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Fx Male The Darkling and the Sun Summoner


Jun 23, 2017
Ugh, another heroine x villain pairing that I absolutely adore. I'm such a sucker for these.


I finally got a chance to binge "Shadow and Bone" and absolutely loved it! I plan on reading the series, but for the time being my Grisha-verse knowledge comes from the show and various wiki articles. If you are a reader, forgive me any shortcomings on canon.

There are so many 'what-ifs' we can build off of regarding Aleksander and Alina:
-What if Bagrha hadn't convinced Alina to leave?
-What if Aleksander and Alina hadn't been interrupted in the map room?
-What if Alina had been brought to the Little Palace much earlier?

I'm sure we could think up others, although this is a start.

A few matters to mention:
-I'm trying to get on a regular posting schedule, so bear with me!
-I only rp over pm.
-I only rp with those 21+.
-I typically write 1-5+ paragraphs per reply, and can tailor length based on my partner.

Send me a message if you're interested!
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