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Fx Male Project Exodus: Genesis Ark


Mar 18, 2021
Project Exodus is a state of the art space colonization program meant to populate/terraform habitable planets in distant star systems. Ark Genesis is one such 'Seed Ship' currently traveling towards the binary star system Alpha Centauri. Ark Genesis's speed is limited to one-tenth the speed of light over the vast distance of space, making the total travel time 1,000 years to reach its destination. The settlers of Ark Genesis are in a state if cryogenic stasis for the length of the journey, as a means to guarantee they will all see the skies of their new home world. Ark Genesis is overseen by an advanced AI named Eve, whom is in control of the Arks systems. Eve has a legion of maintenance drones and holograms that act as her arms arms and legs on the ship. As a secondary precaution alongside Eve's surveillance, a small group of caretakers (or just two if we want) periodically awaken during the journey to check the ships maintenance, run diagnostic, analyze and research data gathered from space. Our characters are the newly awakened caretakers of the seed ship Ark Genesis that has been traveling from the ruined planet Earth to New Eden.
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