A Monster's Musings. Craving Demonic Lords.

A Monster

Jun 29, 2018
The Tower.
Hello, I am A Monster, but you can use whatever nickname you'd like for me, I don't mind!

I have been kicking around Bluemoon RP for awhile, and have roleplayed non erotically since my early teens. I like to think of myself as a literate roleplayer, while the nitty gritty of grammar I likely will mess up now and again, I can hit 3-5 paragraphs should the roleplay allow it in terms of interest and having enough to talk about in that post. So it can vary from less, to much, much more if it is in a GM sort of capacity. I do not always expect the same in response, but if you are consistently only giving me a fraction of what I give you, my interest may drop off. I usually reply every few days through the weekdays, but speed up on the days that I have off. My other roleplays are going slow, or if my interest is high. It is rare I go over a week without saying something though, so I will try to notify you if it is the case. I sometimes just get busy, or have a lot of rps to go through.

My interests tend to steer to a 50/50 mix of plot and smut, as having a sexually tense or charged scene is just as interesting, if not more so, than just outright intercourse. I also write here to explore my tastes for worldbuilding and creative writing as much as I am here for smut, so instant points for being the kind of person we can have just as much OOC discussion about the rp as we can have content actually in the rp. The plots I give below will reflect this, almost as much of a prompt as they are of an idea of my own.

When it comes to smut, as one can see on my F-List, I tend to the more darker sides of it. A part of it is just due to attraction, another though is due to the conflict in of itself. I enjoy conflict and tension in my stories, and this extends to the sexual sides just as much.

Below I will list a few ideas, not only plot wise, but also giving some thoughts on the different ways we could do them. I am not looking to do the same idea with several people with little to no changes, so I have attempted to write these in a way in which we can start with brainstorming them. I do not want to have people asking me if I would like to rp and if one is open or not - I greatly enjoy coming up with a unique twist to each of them to match up not only with my partner's kinks but also their tastes on the general mood and feel for the setting. Please do not feel shy at pitching your own take on my idea, as long as it is remotely in theme. Don't feel shy to infodump small novellas about your ideas, that is much more preferred than tentative questions about an idea, while I also do not mind answering them and clarifying.

Here is my F-List, going more in depth about my tastes. Although I will talk more about my exact desires for a plot in each one. Thank you for reading so far, and I hope I can catch your interest!

And before I forget, for all of these, I am open to playing either role.
*s mean the current level of craving.

An Angel Chained. ***** [Updated!]
A war between Heaven and Hell rages across all eternity and over the spiritual realms, the tides of battle ebbing and flowing back and forth with no true end in sight. In this endless war, there is a newcomer. A newly formed angel who stands in the highest caliber, specializing in battle and hopes to do the impossible and end the war once and for all. A general, a warrior, and more, she is responsible for the most recent flood of light over Hell.

Of course, things ebb and flow for a reason. Hell is not new to champions of the light, and even she will die or burn out in time. But she is slowly becoming too powerful for comfort. For the first time ever, the spark of hope in the angels and the spark of fear in the demons is ignited as whispers say that she might do the impossible. And help Heaven actually win.

So, of course, Hell seeks to take her and her power all for itself. Plans are made to take her, and not only rob Heaven of a warrior, but for her power to be a boon for the forces of Hell.

Just how so is up for discussion, as well as the worldbuilding of Heaven and Hell. Will a council of the Seven Sins seek to enforce blissful torture upon her? Will Lucifer make her his bride? Will the unending hordes of Chaos ravish her without mercy? Will her fate be to become a general of Hell, or just another victim in its pits? Is she even in the right in the first place, or are her eyes to be opened on the greater crimes of Heaven, until she willingly accepts her role?

The setting and what type of Heaven and Hell are things I would greatly like to discuss and brainstorm over together, but here are themes I would like to include.

Corruption - Infected by Sin in whichever way we decide, until the angel is a servant of Hell. Be it as a sex object, or a corrup ted general. This RP would ideally slowly slide from Non-Con into Dub-Con into full Consensual as she is warped in whichever way we settle on, be it from mind breaking, to good old stockholm syndrome, or a genuine change of heart.

Orientation Play - Regardless of the overall themes and little details, this is a story about a goodie two shoes being broken in, for better or for worse. Be it a divine mandate, rule in the angelic military, or simple personal preference, she will not wish to sleep with other women, or personally find But will be forced to, and eventually forced to like it all the same. Can also be done with a less religious bent and have her be a lesbian just as well.

Losing Faith - Her people will not be able to save her, and any attempts will only backfire and likely worsen the situation in some manner. She will hold out hope, but will eventually begin to break under her captors in one way or another. It may take weeks, month, or even years, for indeed that struggle is a part of what makes these things so alluring, but it will start to sink in all the same.

Bondage - The name has to be relevant somehow! Let's make her martial prowess useless, and reduce her to a bird in a cage. The heavier and more creative, the better!

Optional Themes!
Good Demons, Evil Angels - We could play it straight and have the hordes of demons be evil and abusing this poor girl, but I am a personal sucker for it being subverted. The Angels being evil, their God or Angel King or whatever is their ruling class being tyrants, and Demons beings of freedom and humanity. Of course they can't be too good due to what they would do to the poor Angel in question, but to keep this entirely intact we could add some war crimes or serious brainwashing to her to make it clash less with the plot of the RP.

Incest - While familial relations between the demons are more than welcome, the focus I have in mind is on the Angel, and a sister. Be it she is doing this to buy the safety of her less combat oriented sister, or is simply captured alongside her warrior twin, doubling up on the Angels and forcing them upon the other is an appealing concept to me.

Taken From Hell. *
The Helltaker has come back from the reaches of the underworld, not only that but also shattering the prison that is the Abyss, releasing yet another ancient evil on the unsuspecting world. But the leaders of Hell are simply content to live a rather domestic life with him, although one that differs greatly from the typical 'domestic' lifestyle.
But this is just the start, as the natural order of things have been broken and thrown out of balance. Angels watch the events unfolding like hawks, Hell is leaderless - but not for long, strange and terrible things lurk in the forests, and the small town The Helltaker lives in is slowly becoming a supernatural hotspot. More than it already was beforehand, that is.

Just what horrors and cosmic forces crawl out of the woodwork is up to us - as well as how easily they will be added into the every growing, wholesome polycule that The Helltaker is growing.

This is half slice of life, a rarity for me, and half supernatural thriller. Imagine The Magnus Archives, or Gravity Falls. Secrets are behind every corner, dark forces are arising, and the horror will only be matched with how delicious these pancakes are. These are some core concepts.

Monster of the Week - There are monsters, demons, angels, manifestations of conciousnesses, ghosts, elder gods, cryptids, and more in sleepy rural Washington State town of Stonewater. Some have always been there, some are drawn to the supernatural events taking place like moths to a flame. Some are easy to win over, some might be walking disasters putting the whole town - or more - at stake.

Wholesome Polycule - The Helltaker is not just collecting a harem, he is hanging out with women he truly loves, and not only accepting of this, the girls are all on board as it is as much of their harem as it is his. The complex web of relationships might range from more platonic, to best friends, to true lovers. This is where the slice of life will come in, roleplaying a whole group of happy demon girls and more.

Mystery - There are only so many ways to just flirt out of your problems, namely sometimes those problems are hard to find in the first place. To contrast with the overwhelmingly sweet and wholesome home life, there should be elements of horror as grand forces take interest. And put their own plans into motion to be uncovered.

Optional Themes!
Exploration - Depends entirely on who is playing what and if this is an element the other rper would even like, but I would not mind at all making a whole small town to explore and find things in. Would tie in with the mystery element a lot, but make it an almost 'open world' sort of rp.

Monstergirls - I am a sucker for them. I quite like the look of the demons as they are, but the more along the lines of Cerberus and the like I would enjoy, and would give bigger room to flex creative muscles when it comes to character designs.

The Battle of Wills.
This one is by far the most open ended, but also the only plot so far to include my biggest kink, mind control. This one is more geared to a GM/Player relationship as well, but may only be able to mesh with people who also enjoy the kink due to it being such a core concept.

Plot wise, it is simple. For one reason or another, perhaps a god bestowing powers upon mere mortals so it can sit back and watch the fireworks, a small amount of people across an area gain mind control powers. The setting and scale are entirely up in the air, although I would like to at least keep it to a city size at the least. This would be dealing with the different kinds of hypnosis and their tropes, these few people given some warning on what they have, and that they are not alone. And the message to take control before their wills are stolen instead.

Hypnosis is of course a main concept, along with the many different takes on it. Be it sci-fi, modern, fantasy, the plot should remain the same as the Player struggles with their new powers and nurtures them on whoever they can.

Skill Tree - Just what kind of powers the Player would have we can discuss. Be it each different kind of method being its own tree, or the character just having one and dealing with the different ways to apply it. In order to stand a chance against the rival mind controllers, your power must be practiced on people, one way or another.

Open World - This would be very open ended, not only in setting and tone, but also just due to the fact that each rival hypnotist is in the same situation. They will be taking actions as well, and it is up to the Player to find them before they are found first. Not to mention ways one may try to abuse their powers, and the impact on the world it may have.

Harem - Each Player will have a backstory and crafted life. Be it schoolmates at a high school, rival salvagers in a post apoc setting, or random citizens taken off of the streets of high fantasy or dark and gritty sci-fi. Powers need to be practiced somehow, right?

Optional Themes!

Morals & Character Growth - These people are by all means, entirely normal. While I would be open to ideas of people with already loose moral standing getting these powers, these are for the most part just random people. Bonus points if they have had a hypnokink fetish beforehand, but reflecting on what that kind of power may do to someone and how an average person uses it might be fun.

Monster Girl Quest: Yuri! ****
Why is it that only men seem to be having all the fun when women are just as capable of setting out to defeat the Monster Lord, lose and get fucked, learn important lessons along the way, get amazing friends and hit by a plot that seems far too good for an H-Game? The answer of course is that Luka just so happens to be guy, but what if he weren't, or what if we followed another journey in this amazing setting? Probably a human, but maybe a Monster or even an Angel, but in any case it would need to mirror the games themselves, lewd, clever, plot/character heavy, and plenty of bad ends but the rest is so good you tend to forget that. While all of these are build for some level of plotting and building together, this one far more so, just due to how open this is.

Please be ready to discuss and plot this out with me, and of course, be at least a passing fan of the games!

Adventure - It is a Quest, after all! To defeat the Monster Lord, or Illas after, or instead something else we make up within the world, all sound just as feasible for me. Exploration and progression can be discussed in length!

Character and Plot - The games also have a great sense of humor, and are simply well written. Be it we do canon characters or come up with something of our own as an AU or different point in the timeline or place. I greatly enjoyed the characters and plot of the games, so I would very much like to work on it being just as fun to do non lewds as doing lewds are for it.

Bad Ends - Of course, this is what happens when one loses to Monster Girls! Enslavement and ruination are hallmarks of MGQ, and so both them and Evaluations, with their rewinding should be expected. But not the main point!

Optional Themes!

Vore / Snuff - While not something vital to the experience, it would be interesting to explore rping the more extreme outcomes of being captured. These can be skipped over entirely of course, and would be carefully done regardless.

Expect more plots soon, and for the older ones to be updated further.
And please do brainstorm in my PMs, catch my interest with your own ideas and spin on it! Do not just give be a one or two liner about asking to rp.
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