Mx Female Looking for long-term RP

Aug 5, 2018
Land of corn, USA
Just recently looked at my original request from a few years ago, and saw how lacking it was! I haven't been using a request myself for some time, just perusing the requests of others. But I just recently thought I should at least put some good bait out to see if I get nibbles. So here goes the mediocrity of my request! All subject to change over time when I feel the need to update.

OOC Info
I have been RPing on and off for well over two decades through multiple different facets of RP. I am a horrible jokester that likes to try and find humor in as much as I can when talking with people. And yes, it mostly deals with bad jokes when looked at in hindsight, so apologies in advance that the filter between my brain and the outside world gets clogged and overflowing not long after waking up. I like to become friendly with the person I am going to RP with, though it doesn't mean we have to be best buddies or anything. It means that if I can comfortably talk to you OOC, then we are good! Though I still mostly mean talk about the story, and idle friendly chat. Because I do like to plan things out beforehand quite often, as I found just jumping into a story more often than not leads to our desires for the story's direction ultimately not meeting up.

RP Length
I enjoy in depth RP, though this of course doesn't exclusively mean overly lengthy rambles (but I can be guilty of this.) I will type anywhere from 3-8 paragraphs at times, and it could range from 200-1000+ words. But this doesn't mean I am expecting that in return, it just means I was inspired by my partner to do it. So, I just mean to bring some heat in the RP, make me see the scene with your words. Like I said this doesn't have to be a book report in length. If it moves the story along and entices me to get that reply back as soon as possible, then I will be a happy camper! I am putting this here, as it seems I have intimidated people into the ghost realm by them feeling they have to match me in length for every post. So please do not be discouraged if I type lengthy posts, I would tell you it was a compliment of my interest in the RP! Though I also do my best to match my partner's length and tempo.

I have quite a few kinks that I enjoy, but I will do my best to include everything I enjoy. Though these are some I will go into detail as I feel a lot of people become presumptuous with how often they are used.
Breeding : this is a big one for me, though it does deal with more than just cumming inside of a woman without a condom. I thoroughly enjoy the whole package that comes with the pregnancy/breeding. But it also doesn't have to go through the full process in the RP.
Dom/sub : I enjoy this theme in most of my RPs, though I am normally restricted into being a dom by my own limitations and preferences. But that is merely a title for the type of RP that it doesn't even have to be centered around. It can just describe the general moods of the characters, or merely how they act in the bedroom. I also don't mind in the slightest dom battles, so come clash horns with me! But to me, even a good detailed sub can bring the heat in their RP.
Non-con/dub-con : I enjoy more of the dub con side of this than non con, as even if I do non- con.. it more than likely won't be pure rape. I like the intense situations, the dynamic scenes, the emotional words of some harrowing decisions and/or actions. I promise I will bring a complex plot for these.
Blackmail : This goes along with the dub-con in my eyes, as a mere tool to capture someone's attention. Though most of the scenarios of blackmail won't be without other options. I won't use it most of the time to give no other option. Even if the said blackmail in a RP doesn't make your character succumb, I will definitely roll with it! I'm not one to want to only have a single path for our story.
Exhibitionism : I really enjoy this way of an attempt to force some truth out of a character. To me, it can be simply the risk of being caught.. or purely out in the open flaunting of one's sexuality. And I have found it can be a catalyst to be able to open someone's inhibitions, and let them see how much they shouldn't fear their own desires. Even if it's strangers you'll never see again, letting someone see how kinky you are can be freeing!
Romance : I know this seems strange from how this list started, but I won't run away from any slow burn romantic situation. That can include any of my other kinks as well! But to be forewarned, I am very picky when it comes to partners I write a purely romantic story with. As I will more than likely try to throw twists, conflicts, and such into the mix to keep myself entertained and intrigued. It will more than likely have to be a very rich plot outside of the romance side.
(Those are all the kinks I feel I wanted to explain a bit more at the time, but any of my kinks are open to discussion! So I will plainly list others below.)
Bondage (heavy/light), sexual training, body worship (giving/receiving. I believe this encompasses any body part, and most sexual acts), age-play (in either direction, from virgins to MILFs), toys, interspecies relationships (monsters, fantasy races, etc).
These are merely what's on my mind at the moment, I undoubtedly have more to be brought to my attention. I am happy to discuss any kink you might want to bring!

Preferences in story
Fantasy, sci-fi, historical, and post-apocalyptic. I rarely will do a modern slice of life roleplay, as it mostly entails things I can do or have done in my life. But I will do them when I like a certain plot, or if I really vibe with the RP partner. But I like those dynamic and fantastical escapes, as I found I lose interest in a mere "young love" story without anything else happening in the story. But other than that, I enjoy any and all genres of RP that incorporate high to low fantasy elements. We can brainstorm any and all types of a story you might want to do! I normally don't like to have a list of preset plots, so that I can figure one out for the benefit of both me and a potential writing partner. I can type up a plot/character and throw it at my partner pretty quickly. And it can be tweaked, shifted, or altogether scrapped without much care from me! Throw magic, strange beings... an altogether estranged world at me at any time!

Writing Samples
(these are three samples that I merely have at hand from very recent postings, to give an idea of what I like to bring to a story of multiple types)
Those keen eyes of his immediately spotted her, the elven mage oozing prowess within her shining attire and lethal weapon. Fighting so formidably, that he could not help but instantly feel a bit of respect for her. It could be the gold she adorned that his kind always had a soft spot, the weapon of star metal that only a fool smith would balk at. But he just easily tamped such thoughts behind with a simple overriding one, "If only she wasn't flinging magic."

But her hopes were soon to be found true as he raised his axe high above his head and a deep bellow ripped from his mouth. Born of deep and powerful lungs, his war cry was meant to be heard all the way to the heavens in his mind. And his feet sped up, only to be matched just as swiftly with the warriors tailing not far behind him as they rushed that warband of greenskins attacking the elven formation. Two triple barreled cannons on wagon wheels were the last to crest the hill behind them, quickly setting their weight down as they readied shots.

His steps veered himself towards the woman he knew had to be the leader of this contingent of elves from her show of execution of both relayed commands, and greenskin hide splitting before her. Those cannons shook the ground beneath everyone's feet, even through the heavy tramping feet of the dwarves. The best Eight Peaks had ever gifted any single dwarf, and they proved themselves as the twin sets of triple shot balls ripped the back flank of the orc infantry like boulders rolling through wheat. Smashing those they touched like wet parchment and exploding to send large pockets of greenskins aside.

All of it happening right before the heavy crunch of the dwarven meeting unsuspecting orcs. Though the first before him were quickly cut down with the surprise flank, the greenskins at the back began to turn towards their new foes of this battlefield.

His axe hummed with pleasure as greenskin blood washed over the bright blue runes of the axe, spitting small trails of smoke with the contact. And each stroke of his axe only brought a fresh coat. Catching a crude axe on the hilt, as he would bring the blade over his shoulder to cut the savage from collarbone to opposite hip. He looked like a well oiled machine with how mechanically he cut through the lines of orcs as if cutting his way through overgrowth. And His dwarves followed close behind him, as they were soon splitting that largest block of orc infantry in two. Pressing them backwards to each side of the path as they made there way towards the elves. While the dwarves behind kept lapping wolf riders at bay, shoddy thick arrows pinging off their shield as the cannons began to loose more explosions around the swift riders to attempt to take the ground from under their feet.

And before the graceful warrior mage she was, a large and dark pine green caught his large axe into the side of its head. Falling forward into the ground heavily at her feet, and he was already walking unto and over the orc to yank his axe free. As both of their companies of warriors began to form a sort of new formation line together, yet slightly separate. Where they stood no fighting now remained, only those irritated looking dwarven blue eyes glaring at her. His deep tone grating out towards her through his helm.

"A bit far from home lass! Why have I not received word of you coming?"
He felt his hands shake a bit as he stared through the cockpit viewing windows, the anxiety over the entire thing hitting him once again. He hated having to scrap off the desolation of another race of people, even though it was about the only way to get him closer to what he loved most in his pitiful life. That love of building machines, making them hum to life underneath his hands. Although, his ship had barely been called "alive and vibrant" by anyone else, more like some form of undeath reanimated. And yet even still, he felt pride every time he had managed through ingenuity to make things his own.

And normally he would wait through an entire battle, scavenging what he could of the aftermath of destruction to salvage workable parts. He had a feeling though that most of this society would have an example made of them by their exemplary effort to beat back The Federation. And he just could not allow these works of engineering art go to waste. Thus the shaking his hands continued for a few moments before his fingers gripped a bit tighter, "C'mon Gaius! Don't be a pussy! This could be THE SCORE!"

And that slight pep talk was all he needed to hear for him to push those thrusters back to full life, and he went "downward." Though actual direction in space was a relative term, he was moving below the main collision of forces outside of the planet. He knew he would not truly be given a second glance at how busy everyone was, that his rock "camouflaged" ship would not be truly targeted on radar. But he also knew his ship wouldn't handle the extra weight of entry through the planet's atmosphere with those large chunks of rock attached to it.
When he reached a good portion of distance from the fleet ships, he angled back towards the planet. Turning about and around until the bottom of his ship faced that planet's surface as he began to near an angled approach at the atmosphere below. And just as he pushed the first button, it's light within it going away as it opened and shut enough to release that moon chunk. And just then his entire ship rocked to the side as he heard a muffled blast at his ship, and it's nose began to dip forward as one of the buttons went from white to red immediately. He knew he had been struck and lost one of the claws, flipping his screen down before him as a blip showed someone had actually gathered interest in him and his ship. But he couldn't help but chuckle a bit after the initial tension built, and he pushed the other two buttons as the ship fixed a trajectory behind him.

And sure enough, the foolish ship now had four large chunks of the moon careening in lopsided spins in front of it as the gravity of the planet grabbed them. Now he had better control of his ship, and dove downward before yanking back up as he felt the unmistakable jarring tremors as the friction built on his bottom hull. He watched his radar as the ship began to dodge the rocks, and then light blue blip on the screen behind him disappeared near one of the large white blips behind him. He didn't care enough at the moment to even check if it was merely clipped and lost engine power, or had fully exploded into the surface of one. He was now free through the atmosphere. Perhaps it was fate, a strange coincidence.. or sheer luck that he saw the black smoke rising up from the surface of the planet. And it seemed to off on it's own, a crashed ship from the planet!

He immediately turned towards it, quickly flipped his screen up and pushing a few buttons as the ship stabilized a few hundred meters above the ground and began to hover. He hopped from his chair and ran through the door of the cockpit, hopping unto a steel ladder as he slid down it swiftly. Going through an opening to land into a cramped chair, a few buttons and levers maneuvered and he was sealed within as a gate opened from the center in front of him. His small tug boat, as he affectionately called it, immediately screamed from the opening and dropping downward as he dove towards the ship. He had made it so far! But the excitement would not be over just yet!

The smaller skiff of a ship slowed just next to the still smoking carcass of the ship, the entire window in front of him raised up and he hopped out and unto the ground, slowly walking up towards it with his eyes purely focused on the "prize" before him. As elation slowly shifted into anguish as he saw it had indeed blown up... after being struck by the enemy.

"Damn it! There better be SOMETHING here worthwhile!"
His footsteps echoed down the hallway, those crisp leather soled sounds. Steps of a swift, yet measured walk that came with a bit of high self-esteem. He needed to walk the part, dress the part, and act the part... even if he wasn't quite a "part" of that life yet. He was walking down the long hallway to his boss's office, striding with that same confidence all the way up to his secretary's desk. Straightening his jacket and clearing his throat more to himself than her as he saw her on the phone. The busy woman looked up at him while holding the phone between her ear and shoulder, not hiding the slight bit of annoyance at his presence. "Ah.. um, I was told I was needed?" He spoke out in a normal tone, but she just nodded in return. Waving her hand from him towards the door, and so he gave a quick nod and turned. He walked up to those large oak double doors and grasped a handle, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath and steadied himself. Then opened the door as normal as he could before he stepped in.

He blinked quickly as he saw that his boss wasn't at his chair, but was answered soon enough as the man walked to his large black leather chair from the side corner of his office. "Ah Todd my boy! Glad you're here!" This made the man young smile wide across his face as he gave a nod to him, "Always happy to help. What can I do for you sir?" Of course he had his hopes it was something important, closing the door behind him as he then walked up to one of the two smaller leather chairs opposite of his boss. He quickly took a seat as he brought up his left leg to lay on his right knee. His hand holding midway down his shin as he looked on expectantly.

The man looked at him for a moment in silence and with a small smirk, as if he could read Todd's mind. Or at least that's how the stare felt to him, but perhaps he could merely see the hunger in the youth's eyes? All this ran through his mind just before he pulled open his desk drawer and pulled out a thick stack of papers, two folders there looking like a book altogether when next to each other. "This is the next Thompson deal we've set up, of you've heard of it. I need you to proofread it for typos or missed decimal points.. that type of thing. Make sure we have our I's dotted and T's crossed if you know what I mean." The important man said with a wink and smile as he leaned forward to place them on the other side of his desk.

Todd was nodding as he spoke, but inside he was groaning quite loud. Of course he knew the Thompson account! It was the one he wished he could've helped broker the deal. But here he was doing clerical intern work. And that was the truth of matter... for all the acting he tried to do, he was still a nobody in the company. He was still on one of those bottom rungs of the ladder, with so much height to climb yet. But still none of this played on his face, his "poker face" was magnificently stoic. Even as his ego was deflated once again by his boss... as he had come to find that plenty of people had his same degree. And if he ever wished to step up to the big leagues, he had put in the hard work and play ball. He put his foot back down as he leaned forward and took both of the folders up in his hands and tucked them against his side with a quick, "Right away sir" as he was already walking for the door. But then he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw her, sitting in one of the chairs off to the side of the large office. And he couldn't stop his eyes from moving up and down her form, drinking in every detail he could ravenously. Like a man in a desert looking at a glass of ice water... like a blind man seeing a beautiful painting for the first time. His boss saw him stop walking, quickly chiming in with.. "Oh, haven't you met my daughter before?"
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