Malice Crowe
- Joined
- May 21, 2021
- Location
- United States
Hello, my name is Crowe, or you can call me Malice, most pick the former but either is good by me. Okay, you caught me, I'm lying, neither of those is actually my real name, but for now one of them will have to do.
I used to love journaling when I was younger and I figured since this site has a space for it, I'll go ahead and give it a try again since it's been YEARS since I've actually done it. Okay since I'm a raging alt addict with more characters than Cthulhu has tentacles it's probably going to be a place where I show them off, but I'll probably rant in between posts of them about various, miscellaneous crap, maybe....mangos? Or perhaps the current political/economic climate? Maybe tentacle hentai? I loves my hentai! Anyways you've been warned, this is not a safe space for anyone or anything. It's my little corner to do with what I please, within the scope of the site rules of course.
So without further ado, let the madness begin!
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I am in my 30s and have been role-playing for a good number of years on and off with some of my more matured characters. This means they have a lot of history, so if you ask for it, do be prepared for a novel as I am a large fan of keeping everything canon to them save in extreme cases like death or conquering the world or something of the more massive sort. This means that yep, that little, gratuitous, raunchy, sex scene in a sweaty, gritty little alley with your maid and a succubus that picked her up at a dive bar? Totally canon for the succubus! That time outside of town where a demon ripped out your guts and ate them? Totally canon for the demon, doesn't have to be for you obviously of course, not about to force permadeath. That also means some of my characters, like my 700 year old Torrie vamp are best challenged by other older characters and will eat any newly created 19 year old devil hunter alive before their whiskey-and-blood breakfast. Spoiler, it's mostly whiskey, the blood just makes it so she doesn't get heartburn and stomach cramps. That being said I also have lots of new characters as I'm just someone who creates them out of nowhere when I feel like it. Both types of critter will be featured here, when I get around to making little blurbs for them.
My style of writing is multi-paragraph to novelistic (it's not always insanely long I promise). Depending on what I'm given to work with I oblige with return. I am fairly adaptable and usually do my best to match a partner. I generally don't have a strict word count I desire as long as you don't one or two or three line me. For me it's more about writing with someone than quantity. Give me something to chew on though or I promise you I'll get bored, sorry to say. The things I like to rp range from extremely dark and we're talking Vantablack to light hearted. There will always, due to the types of characters I play, be a good mixture of plot and smut. I do not do exclusively either because that's just not the way I write. Even if your character isn't with my character, mine will be likely a pervert or have some lascivious vice. I just don't do clean and totally wholesome as no believable person is that way, even the most chaste people have fantasies. Conversely, I also don't play completely smut centered characters either, cause it's a snorefest after a while. The scenes I most enjoy playing are gritty. I like fantasy, occult, horror, sexuality, dystopian futures, psychological anything, etc. in my rp. As long as it's entertainingly intricate I can dig it, even slice of life sometimes, sparingly. I don't like rping mundane things constantly, doesn't have to be magic and demons, hell I love a good mafia story without all that, but it's gotta have some action, some drama in it. You know what I mean. I'm also a damn sucker for anything DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) based or WoD (World of Darkness, VtM, Werewolf, or Changeling).
Last bit is pretty elementary. If you treat me nicely, I'll do my best to treat you doubly as nicely and I can be a REALLY SWEET and KIND person. If you treat me badly, if you act without tact or without the respect that is due another person simply for existing, I'll treat you twice as badly and while I personally do care about the reasoning behind you treating me badly, I simply won't allow it without repercussion. Pet me I'll snap you up, feed you cookies and snuggle you! If you hit me, I'll stab you repeatedly with a rusty iron spoon, or spork, or well whatever is close at hand! One last thing, there is a difference between blunt and direct, the former is rude, the latter is diplomatic, I advise the latter when talking to me if you want me to listen at all, otherwise you're just wasting your breath yapping into a vacuum. I seriously won't even look at what someone says if they start a sentence off with, "I'm gonna be blunt," I absolutely hate that type of behavior and refuse to subject myself to it on any medium.
I may post a few plots here as well, or maybe I'll archive my ideas here. For the moment I'm going to start with showing off a few of my older characters, just to see if anyone might be interested when I make my RT. For now though, I think this is enough, good evening to you all, or good morning, good afternoon, whatever it may be. Oh yes, and finally, PLEASE DON'T POST HERE, I'm just going to use it as my personal space, any comments please direct to me in messages! I look forward to hearing from you!
Oh yea, here is my f-list if you wanna take a look at it. Keep in mind, none of these kinks are mandatory as some of them are fairly extreme. Again, I have a million characters rolling about and I'm completely willing to make one up that is a bit more tailored for a story.
Hello, my name is Crowe, or you can call me Malice, most pick the former but either is good by me. Okay, you caught me, I'm lying, neither of those is actually my real name, but for now one of them will have to do.
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I am in my 30s and have been role-playing for a good number of years on and off with some of my more matured characters. This means they have a lot of history, so if you ask for it, do be prepared for a novel as I am a large fan of keeping everything canon to them save in extreme cases like death or conquering the world or something of the more massive sort. This means that yep, that little, gratuitous, raunchy, sex scene in a sweaty, gritty little alley with your maid and a succubus that picked her up at a dive bar? Totally canon for the succubus! That time outside of town where a demon ripped out your guts and ate them? Totally canon for the demon, doesn't have to be for you obviously of course, not about to force permadeath. That also means some of my characters, like my 700 year old Torrie vamp are best challenged by other older characters and will eat any newly created 19 year old devil hunter alive before their whiskey-and-blood breakfast. Spoiler, it's mostly whiskey, the blood just makes it so she doesn't get heartburn and stomach cramps. That being said I also have lots of new characters as I'm just someone who creates them out of nowhere when I feel like it. Both types of critter will be featured here, when I get around to making little blurbs for them.
My style of writing is multi-paragraph to novelistic (it's not always insanely long I promise). Depending on what I'm given to work with I oblige with return. I am fairly adaptable and usually do my best to match a partner. I generally don't have a strict word count I desire as long as you don't one or two or three line me. For me it's more about writing with someone than quantity. Give me something to chew on though or I promise you I'll get bored, sorry to say. The things I like to rp range from extremely dark and we're talking Vantablack to light hearted. There will always, due to the types of characters I play, be a good mixture of plot and smut. I do not do exclusively either because that's just not the way I write. Even if your character isn't with my character, mine will be likely a pervert or have some lascivious vice. I just don't do clean and totally wholesome as no believable person is that way, even the most chaste people have fantasies. Conversely, I also don't play completely smut centered characters either, cause it's a snorefest after a while. The scenes I most enjoy playing are gritty. I like fantasy, occult, horror, sexuality, dystopian futures, psychological anything, etc. in my rp. As long as it's entertainingly intricate I can dig it, even slice of life sometimes, sparingly. I don't like rping mundane things constantly, doesn't have to be magic and demons, hell I love a good mafia story without all that, but it's gotta have some action, some drama in it. You know what I mean. I'm also a damn sucker for anything DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) based or WoD (World of Darkness, VtM, Werewolf, or Changeling).
Last bit is pretty elementary. If you treat me nicely, I'll do my best to treat you doubly as nicely and I can be a REALLY SWEET and KIND person. If you treat me badly, if you act without tact or without the respect that is due another person simply for existing, I'll treat you twice as badly and while I personally do care about the reasoning behind you treating me badly, I simply won't allow it without repercussion. Pet me I'll snap you up, feed you cookies and snuggle you! If you hit me, I'll stab you repeatedly with a rusty iron spoon, or spork, or well whatever is close at hand! One last thing, there is a difference between blunt and direct, the former is rude, the latter is diplomatic, I advise the latter when talking to me if you want me to listen at all, otherwise you're just wasting your breath yapping into a vacuum. I seriously won't even look at what someone says if they start a sentence off with, "I'm gonna be blunt," I absolutely hate that type of behavior and refuse to subject myself to it on any medium.

I may post a few plots here as well, or maybe I'll archive my ideas here. For the moment I'm going to start with showing off a few of my older characters, just to see if anyone might be interested when I make my RT. For now though, I think this is enough, good evening to you all, or good morning, good afternoon, whatever it may be. Oh yes, and finally, PLEASE DON'T POST HERE, I'm just going to use it as my personal space, any comments please direct to me in messages! I look forward to hearing from you!
Oh yea, here is my f-list if you wanna take a look at it. Keep in mind, none of these kinks are mandatory as some of them are fairly extreme. Again, I have a million characters rolling about and I'm completely willing to make one up that is a bit more tailored for a story.
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