged man exited his large truck and approached her with a wary expression, she only saw him as a sign of hope. These mountains were his home, and she was closer to his land than he liked for anyone to be. It didn’t make sense for her to be there, especially for her to be there alone, and he made sure to tell her that. Only then would some discomfort sink in, as though she was fearful she’d upset the man by being there, though she still wouldn’t necessarily find herself scared of him. Perhaps she could have saved herself had she not revealed so much, but she talked to him as he looked at the car, nervously over sharing in why she was there in the first place. Maybe it was the details of her trip, of why she was there and where she was heading that made the wheels in his mind begin to turn. Or, perhaps she didn’t stand a chance at all.

For the most part, he lived off of his land, and it had always provided him with most of the riches he believed he needed. She wasn’t technically on his land, but she was awfully close to it. Maybe she was simply another gift that the forest and mountains had provided, something that was meant to be his. He quickly works out in his mind that she needs him. That was why she was placed here after all. She’s clueless, naive, incapable of making it out in the world on her own, as far as he’s concerned. She needs him, whether she realizes it or not.

From here, we could go a couple of different directions. Either way, he reasons rather instantly that she is his. There’s nothing that will convince him otherwise. This realization could be something that he imposes rather harshly, and potentially instantly. He could stake his claim right there, take her over the hood of her car as if he’d had her for a lifetime prior to that moment. Or he could wait, take a slower approach. It could really go so many different directions/paces depending on preference and the backstories we go with for each character.

However things develop between them sexually, be it a more immediate noncon approach or something more dub con as a bit of time passes, I want him to get into her head and create a Stockholm syndrome type situation. He’ll drill it into her head that she’s his, that she needs him, that she was brought to him for a reason, that he’s the only one that can care for her, and so on. She could fight this, go along with it in an attempt to gain his trust, but either way, she will develop real feelings for him and fall into the role that he’s created for her. He could end up being the loving and caring type if she falls into place, or abusive when she doesn’t. Again, so many different ways this could go depending on the personalities of the characters and our own preferences. Either way, I definitely do want this to be a Dom/sub dynamic. He will quite clearly be in charge, and will have no issue asserting that and putting her in her place until she can put herself there willingly.

(incest, corruption, dubcon, potential abuse)
This comes from an idea borrowed from someone else. We had done some planning but never got around to writing it. The pair for this story would be a set of twins, male and female. Of course, the same age, though the brother has always been one step ahead. Rather than finding themselves completely alike, the two complimented one another with their differing personalities. She’s more submissive and soft spoken, while he’s never been afraid to take the lead and speak his mind. She leans on him for guidance and security, and he relishes in the power that her dependency on him provides. His choice was always the deciding factor. What to play with, where to go, what to watch. Nothing that raised alarms as children, but as they grew older, his control over his sister presented some concern. As teens, she continues to follow his lead, defaulting to him for both major and minor decisions. He always had input on what she should wear, what classes to take, who she should and shouldn’t hang out with. Their parents worry about the two being too close and try to separate them through differing after school activities and programs, but inevitably, the very thing they were worried about happens.

I like the idea of the inappropriateness of their relationship developing somewhat slowly. They’ve always been comfortable with each other in ways that perhaps they shouldn’t have been as siblings, but I envision the older brother taking it upon himself to make things turn towards a more sexual direction. He knows what he’s doing, and he knows that even if she is able to grasp how wrong it is, she’ll follow his lead if he pressures her enough. She believes that he has her best interest, so even if she knows it’s wrong, she trusts him more than anyone.

At what point they get caught, what they get caught doing, and how far things have progressed are all up for debate. Whatever it is they get caught in the act doing however will be enough for the parents to decide they must separate them completely. The brother is sent away to either live with a family member or to military school. No contact is allowed between them, ensuring he has no way to speak to his sister. She completely falls apart without him, and that combined with knowing it had to have been him that had been the aggressor in their sexual relationship, the parents put most of their focus on their daughter and fixing her life so that she can live normally without the influence of her brother.

From there, we can fast forward to their adult life. It’s been a few years now, the twins in their early 20’s (I’m thinking 21-24?). They haven’t seen each other, not even on holidays. In the remaining of their teen years, the parents split holidays. Their dad would visit the brother, the mom would stay with the sister, and so on. She had learned to live her life without her brother, opening up some and making choices for herself. She continued to have a relationship with their parents, who praised and prided her for the progress she’d made. The brother, in his adult life, wants nothing to do with them. They’d abandoned him, taken away the one thing that gave him purpose, and yet even in their adult life, they hadn’t tried to find one another. She was convinced he had forgotten her, that he was off living a better life somewhere on his own, an idea that her parents had planted in her mind. She was still very susceptible, just not to him now that he was gone. But one day, he comes back. Be it at a family gathering that he decides to crash, or maybe he finds her online and sends a message, or simply shows up on her doorstep. Either way, he’s back, and it sends every bit of progress she’d made in the last few years crumbling at her feet.

I would like to play out both their teen (17+) and adult years, of course only summarizing what takes place in the years between. I definitely see this being another Dom/sub pairing, especially as they come together again as adults. Life has hardened him, made him even more demanding than before, and he’ll take all of that out on her once he has her in his grasp again. He loves her, of course, but he’ll do things to her she could have never even imagined, and the more he persists, the harder it’ll be to deny him.
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