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Fx Male Incest, Non-con, and more


Unofficially Withdrawn
Aug 18, 2019
F-List: Click Me & Please Read

[Disclaimer: All of my characters will be 16-17]

Inheriting a love hotel from your parents isn’t ideal, but it is even worse when you are still in high school! Having lost both of her parents MC is forced to continue school while also running a hotel designed for all sorts of… interests…

Not affected by the comings and going’s of the hotel as she was raised in the environment and hasn’t been interested enough to even have a crush before, let alone have sex, MC thinks little of her new job.

It was the business that her mother and father built from the ground up together and she plans to keep it afloat in their memory…but also because she lives on the top floor of the hotel.

Losing the hotel also means losing her home, and without a family, MC’s only other option is the streets of Japan! Keeping her new ‘inheritance’ a secret from her classmates and teachers is going to be difficult, but MC is determined to do her very best. It isn’t easy being a sixteen year old entrepreneur!

This idea is preferred to involve non-con and dubcon, multiple partners, threesomes, light bondage and other bdsm kinks, Sex toys, Candle wax, etc. Japanese character names preferred as well.

Possible Characters to play: A teacher, Family Friend/Lawyer helping MC oversee the business until she comes of age to formally run it herself, MC’s childhood friend(s), Classmate(s), Bully, Class President, Upperclassman/Senpai, Cousin, Disowned Older Brother(s), Uncle.


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Kink is not especially easy to talk about, especially when you are a virgin. A secret society called Diamond helps individuals explore their fantasies in a judgement free environment, but one has to have an invitation. Invitations are a playing card with only a black diamond logo on the front. No explanation, just an address on the back.

MC, a freshman in high school ends up cleaning up her older sister’s room after a tragic car accident and located the invitation, unused. Curious, and wanting to know more about it, she goes to the address on the invite. As invites are only given to adults, directly, her age is not questioned. Valuing secrecy, the organization does not ID it’s members officially after presenting an invitation to someone they seek as a member.

Panicking, MC is given questionnaire about her kinks, and finds herself matched up with a random male partner (or partners). Both are blindfolded, to ensure no initial biases and are left to explore their fantasies, all kinks matched before even meeting to avoid awkward interactions. You are only allowed to take off the blindfold at the end of the first session, and after that you can pick your partner yourself, by inviting them to one of the themed rooms to ‘play’. The more interactions held or members involved, the more points earned.

Can she keep her cool and avoid being found out as a high school girl, or will she be found out as not an adult by the other members? Will she meet someone she knows there? It is up for us to decide!


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Life was normal for the short haired teenager, more or less. Her home life wasn’t great, but she had a few good friends and made good grades. Not too popular, but not a loser. Life was alright. Her parents were always strict, however over the last few months they had gotten quite a bit worse... The girl assumed that was because they loved her, but little did she know their reasoning was dark, and her assumption couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Her father was in debt, and as such he had shady men coming to the house all the time pressuring him to pay up. He always found a way to get money in the end though, so she wasn’t too worried... until she was called home early from school on her sixteenth birthday.

It was then that she learned the truth about the reasoning behind her parents overzealous attempts to keep her home and away from boys, especially forbidding her to date them. For a while they had been pressured to make a payment, her father having gone big with his last gambling session and lost it all. Not only that, her father had run out of options. No one was going to bail him out... but the shady men reminded him that he did have one option left.

When their daughter turned 16, she would be taken by the Yakuza to marry one of their high ranking members. Her role in life became that of a child bride. However, her new ‘husband’ cannot touch until she turns 18 as she is still a high schooler. Married on paper, she finds herself in a sexless marriage, and a stepson that is older than her!

How do you find respect in a home as the matriarch when you are younger than your husband’s teenage son? Seeing as her husband is waiting for adulthood to consummate their marriage, he is quite strict with what she is allowed to wear, especially when his son is home. As his son goes to the same school as her, she has to keep her distance to avoid suspicion. Why would she live with someone she had no blood relation with when she was still just a teenager?

What I would like to have happen: Stepson/Young Stepmom obviously, the father could be a secondary element. We will be starting the RP after the wedding. Arriving home after her honeymoon, a few weeks after her sixteenth birthday, our scene will start with her being introduced to the son (YC)

Kinks I would like to include: Dubcon or Noncon, at least in the beginning. Starting off with sex toys and sexual teasing. I don’t want them to have sex immediately. Virginity. Use of sex toys in public (vibrating eggs, stuff like that) Roughness (my character being slammed into a wall, thrown on the bed, just some manhandling.) Lots of sexual and emotional exploration before the act is actually done. My character will be a bit of an unwitting tease in her own right. I do not play bimbo characters.

They do not have to get along, he can hate her and she will likely be a bit bratty given she had no choice in her marriage anyway. I would prefer things to be non-con anyhow, but dubcon is alright. It can eventually become consensual if it begins as Noncon, but I would really like to explore this in non-con if at all possible.

The boy’s father doesn’t have to be involved as a character you play, but it does earn brownie points. I would like to see conventionally attractive boys and would prefer that the stepson be at least 17 years old, but we can tweak my plot to make him an adult if you prefer to play a brother in his twenties.

I would totally be down for a potential threesome between the characters involved once the plot builds and their affair is revealed. Or the father making the son watch him have sex with her. I am down for other suggestions too~

My Face Claim

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The day you welcome a prince or princess into the world should be a joyous one, but not for the Kingdom of Tartaglia. In the nursing wing, the Queen has been slain and the King’s only child stolen before he has even had the chance to lay eyes on his only daughter.
A manhunt ensues, the captor eventually captured and tortured until they give up the location of the child. A newborn girl is found, but can anything in this world truly be wrapped up so neatly?

Years go by, and the king never questions it, he cannot. Without a wife, or heir, the child is all that he has. The only thing left that kept him from truly sinking into despair. He never sought another wife, instead, the once gentle king buried himself in the war room. Revenge is what he wanted, more than anything.

Sixteen years of research led him to the realization that a neighboring Kingdom, Eulia, was to blame for his daughter’s abduction and the murder of his loving wife. He wished to steal from them exactly what had been stolen from him. The king of the neighboring country also had a daughter, the same age as his own sixteen year old daughter.

Originally the plan was to kill her, but after storming the castle, breaking through the barricades, the king could not bring himself to do it. She had the same eyes as his wife, the only thing his own daughter seem to inherited, but not just that... her hair color matched his own, his wife’s perfectly. He brushed it off to dormant genes, but the girl that stood before him... a spitting image of his wife.

It didn’t immediately register in his mind, it would be preposterous. Who would switch out two royal children? What would be the purpose? And besides, blonde hair and blue eyes was fairly common in both kingdoms... his daughter also favored his late Queen’s sister. To toss aside his daughter on a hunch, one that he had no way of proving would be cruel. So what was he to do? He could not kill the girl, not anymore, but he also could not give in to his own outlandish theories.

Killing her parents instead, the King stole the princess from his newly claimed territory and she became his ward, whether she liked it or not. Little to his surprise, his own daughter was not too thrilled to see the girl, always insecure that she looked like neither him or her mother... but the girl he had taken in, given her resemblance, fit the mould perfectly.

Will he raise her as his ward, or will her resemblance to his late wife, years of an empty bed get to the widower? Neither girl makes his life easy, the daughter he raised for so many years lashing out at his ward with jealousy, complicating everything with her bratty behavior, and his ward glaring at him with such intense hatred for murdering her parents, her food strikes and refusal to leave her chambers on most days... the King surely has found himself in a huge mess this time.

It is obviously an incest plot

stepdaughter/stepfather, possible, but mainly with his true daughter, only finding out much, much later that she is his biological daughter. I would love some non-con, roughness, but I do not want to jump straight into rape, without any storyline. I want character relationships, and

The replacement Daughter Faceclaim

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The biological daughter face claim

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