Character Profiles and starters


Feb 12, 2021
Just a place for me to keep my characters profiles and any possible starters. If you wish to contact me, please do so through PM.


Name: Julia Tyacke (aka Red)
Age: 16
Height: 5'1
Basic Personality Traits: independent, private, wild spirited, stubborn, quiet, loyal to those that have earned her trust, acts fearless
Basic Background: Born in a rural, isolated village, Julia spent her childhood playing in the Darkpine forest that stretched on forever to the north of town. Strange tales were told of this forest, of hunters going in and never coming out. Of voices calling, luring in the unwary to their doom. Old magic still stalked between the ancient trees, as old and unchanging as the forest itself. Julia never feared its shadows, she felt more at home strolling its dark lanes than she ever did in the village.
Plot: Something dark has come to the small village of Darkpine, a shadow that creeps among their homes, and leaves death in its wake. Girls going missing for days only to be found at the edge of the forest savagely torn to bits. Rumors abound of a strange creature roaming the wood, something as old as the wood itself and just as cold. A guardian come to fulfill a long forgotten pact made in the ancient past. One which promised him a mate, for there is one he has been waiting for, the one capable of birthing a new race. The old ways are dying, the old magics will fade from the world, it is only through the mixing of races will it be preserved.
You would take on the character of the wolf, feel free to take creative license when building the character. He can either be more bestial or morph to a more bipedal form. I'm not picky so dealers choice. Or if you prefer, you can create a fellow villager and our characters can work towards defeating the creature.

Name: Abigail (Abby) Cox
Age: 16 (about to turn 17)
Height: 5'3
Basic Personality: romantic dreamer, morally loose, yearning for love so clinging where she finds it, likes to get her own way
Basic Background: Growing up with a single mom, Abby watched her mother search for love in a never ending stream of bad relationships. There was never enough money in the house to support her mothers drug addiction, so she relied heavily on the men in her life to provide for them, no matter how awful the man. It was in this manner that she grew into a young adult.
Shortly before her seventeenth birthday she found her mother dead on the couch of an overdose, and the current boyfriend missing. With nowhere else to turn and unwilling to go into foster care Abby endeavors to find the father she has never met, in the hopes he'll take her in.
Plot: Who was this young woman standing on his doorstep, claiming she was his child? Jack Harrow had enjoyed a good many years as an easy going bachelor with no one to care for except himself. But, that's all about to change, now he's engaged to be married, his fiancee was now living with him. How to explain a love child he hadn't even known about?
As you can see the plot is straightforward, a daddy/daughter incest. Although the daddy role is very interchangeable depending on your preference. If you aren't interested in the daddy role there is always brother, uncle, etc. We can tweak things to suit our taste.

Name: Alliah
Age: 20
Length: 6ft with fin 5'3 with legs)
Basic Personality: recklessly curious, brave, adventurous,
Basic Background: Alliah grew to adulthood living with her sisters in a small tribe. Always she had yearned to know more of the outside world, the human world. Alliah was taught that the only humans useful to a mermaid were the males, and only for breeding purposes. For every mermaid born is female, there are no males in their race so the only way they can procreate is by taking human men. Having finally reached her maturity Alliah had been brought out for her first luring, going out with her sisters to capture sailors for breeding. Only something went horribly horribly wrong, blood stained the water that moonlight night and Alliah found herself captured by a group of blood thirsty pirates.
Plot: Mermaids are magic, any sailor worth his salt knows this to be true. They can calm the waters. lure sailors to their doom using only their voices, and their tears have magical properties. Legend has it that if a sailor be a mermaids friends the sea would be his friend and he would always find safe passage.
For two years now the Bloody Pearl has dominated the oceans, always appearing like a ghost in a fog and then fleeing as if all the demons of hell pursue it, in its wake it leaves death and destruction. There is a hidden secret behind the Bloody Pearls newfound success, and no one will take her away.
There is a lot of ways this role play could go. Your character could be anyone from a new member of the crew, to the current captain, or a possible new captain that takes over. I am open to many ideas so feel free to brainstorm with me.


Name: Alice Lydle
Age: 17
Height: 5'
Basic Personality: Too curious by far, adventurous, naive, daydreamer, imaginative
Basic Background: Alice grew up the youngest daughter of a rich and noble household. She was schooled in all the things proper for a girl of her time, dance, embroidery, the running of her future husbands household, etc. No matter how hard she tried to be a good girl, Alice found herself incapable of stopping her daydreams. For as long as she could remember she had dreamed of Wonderland, played with its inhabitants both awake and asleep. they were as real to her as her own family.
Out of concern Alice's family took her to see doctors, with their help, she began to understand that Wonderland wasn't real, that it was all inside her own mind. This she believed for many years, until recently that is, when she starts to see things again.
Plot: Wonderland has come back for Alice, but its nothing like the beautiful nonsensical world she remembers. This Wonderland was changed, a darkness has taken hold of the realm, and the denizens have new ideas for their old friend.
Sexual deviousness and perversion steep the land, all of the citizens falling into two categories, the Master or the pet. Lured in once again by an old friend, Alice is going to learn Wonderland is nothing like she remembers.
In this role play Alice is basically taken as a sex slave. Your character can be cannon or none, it's up to you. If you are interested in playing a changing array of characters, we can always work together to plot Alice an adventure in this Wonderland, and experience multiple Masters. I'm very open to ideas.
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