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Fx Any [Specific plot cravings inside!]Looking for school setting stories!


May 27, 2021
Hello and welcome to my little request thread. If you are here it should mean the following:

a) As a main character, you are willing to play a male. no Futa, nor crossgendered, no herm, no trans, no female. Just good old classical male characters apply please. I'm fine with side characters being either gender however, but all stories were written with the main antagonist (YC) being male in mind. This is obviously especially important with the second version of the first story seed. If you are contacting me for one of the others I might be willing to try otherwise, but consider it a maybe. I put the FxA tag on this because in essence any pairings Fx pairings are fine with me. I am only talking about the main antagonist in this rule. Depending on the story, my partner's kinks and preferences etc., he could even get not too much action himself.
b)You are willing to play a dominant character willing to take action to get what he wants. A switch is fine too, but a submissive or passive character wouldn't work for the stories.
c) You are willing to play out a school setting. This explicitely means younger characters, student-teacher relationship and such.
d) You are willing to play multiple characters, some being mature adults, some being young adults in the range between 15 and 20, similar in age to my main character. However I support this site's rules regarding underaged characters and will end a roleplay if any character through whatever means regresses below 15, physically or mentally.
e) You are capable of writing at least five sentences of normal length straight
f) You are capable and willing of writing a reply at least once a month. I'm not necessarily looking for someone who can post each day. I won't be able to, and I won't expect my partner to. However if you are away from the site for over a month a short notice would be apriciated. Still I can say I am fairly ghost friendly. Even if you forget to notice me but come back later I am usually willing to continue writing with you.

Version One: Life is Strange-esque story(Superpowers version)
Demons have either started to appear or revealed themselves as a thread some 20 or so years ago and since then a lot of countries have fallen to their attack, since they are physically superior to humans and can use magic, with the higher demons also having mental capabilities on par to humanities best. In response, humanity has started to go a route previously banned, enhancing and mutating human gene code. It appeared that children had a far better chance to survive the surgery, and thus the first generation of Einherjar and Valkyies had been born. However, it became apparent that they still needed training, and for the second generation, a special facility was built. part home, part school, part military camp it offered the children everything they'd need from a young age, training them , giving them all necessary knowledge and all combat expertise the frontline gained. But of course the demons would gain knowledge eventually. they are sending someone (YC) to corrupt and sabotage the facility. MC would be one of the Valkyries of the second generation who are somewhere in upper high school in terms of education due to the fact that much of their training is focused on developing their powers, learning combat and gaining combat expertise by mock battling each other and their supervisors.

YC would be disuising him or herself as a staffmember and be put in charge of MC's class. After careful consideration of their mission and everyones potential, YC concludes that the biggest future thread would be my character and something needs to be done about it. Catching two flies with one move, YC decides to try and corrupt the class to turn on my character.

Version Two Life is Strange-esque story(Taboo Supernatural sex ed version):

Imagine a world like in the supernatural series Demons, Angels, Ghosts and any other number of monsters are very much real but hidden from the mundane world. Your character is an especially ambitious and powerfull Demon who had laid the groundswork for his newest scheme 16(18, 20 deoending on my partners preferences) years ago, where YC produced offspring with a fallen angel. Now, after monitoring the child from afar YC deems the time ripe for intervention YC's goal is to corrupt MC, as only when her heavenly side is completely supressed, good thoughts and intentions have vanished the protection from her celecstial blood would vanish, leaving him free to invade and occupy her body to wage war on the heavens where Demons normally could never enter. YC#s first step would be using their daughter as a hands on sex ed educational material in a class they had brainwashed beforehand. After the experience, MC is heartbroken, trying to kill herself. Yet at that point she discovers that her unique blood has given her the power to turn back time. Will she be able to evade and survive with her body and mind intact, using her newfound powers?

Second Idea: Panic(Amazon Series)-esque
Same premise as the series: A completely remote small town somewhere, the young people see little value in the few jobs and little money to be gained there and wish to move on to a bigger city, but thats difficult without money. They organize themselves, collecting a small amount of money from everyone every day and a big game of dares at the end of school. The winner gets all. Only that this story should involve around sexual dares in addition to tests of courage.

Ons when I play a female character (not all kinks fit all stories)
Public nudity
public sex

dub con
non con(nonono-yesyesyes)
sex with plants
sex with insects
risk of pregnancy
inapropriate/ impractical/ revealing clothes
corruption (being corrupted )
excessive cum
cum inflation
Size play
big breasts
punishments and rewards

innocence and innocence lost
being toyed with
School/university setting
Teenagers and young adults

toilet stuff
heavy gore
feet fetish
penetrateable nipples/breasts
excessive "training"
heavy use of latex
excessive sweat
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